>Has made $145.4 million more than The Dark World
>Should end up with about $860 million
Thor: Ragnarok reaches $790 million worldwide
too bad we will never get an actually good Thor movie. I guess its just as well to make a kids comedy as they fucked up twice before
>too bad we will never get an actually good Thor movie.
I suppose having a better movie is better than not, but I don't think it's "too bad" because it doesn't matter. It's capeshit based on worthless material made for children
Thor Ragnarok may make more money than JUSTice League
All but certain of that.
*breathes in tbqh*
>too bad we will never get an actually good Thor movie.
All 3 Thor movies have been kino
this last one was great, so we got a good thor movie. if you mean you didn't get the thor movie you specifically wanted to see, a more Norse myth and less marvel Asgard.
well i think we definitely still could in the future. they proven that thor can make them money. marvel is probably thinking of retiring their original avengers after infinity war, maybe one more movie with hemsworth. maybe in a few years we can get a different version of thor with new actors, maybe even a younger thor on Asgard. idk why you think it's all over considering it was a success.
I see what u did there
it might have been a good comedy but it wasn't a good Thor movie
1 and 2 were shit anyway. So a good comedy is better than nothing
Thor 3 will beat JL and BVS
>popcorn brainless Transformers/Fast&Furious tier reaches almost 1bn world wide
in other news water is wet and the sky is shockingly blue.
What do you think of it as a Planet Hulk movie?
If you had told me 10 years ago that Thor 3 would be a better movie than Justice League, I would have laughed at you
Now I'm laughing with you
Are you trying to say that financial success with a well known franchise is now the plebeian thing to do?
>marvel is probably thinking of retiring their original avengers
Cap, Hulk, Blacked widow, will still have contracts
Also Starlord, Antman, Scarlet wich, winter soldier will definitely be in future movies.
I don't know why, 10 years ago WB was still doing the "we need to make everything super gritty and badass like batman" with no signs of stopping.
This is the meme timeline, where anything is possible
I'm really enjoyed it, so did all my mates, thinking about seeing it again on my next tinder date.
Best scene is Korg kicking the ghost.
imagine being around this guy having to match his fake enthusiasm for stupid shit like micro brew
People talk about superheroes ending their contracts after a while, but why should that model carry over into an extended universe franchise? Wouldn't it be worthwhile, 10 years from now, to pay RDJ half a million for a cameo scene in Ant Man 3 that establishes continuity and prevents the feeling of jumping ship that often seems to dog TV franchises toward the end of their lives?
Same for a B plot where Cap is the grizzled mentor to a new hero, maybe even one that takes on his mantle? The whole "contract" thing seems to be an outdated concept so far as MCU is concerned
>two minutes of actual arena fights
>no Betaray Bill
>as a Planet Hulk movie
>yfw you haven't paid to see a movie in years
>obedience shocker disks are a major plot point
>Grandmaster is a funny replacement for Red King
>Thor coming in as a gladiator disrupts what could have been a similar timeline to the comics, especially if the ship Hulk arrived in had a self destruct mechanism
>based cap still gonna be there
maybe this franchise can be somewhat redeemed after they lose rdj
Did RDJ say he's leaving after IW2?
pretty sure his contract is up. Either way he's pulling more than the gdp of a latin american dictatorship with every movie, this is unsustainable.
You are a dumb fuck
>spaceship full of survivors from a world destroyed by a huge monster
>he's essentially the strongest and protector of his people
>need a new world to settle in
>strong as fuck not needing a hammer to boot
So Thor is now also Beta Ray Bill?
But don't they earn that money back and then some? RDJ is the biggest draw.
Kill yourself soyboy, you clearly don't understand how things work in the real world or you wouldn't be yapping at the adults in the room
Cap will probably be killed off and replaced with Bucky. Black Window needs to be eliminated. Scarlet Witch is far more useful, and costs less money - she also has a better actress. Hulk can be played by anybody, but I don't think Ruffalo costs a lot and he's a pretty good nebbish version of Banner.
Starlord is definitely going to be killed off. Gunn said that GoTG3 is the last one with the current lineup as it is. Bradley Cooper probably costs a fortune for his lackluster VA work, and Rocket is a meme character anyway. Starlord's replacement is already being set up in two ways - Captain Marvel and Adam Warlock. Both of which have run the Guardians at different times and have been on the team at the same time before. Nebula will die and be replaced by Moondragon, and if Quill dies then Saldana's character goes too. No way would she stick around post-Thanos and post-Quill. Groot might stay, but perhaps not.
Also, I should mention that "dying" doesn't necessarily need to be the outcome here. It's very likely at least a few of these characters will just ride off into the sunset, or go and retire on some far off paradise.
