18 goddamn heroes appearing in this mess. That's like two Fellowships of the Ring being crammed into one movie...

18 goddamn heroes appearing in this mess. That's like two Fellowships of the Ring being crammed into one movie. Each character is going to be fighting for screen time to get a quip in too.

Other urls found in this thread:


it's actually 2 parts

Punished Cap is the one thing I'm looking forward to.

>18 characters
That's not a whole lot.

Nah, they scrapped the two-parter idea a long time ago. It's a smart move because usually the first part doesn't do that well, as people skip it knowing they won't miss much.

why does Cpt America have brown hair now?
In the comics Steve Rogers has always been blonde.

Also, half of those characters will die or be written out anyway.

>one last time
This will be the funniest joke in the movie

Not anymore

What are wing guy, bow man, and gun lady supposed to do against Thanos?

They "scrapped" it.
One cast, one production, one storyline.

Yes, they scrapped it.

No they didn't, they just dropped Part 1 from the title.

What an achievement really. Almost a decade of constant success is nothing short of incredible feat for comicbook movies.

Avengers: Thanos Imperative

screencap this

>All that jelly and no toast.

This is going to make money in it’s first weekend than JUSTice League will in it’s entire run.

I don't think our universe will be able to handle that amount of quibs

Correction: what can
>Black Widow
>Star Lord
>Falcon (or whatever the fuck his name is)
>Black Panther
do against Thanos? Also just realized Ant Man isn't on the poster. Maybe Paul Rudd decided to do the smart thing and back out of this before it ended up becoming his main thing. That or he's going to make a surprise appearance during the big final battle and come in eating orange slices.

>Mantis in promotional material

How are they going to make purple aubergine zucchini man scary? He was laugh-inducing in The Avengers (also the worst Marvel team-up movie by far)

> and back out of this before it ended up becoming his main thing

Ant-Man 2, july 2019

>think to myself that destroying the moon would make for a cool warning to Earth that a cosmic threat was coming
>they actually did it
I should be a film director.

Omfg that dumb green alien bitch from guardians 2 is going to be in this? I was praying she was just a throw away character. Fucking kill me.

Because why the fuck not since all the normies and marvelshill don't give a fuck. Same shit happen in GOT now every Lannister have brown/black hair

At least, spiderman and bucky have super strength and durability. And Starlord has futuristic tech. But yeah the rest are fodder.

Honestly if they do the whole "big bad guy comes in with army of useless drone creatures to let the useless characters do something" im going to kill myself.

>it's real

They did it with the first two and people ate it up. Why change what works?

Ant-Man was good, fuck you.
>Honestly if they do the whole "big bad guy comes in with army of useless drone creatures to let the useless characters do something" im going to kill myself.
Holy shit, same

Lmao this movie is going to be a huge mess. I’m actually curious to see what it will be like, probably a clusterfuck

Thanos has this ugly madafackas.



>how do you go from this...

>Falcon flying around in the background
>Black Widow and Hawkeye up front

The fuck those niggas gonna even do

How many Quips Per Minute is this film going to have ?

Well which one is it? Is it going to be a one part deal or a two parter?

>Honestly if they do the whole "big bad guy comes in with army of useless drone creatures to let the useless characters do something" im going to kill myself.

that's exactly what's going to happen and you know it

you honestly think they are going to risk breaking the formula with a billion dollar payroll?


So they’ve decided to spin it a different way but nothing has changed? Gotcha.

The poster is fanmade. Antman is in it, he was seen filming, dumbass

You stupid nigger. This is not Justice League. All of these guys are already have an introduction and character arc established. It won't be a problem at all.

So is Thanos going to be a quippy one dimensional bad guy who has a surprise secret twist that makes him appear deep before he dies?

Thanos doesn't even collect all 6 stones in IW.

Thanos..in the houuuse

Honestly, if this movie is actually good it'll become a masterclass in screenwriting.

With 18(?) heroes and a bad guy that needs to be introduced I don't think you can have ANY wasted dialogue.

And I'm curious what kind of tone the Russos are going for. I hope something between Age of Ultron and Civil War. You always have to build up fantastical things happening or they fall flat and the audience tunes out to CGI.

>Maybe Paul Rudd decided to do the smart thing and back out of this
Ruud has 0 say in whether Ant-man will be in this or not. If he want out they can just recast him.

If there is only one villain taken seriously in this whole franchise, please God let it be the one they've been hyping for like 5 fucking years.

