Female Lord of the Flies in development at WB

>EXCLUSIVE: Scott McGehee & David Siegel have made a deal at Warner Bros to write and direct a new version of Lord Of The Flies, based on the iconic William Golding novel. They plan to be faithful to the novel with one major twist: the young students stranded on a remote island who descend into a savage social order will be girls.


Will it be kino?

Which girls would you cast in it?

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I remember when this was first announced and people were bitching for a bit then we all started brainstorming on how it could actually be good and show how vicious girls could be. The movie will probably be shit but at least I had fun talking about what could have been

No. They already ruined the story by Americanising it in the 70s. The black and white version is kino. This will be more rubbish.

>ignoring how everyone got salty over fembusters

Yes! This pleases me!

I'm actually looking forward to it. Feminists are already bitching about how the book is about "Toxic masculinity" or whatever. They're just mad that in order to please fans of the book, women won't be portrayed as flawless Mary Sues.


My buddy asked his gf what she thought and she said its dumb cause the women would work together. We all know of course this is bullshit and the movie will undoubtedly NOT portray this outcome. Feminists will be booty bothered

t. soyboy

god damn this is the perfect project for Millie.

You're making me look forward to it, user.

How old will they make the girls will probably determine Sup Forums's reaction.

i'll never get a modern adaptation that acknowledges Jack and Ralph's homolust for each other. feels bad.

Growing up with two sisters proved to me, without authority, women will tear each other apart. Notorious feminist cunt Roxanne Gay is already boycotting it.

how can you make a movie about women falling to tribalism, petty differences, rancor, envy and fear, and tearing each other apart AND make it happen in more than 20 minutes?

I’d like to see her play the one who turns evil and kills piggy. She would also be good as the viewpoint character who stays sane.

Dafne could be the sadistic psycho kid who doesnt talk and throws rocks at the others.

>Warner Brothers

If they remain faithful aside from the genderswap like they say they will, there won't be roles for hispanics.

>bunch of lolis turning savage
Muh motherfuckin dick. Thank you, pedowood.

Do you think they could get away with calling a girl Piggy. Or will they have to change it to stop people calling it fatphobic or something?

Cast Millie and Sophie so their fans can see them battle to the death.

The more I think about it, the more I think this will kick ass.

Dafne’s parents are both European. Her mother is a swarthy Spaniard. Dafne has an English accent too, it would be tragic if this film Americanizes the schoolgirls.

>missing the entire point of the book

Sounds realistic. Someone post that picture of that gameshow where the women couldn't work together at all in the wild


I was about agree with anti Warner, but this reminded me.

They'll still find a way to make it all men's fault.

If I remember right the kids were being evacuated due to WW3 when their plane crashed. So that'll be the patriarchy's fault.

>tons of underage, barely dressed girls

Sup Forums will explode

a female lord of the flies maked as much sense to me as a male vagina monologues

I'm ok with this as long as it's fappable..

I want to do a remake of The Blue Lagoon where instead of two kids the same age it's a girl and an older man, and they learn to let go of their hang-ups and inhibitions. I would also cast myself in this movie.

You know it'll all be 20 year olds playing kids.

I will be so mad if the females kvetching over this get the film canceled

>current year
>implying women don't set their differences apart and work together


>back on the men

/r/ that pic about a show in a desert island with men and women separated and how women couldn't help themselves alone

>an actually clever cunnypost
You are a rare breed of pedo

>Girls get marooned
>80% of them die in the first day from jealous cat-fighting or suicide at the thought of having to survive
>The rest of them starve, sunbathe or dehydrate themselves to death over the course of a couple weeks
>The end

Alternatively, they build a Wakanda-like perfect country because girl power.

>criminal escaping by boat comes across massive pile of dead lolis
>has to try and hide them in a series of wacky hijinks so he doesn't get done for more than just being a bank robber

>criminal escaping by boat comes across massive pile of alive lolis
>fucks them

Comment of the goddamn year

>They plan to be faithful to the novel-
Yeah okay pal, sure.

At the very least, the paranoia, disloyalty, and tribalism of the story will be justified.

Do you think porn studios will make a porn parody of this?

oh man I hope they pump lots into viral marketing and baiting social media
this could be keks for months
>box office numbers arrive
>a JUSTcut on the head of every dirty loli

They need a lesbian sideplot punctuated by violence. Whichever characters are depicted by Sophia Lillis and Millie should be involved

Sounds hot

hurr hurr

>women building their civilization

Is it confirmed Sophia and Millie are in this, or just speculation?