>the account is suspended
It got my $9 a few hours ago. Pretty good. Liked it more than the previous Thors and both GotG, though Thor1 had better acting. Some of the humour of was OOC and out of place. Loki always welcome on screen. Needed more based Hela.
RDJ's contract was renegotiated. He will do the work for just a small percentage of the BO now, as that unironically means he gets less money. You are right though, at one point he was going to be pulling down 100m per film after his upfront fee and the backend deal he had as well. I think he renegotiated for less because it's a really easy gig, and he has more money than God.
Mantis will almost definitely join the team.
Spin off starting Sylvester Stallone and alien buddies stealing shit?
>Needed more based Hela.
soy alert!
Agreed. Thor has received a complete character makeover. I tend to accept it because comic book characters get different treatments in the hands of different writers anyway
Depends. If Drax lives, I could see her going with him after his inner conflict concerning his wife is resolved. However, if the IW spoilers are correct and Drax dies then I can see her sticking around for at least a little while. Her power is interesting, but it's based around similar plot contrivances happening in every movie at least once. She isn't a physically strong character, a smart character, or good with weapons. This is disadvantageous. It would be interesting to see if she came to the conclusion she was way outside her league and just wanted to do something else. Don't really see that happening a lot in comics.
I think the underappreciated side of this whole calculus is that many if not most of the actors involved really enjoy their roles and feel a personal attachment to them, something that Disney/Marvel has been benevolent enough to encourage. People (meaning actors) walked offset with a lot of the props, including the big A on Stark Tower and the Spoder suit, and no one at the studio cared. Meanwhile Affleck got billed by WB for taking a Batarang as a souvenir...
Thor talking to Hulk in the arena about losing his hammer and not losing his father bothered me
Thor 3 was doomed the moment Taika came out. Remember when they revealed the new logo?
we went from this.
to this.
Id love to know what happened that caused the logo change I remember people were freaking out about it. what was the original vision for Ragnarok.
Is this the new alt-right maymay now that "cuck" has run its course? How many different ways can you guys virtue-signal your fake masculinity?
I would argue that having more characters with non-combat powers can only be a good thing because it forces new avenues of conflict to be developed. I would watch the fuck out of a dark espionage thriller involving Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Mantis, and the Wasp where no actual blows are exchanged and the entire movie consists of sneaking, lying, manipulating, and detective work
You're right. This is something people tend to overlook. There's a reason why Depp still dresses up as Jack Sparrow. These actors really like seeing how kids react to them. I would too. Now... the general populace on the other hand? Probably not. But it's really hard not enjoying being associated with Thor, or Tony Stark, or Captain America. And WB is known for that ridiculous amount of kikery all the way back to the original Batman film and the Nolan movies. Bale wanted to buy the working version of one of the Tumblrs and they told him to fuck off.
>Thor 3 was doomed
But it's a good movie
That logo is still at the start of the film.
I understand your point, but consider the amount of shuffling required to actually make that happen. It's simple in a cartoon or comic, but not in a film where you have to really ask how the fuck who got where.
>Thor 3 was doomed
It's one of the highest rated Marvel flicks.
>t. bugboy
To be frank it was probably more of the same as Dark World. A vaguely articulated, uninspired multiverse, a gloomy and shallow villain or threat, a bevy of lame minor characters, some crappy pseudoscience, and a prophecy which is neither creative nor compelling.
The fact that both of those pieces of crap made hundreds of millions of dollars is bad for all of us tbqh
Are you stupid?
What are you, a Hellboy fan?
I want to mention something to you as well. Whatever was planned (Whedon's retarded nightmare scenario) would never have been as good as when it happened in the Ultimates. That issue is iconic and no one would have had the balls to make it like that, nor could it have been given the lack of rights for the characters involved. Before the film came out I was REEE'ing pretty hard in most Thor threads about black Valkyrie, and Asgard just being destroyed and no one giving a shit. However, I was delightfully surprised. Asgard being on Earth (kinda) is a thing in the comics. Asgard being a people and not a place is also sometimes a thing. Thor being a delightful fish out of water in the way he is in 1610 was nice as well, considering that this is sorta supposed to be the 1610 universe at least as far as some characters go (Tony, Fury, Hawkeye, etc.), the aesthetic was KIRBY AS FUARK. It's probably the most Jack Kirby Marvel movie by a lot and I really fucking loved that. The music was fucking fantastic, it actually helped the film out for once.
i-its not fair DC bros, it was supposed to be our time in the sun
>Was doomed
>Massive success both critically and financially
>Will beat DCEU's flagship movie on almost half the budget
Uh, duh?
nostalgia and reddit humor sells.
>I remember people were freaking out about it
You really should get outside more.
Justice League isn't near a billion dollars.
his contract ends in the next avengers film. In case you haven't been paying attention, they have been hinting since Civil War for Bucky to become the new captain America.