They won't made the same mistake with Ultron. Trust Feige.

If they make Proxima and the rest anywhere near as strong as their comic counterparts, they won’t need the whole faceless army thing.

You don't see him because he shrunk down for the picture dipshit.

that looks surprisingly good


>falling for the disney marketers' bs
It's split much the same way as Hobbit was split, it just won't have "Part 1" in its title.


His face is so goddamn long and purple he looks dumb as hell. He doesn't look threatening. CGI villains are lame anyways compared to real actors. All this build up to fight a computer image who looks like an anus.

>Downie without the helmet
Their marketing team never ceases to amaze me

>the reason the trailer is taking so long is because all the footage is a tonally inconsistent trainwreck

Well star lord has already foiled thanos once, Spiderman has super strength technically rivaling Thor and caps, and Bucky has super soldier serum and also rivals cap in power levels

The rest of them though should be street level heroes a la daredevil/punisher

reason is - Disney waiting till stench of pile of shit named Justice League will go away.

Same thing what Batman is doing in DCU.

Why doesn't Tony just give all the Avengers Iron Man suits?

At least he has the whole "best tactician in the world" schtick. But that's caps forte in marvel.

Could you imagine playing the drinking game with this using quips? You'd die of alcohol poisoning ten minutes in

He's there, just really small.

Why didn't Any man just give everyone ant man suits?
Why is black widow still just round house kicking? Why hasn't Tony invented a teleport suit for her or just give her one of his suits? Seriously How is she not dead yet?
Why doesn't arrowman just use a gun?

>whole "best tactician in the world" schtick
Well, he's hiding it really good. And actually, you can put all of DCU heroes on that list. All but Superman.

And Eagles

That's not what that says at all.

Why don't Ironman and Antman just combine their technology to make shrinking War Machines?

Wtf, Spidey is way stronger than Cap but comes nowhere near Thor's level dude.

Dcucks are just pitiful

>Honestly if they do the whole "big bad guy comes in with army of useless drone creatures to let the useless characters do something" im going to kill myself.
Better get that noose ready then
It's the easiest way to stall for time with mindless action while also giving your less relevant characters chances to quip

>we need someone to fly through a containment field that short circuits ark reactors
>we need someone to sneak into the enemy ship
>we need someone to assassinate one of Thanos's lieutenants without alerting the enemy army
There's a variety of skills available to the weaker characters, that's why they stay part of the overall story

Why not just kill Pym and give everyone shrinking+enlarging tech?

I think Pym doesn't trust Stark and probably built in a failsafe against foreign tampering

Spidey is stronger than Cap/Bucky in a strength-to-weight ratio kind of way but can take less hits before breaking. Kind of like spider silk.

Thor is supernaturally powerful but is not immune to getting shot or cut up by enemies that are sufficiently powerful. Iron man duked it out with him in Avengers and the Hulk pushed his shit in the first few times

Why doesn't...
>Dr. Strange give everyone sling rings so they can teleport
>Tony build everyone custom Iron Man suits (I think everyone being bulletproof would help a TON sans Black Panther, who could just use it to fly)
>Ant-Man give everyone a shrinking layer over these suits
>Dr. Strange pause time when things go badly

Also how is humanity not an interplanetary species yet by Avengers AoU? They literally have unlimited repulsor technology if you look at the Civil War meme helicarriers.

Also why doesn't Thanos just shoot relativistic kinetic weapons at Earth, like 40 of them? The only way to stop them would be with the Hulk who is off-world at the end of Ragnarok

Fuck these movies make no sense.

why doesnt dr strange just teleport thanos to the sun

Can't circle hand fast enough.

One of the main themes in the movies is how trying to mash things together has unexpected consequences. Stark tried to use Chitauri technology in tandem with his Ultron concept and it created hostile AI that almost destroyed the world. Empowering SHIELD had the side effect of benefiting Hydra which had infiltrated it completely.

On the surface, the strongest Avenger corps would be a Hulk in an Iron Man/Pym crossover suit able to teleport and stop time while holding Cap's shield and wielding Mjollnir (pre-Ragnarok). But that character would need to be worthy of the weapon, be smart enough to operate either of the suit's capabilities, be willful enough to use magic, and sane enough to control the beast within. The only character capable of that might be Vision, who doesn't need most of the tools, can't be genetically infected with a hulk serum, and is probably compromised by Thanos's control of the guantlet.

