Post your 80s waifus.
Post your 80s waifus
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Seconding this. Ralph Macchio is a qt3.14
There were actually no attractive women in the 80's. It was a strange time
Ally Sheedy in Breakfast Club
>proving my point
I'm not even kidding, I'm sure people found women attractive in the 80's, but look at the pictures of them now and they all look bad to me. Same with a lot of the early 90's.
>the second Karate Kid starts with Daniel explaining that OP was a slut all along and left him between movies
>the third Karate Kid starts with Daniel explaining that his gook girlfriend from the second movie was a selfish bitch all along and broke up with him to go do studying or something
Why didn't any of them do more than one movie? You think Macchio tried to make a move on them and they were understandably repulsed and couldn't work with him anymore, then his character had the chance to shame them in the following movie?
I love big hair, so just about every woman from the 80s.
>inb4 screeching about how the hair is actually disgusting
Yes I know, but it is aesthetically pleasing.
is that a good movie?
Shue is top tear.
not really, best part was that image
It's pretty amazing actually, women have mutated from glowing beauties to ugly dykes due to liberalism and a breakdown of the family unit
looks like Paris Jackson
Claiming mine.
80s Taylor swift was a lot prettier.
poop brother. hh
That’s because you’re a faggot
Martha Kent
maybe i can finally get Watts this time
This little whore
she's ugly wtf
Phoene Cates and Jennifer Connely are legitimately the two most beautiful people in hollywood of all time
Imagine being this wrong.
Don't paste Eberts waifu user.
>How could they do this to Jennifer Jason Leigh? How could theyput such a fresh and cheerful person into such a scuz-pit of a movie? Don'tthey know they have a star on their hands? I didn't even know who Leigh waswhen I walked into "Fast Times at Ridgemont High," and yet I wascompletely won over by her. She contained so much life and light that she was ajoy to behold. And then she and everybody else in this so-called comedy isinvited to plunge into offensive vulgarity.
>Leigh looks so young, fresh, cheerful, and innocent that wedon't laugh when she gets into unhappy scenes with men -- we wince.
>As Howell flees down empty desert highways from the violence of Hauer, he is befriended by a young waitress (Jennifer Jason Leigh).
>But the movie does not develop into a standard story of teenagers in love. And the Leigh character's death - she is tied hand and foot between two giant trucks and pulled in two - is so grotesquely out of proportion with the main business of this movie that it suggests a deep sickness at the screenplay stage.
youre an actual faggot
Reminder that Daniel San was a creepy bully and potential rapist.
Cobra Kai dindu nuthin.