>Also Starlord
Starlord's contract ends in Guardians 3. He is probably getting killed by Adam Warlock, and being replaced by Captain Marvel.
Bucky would be a terrible replacement because his actor has no charisma argh
Can it please be Falcon if not just nobody at all?
>RDJ is the biggest draw
What world are you living? No one gives a fuck about him. Ant-man, Hemmsworth, Evans, Chris Patt are all more liked than him by the audience.
This isn't 2009 anymore dude.
>Captain Marvel
>which means Moondragon
>which means space lesbians with fucking shitty attitudes, who both unironically hate men (this isn't even a meme).
Just kill me now, bros.
I still enjoy Tony Stark being an asshole. Even the Point Break joke was funny and that was just indirectly RDJ.
Fuck off I like Falcon being Falcon, he is cool.
Captain Marvel is inevitable my friend. We are in for a ride.
I know she is, but if they keep her on earth MAYBE just MAYBE they won't make her into a dyke. But if they replace Quill with her, she's gonna be a fucking dyke. And not even a good one. Just a man hating bitch who is with an equally shitty partner. I am gonna laugh if they go this route, just to see how a bunch of people just don't go see the movies anymore because of how fucking shitty she is as a person.
>Can it please be Falcon if not just nobody at all?
Falcon becoming Cap in the comics was probably testing the waters for that
But movie/comic Falcon aren't the same thing and the comic one becoming Cap turned out bad.
Isn't Captain Marvel the bitch that got raped by an alien and had a child?
Both options are on the table. It makes more sense for it to be Bucky, but the opportunity for Falcon to become Cap is also there. I really don't want either to happen though, despite my gut telling me one is going to be what they go with.
That's a lot of them, but yes, Carol was raped and gave birth.
But Justice League costed more...
Based then. Will that storyline happen?
>It was decided early on that Ms. Marvel, who was at the time a fully fledged member of The Avengers under Michelinie’s direction, would become pregnant and have a baby. After discarding a few ideas as to who the father of the baby would be and under what circumstances Ms. Marvel would be come pregnant, Shooter finally decided on a storyline which he considered worthy of The Avengers #200.
>Ms. Marvel would be raped, and Ms. Marvel would like it.
>The Avengers #200 starts off with Ms. Marvel mysteriously coming to the last phases of pregnancy after a mere three days. After being delivered by her fellow Avengers to Thor’s medically trained alter-ego Dr. Donald Blake, Ms. Marvel immediately goes into labour and effortlessly gives birth to a baby boy.
>At this point Ms. Marvel is exhausted, confused and distraught from her unexpected ordeal, exclaiming that she’d “been used” and that the child “wasn’t my baby”, asking to be left alone from her bemused Avenger buddies. The child, however, grows at an extremely rapid rate and is soon a fully grown adult man who instantly falls in love with his own mother. It is at this point that The Avengers #200 goes from being slightly peculiar to downright twisted.
>The newly born man, who refers to himself as Marcus, reveals the story of his origin to revolve around long-time Avengers enemy Immortus, who was trapped within the alternate reality known as Limbo. At some point during his existence in Limbo, Immortus decided he needed to find a “mate” in order to produce a descendant. After building a dimensional rift between Limbo and our reality, Immortus plucked a woman from Earth who coincidentally looked like Carol Danvers a.k.a Ms. Marvel, manipulated her mind with his highly advanced thought control machines and impregnated her.
I had forgotten this story ended with Marvel's son raping her as well.
she got raped by a future version OF her child, which resulted in her giving birth to him
while the avengers cheered him on
no I'm not kidding
No. Carol is a dyke, and this is the same studio that is foisting the insecurities and general racism of Wakanda onto white people.
Marvel wins again
what the fuck? source? or something? wtf.
Good on em, this movie made Thor my favorite hero by a wide margin
Avengers issue #200
It's pretty infamous
this is why comic book fanboys opinions are irrelevant. what the actual fuck is this shit?
Niggers, he is implying they are competing closely for the bigger box office. Even if JL earns more, it's still a shame for DC.
Remember it's Justice Fucking League against Thor.
It's like The Avengers would go against a Green Lantern movie.
Dude, Winter soldier or fucking dr strange may make more world wide than JL.
And we're "implying" that it's not only a possibility, but a certainty, making it even more pathetic for JL.
who cares, it's your run of the mill mcu movie that makes 800+ NEXT
That is the failing of Marvel-style writing. It's something no one does anymore. Basically the script would be a log-line, and then the artist would draw shit based off the abstract they had been given. After they drew it, the writer would look at the pages and put dialogue where the could and call it a day. This was the brainchild of Stan Lee.
It deserves it. It wasn't brilliant, but it was the first time I didn't want to kill myself after watching a Marvel movie since the first Avengers movie.