Mashing things together to make a BIGGER, BETTER thing is not consistently successful

Why don't they just make Thanos small using Pymtech and then step on him

What do I need to know about Dr. Strange, Spider-man and the Ragnarok movie? I think those are the only movies that I still didn't watched

>implying they'll even try to be that creative.

Can someone explain what a quip actually is? Only comic movies I've watched is the first ironman 2008

It's ok when all your dialogue is quips or visual gags, every review will mention how good and fun it was because everyone got their one moment.

I don't think you were really paying attention

A quip is a funny piece of dialogue that has no lead-in or setup, and isn't any kind of pay-off.
Quips can be useful and witty when used in moderation, but Marvel seems to think they can just stick quips into every conversation and get off scott-free. It is sort of adapting the comic book style in that way, but not everything translates.
Age of Ultron was the worst offender by a long shot, the entire "language!" bit from the intro and when is gets called back are literally just back and forth quips.

>Loki uses Barton to steal iridium by cutting out the owner's eye with a machine that spoofs recognition software a hundred miles away
>intentionally lets himself be captured in order to gain access to the Hulk and set it off, thereby destroying the helicarrier
>after disabling the response team (he thinks), sets up a portal beachhead for the invading army to maximize shock and awe
The writers are definitely capable of more than "hurr three boxes create bomb must separate them"

Either refute any of my post or go back from whence you came

youtube.com/watch?v=3_ncr31vizs shitty one liners

I think it's more of a directorial decision than a franchise one. Winter Soldier is pretty quip free, and Doctor Strange had jokes but not a lot of context less quips. The only reason Thor changed is because they experimented with a comedic director after two mediocre serious films in the trilogy

Just waking up to this comment i missed last night and had a good laugh

That's 2013 marvel. It's 2017 and it's only gettinf less and less creative.

What is fatboy humor

Just watch Justice League, it's full of them.

>Drax, Nebula or Gamorra (probably Nebula), Iron Man, Vision, Hawkeye, Loki
Retirements (happy endings)
>Black Widow, Hulk, Cap, Scarlet Witch
Killing Blow on Thanos
>Gamorra, Nebula, or Drax (whichever one survives) OR cap OR some stupid combo attack
Main Characters
>Iron Man, Cap, Thor, Strange, Star-Lord, Vision, Hulk, Thanos
Secondary characters
>Nebula, Drax, Gamorra, Loki, Spidey, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Bucky
>Everyone else
Rogue who saves the day:
>Captain Marvel, Adam Warlock

Wait until people figure out what Thanos's initial plan would have been had Loki not fucked everything up
>already have the mind stone, but give it to Loki to make things easier
>use the tessaract (which is also the space stone, so that's 2 down) to summon an army to conquer Earth
>invade the three Sanctum Sanctorums to find the Eye with the Time Stone in it
>finish up just in time for the convergence so he can find the Aether/Reality stone
>send Ronan, Gamora, and Nebula out at the same time to grab the power stone from the rainy Planet
No one knows what the soul stone's deal is now, but had Loki not royally fucked up the battle of New York by inadvertently creating the Avengers, Thanos would have had 4/6 stones easy and probably wouldn't have even needed to employ Ronan to get the orb.
But when you realize the incompetence he's had to deal with, it makes his, "Fine, I'll do it myself" line at the end of Age of Ultron far more poignant.

2012, but your point still stands. I think phase 1 was the weakest MCU period, when they were getting their feet under them. They had one good movie (IM), one bad movie (IH), and two decent ones (Thor and CA). After Avengers, the movies got better: IM 2/3 suck and Thor 2 has no impact, but WS is great, Civil War was interesting, GOTG 1&2 is the Farscape/Futurama movie that was never made, Ant Man is a top shelf heist, AoU is underrated, Homecoming was good, and Ragnarok is entertaining. If anything the writing has improved

Winter Soldier definitely, but I thought Doctor Strange was pretty quippy. I guess it depends where you draw the line between actual comedy and cheap quips, but every exchange he has with Wong or Mordo before Tilda Swinton dies is pretty quippy IMO.
To me, the only movies with actual comedy in them have been the Iron Mans, Guardians 1+2, Ant-Man, Homecoming, and Ragnarok.
Literally the only full "jokes" I can recall from AoU are Thor spiking up Stan Lee's drink and everyone trying to lift the hammer.

So is Cap actually gonna go full Big-Boss mode with his hair, like in that other fanmade poster? That would be fantastic