An all female LotF is a good idea. Young girls treat each other far more cruelly than your boys, since their environment is produces less consequences for their behavior.

They'll fuck it up by using a soft-ball script and flavor-of-the-month kid actors, though.

>how it could actually be good and show how vicious girls could be
That's basically just Mean Girls though. Or Heathers.

It’s just speculation. There are few details out about this right now. If I was making a film right now, I’d get Millie for sure, she is huge at the moment.

Can we get female-starred "M for Murder" and "400 Blows" next thing?

To be honest it makes sense for a premise like this to be adapted with a female cast.

Settle down, Virgin
I’m sure your porg plushies were worth every penny

It would sell like hot cakes


>all these anons hoping for things like the tribalism being justified because little girls are so vicious
I hope you guys aren't genuinely getting your hopes up.

>RLM faggot
>relevant opinion on anything

They already made that with Cracks.

>all female
so its going to be 30 minutes of petty quarrels and hair pulling until they all die from starvation, this might be good

Millie, Dafne Keen, Sophia Lillis, Sadie Sink. Did I forget anyone?

Malina Weisman

Who will be Piggy?

This could either go very very wrong if they shit all over the themes of the source material and make it girl power nonsense where they work together and persevere, or very very right if that's a bait-and-switch and the girls are no better than the boys were.

>implying they won't change the story to make it pro-feminist
There'll probably be one boy left and he'll be Jack.

If it's true to the book, it WILL be accused of sexism and misogyny. Bladerunner 2049 was. Because that's what happens when you have female antagonists

RLM is the Pickle Rick of film discussion
You know it’s true

Will you watch it in the cinema by yourself Sup Forums?
>in a raincoat

Both version are terrible because of the horrible child acting.

Which starlet is thicc?

First movie out in 63
27 years later the next movie is out 90
27 years later, it's this 2017.


>rather than the actual plot of the book they will instead set aside their differences to defend themselves against a group of male sailors intent on raping them

As much as I think it's pointless to make it all female when we have plenty of good young male actors, this could actually be kino

Think about it

>Millie Bobby Brown

>sadie Sink

>sophia Lillis

>fat one

>dafne keen

Maybe switch sofia and sadie? Don't know who could play the villain

>"And another thing,” Jackie said. >“Should we have a rule that whoever has the conch gets to speak? You know, so no one gets interrupted?”

>“But who,” ventured Simone, “is here to interrupt us?”

>The girls looked around. It was true: there was no one.

Wew Lass

They should only cast britbongs.

Here it is

I'd like to see Millie as Jack desu. She'd be a great bully. Dafne is the obvious choice for Roger, as is Sophia for Simon. Hopefully WB has deep pockets to be able to afford the entire A list of actresses this age.

This, I actually don't mind it. Ghostbusters was retarded and unnecessary, but this could be an interesting twist on the story. The book is GOAT as fuck, the part where the one kid is hallucinating that Satan is talking to him through the dead pig's head is spooky.

It's time to float.

You think this guy might have an agenda when writing this?

roastie getting toastie

Sophia would play the alpha chick who leads the hunters and jobs Piggy

>all girls instead of boys
>instead of the boys hunting for boar, using the conch to take turns in speaking and organizing for gathering and keeping the fire lit, the girls will sit at the beach, bitch at each other and give each other the silent treatment until some of them starve to death
>then a ship shows up on the horizon
>the women think theyre saved
>Once the ship gets closer, the women can read the name on the side of the ship "The Patriarchy"
>Shocked and defiant, the woman put their differences aside to fight off this menace

>ship full of horny sailors shows up

havin an agenda dose not change what hapened.

also i hope they will cast many cutes for the movie.


But we don't know what happened aside from what "Dr_Caveman" told us.

What would think about an article written by "Mother_Goddess" about how men totally fucked everything up ?

Every other canon Ginger character in fiction gets BLACKED. But Jack is the villain so I don't know.

>gonna be my most-anticipated movie
>going to have to tone down my excitement around friends


If by agenda you mean a desire to reveal the truth (hidden for social/political reasons) then yes,he has an agenda.
It's a very common one,especially with scientists and philosophers.

>The black and white version
Unintentionally one of the gayest movies I've ever seen.

Homosexuality was invented in the 70s

They NEED to cast Haley Lu Richardson from Split

This. Also the earth is flat and 4000 years old.


Will this be redpilled?

>thicc loli