>Race mixing is ba-
Race mixing is ba-
her face is too big
The scenes of her having sex with that disgusting white male triggered me so hard that I had to skip a few minutes past them.
2 right pics look like prime Hally Berry
What is this horrible actress mixed with?
As always. She'd look better with 2 white parents. This is indisputable fact.
that ponytail style is pretty sexy on her. She's beautiful all around. Ass seemed pretty good in that one scene too.
Shit and crap.
She wouldn't be delicious brown or have that hair texture then. No thanks.
monkeys with typewriters can occasionally write entire words, it doesn't mean we should encourage monkeys to become typists - nor should an occasional decent-looking mulatto encourage people to racemix
She played a Pajeet? Is she a Pajeet? If not why did HW use a non Pajeet?
-sically acceptable if the children look white
Meh, to each their own. Olive skin grosses me out.
Her mom's Polish and her dad's from Kenya so probably Indian. A lot of well-off Indians were/are living in Kenya
what the actual fuck are you babbling you illiterate cunt
Of course race mixing isn't bad. everybody in academia knows this.
Try reading my post again, You illiterate cunt.
>more attractive
In specific situations I can agree with that. For example, black/white mixed people are typically more attractive than pure black people.
What a terrible fucking analogy.
I'm going to go ahead and dispute that.
butthurt monkey typist detected
She Dinah Madani, an American of Iranian descent.
There's nothing more cucked than racemixing
they certainly aren't more healthy mentally lmao
and regular whites are 1000000% more attractive
mixed race people are a psychotic meme
The individual will be genetically healthier (as in less likely to have mutated/deficient genes) for one generation, but that's all, and it also slows evolution for the population as a whole because beneficial mutations are drowned out just like deficient ones are.
found the soyboy in the thread
>>Race mixing is ba-
Fuck you're dumb
>tiny penis
>uses it to fuck trannies
Yes, race mixing is bad.
Good argument
what you wrote is literally unintelligible
Better than yours Cletus.
Another great argument by you, wow
Are you saying you're illiterate?
No he's saying you are. Try and keep up.
What's wrong with monkeys becoming typists? Is this post being ironic?
That seems a bit ironic since "he" can't read this post That would make him most likely illiterate, sadly.
Do you think monkeys are good typists?
we established that you need to finish middle school before you start posting here
Asian and white is alright
White and brown, cool it down
White and black, you're on the wrong track
I appreciate the argument that theoretically a monkey could write words on a typewriter but I am yet to see it actually happen.
Counter point: If you locked a pack of monkeys in a room full of typewriters, you would eventually have a room full of dead monkeys and broken typewriters.
More to your point, though, mixed race girls are very pretty.
>Race mixing is ba-
cringey ass white boy
>White and black, you're on the wrong track
wouldn't mind goin down her wrong track