Why didn't they just ask the eagles to fly them to Mount Doom and not mention the ring at all?
Why didn't they just ask the eagles to fly them to Mount Doom and not mention the ring at all?
That's what Gandalf was trying to tell them to do, they didn't know about the Eagles.
Why did they even both taking the ring to Mordor? Couldn't they just have sent someone with a bucket to collect some lava then take it back and pour it on the ring?
Seems pretty obvious to me and wasn't Gandalf supposed to be a fucking genius or something?
Why didn't Gimli just try hit it again?
Did you see how Legolas was in The Hobbit movies? I don't think Legolas was necessarily a "warrior" but there had to have been some elves who were and would thus be even more lethal than Legolas. Why didn't they assemble a special forces team of more than, I don't know, 9 fucking people to escort one of the most powerful artifacts in the world on one of the highest stakes missions in history?
>mfw after all these years nobody has ever been able to explain why they couldn't take the eagles
They wanted to avoid the eagle tax
Eagle TSA have a strict "No Rings" policy.
Also, in the Hobbit the eagles take them some of the way but not all the way
why is this?
you'd need a special bucket made from a legendary metal to carry that powerful of lava. You could probably take the ring to mordor, melt it down with the lava, and make a bucket. then you can use the One Bucket to get the lava back to soyboydale
Oh, you mean like Mithril?
mithril is just gay mountain nigger metal, its not legendary. i wipe my ass with mithril.
Honestly that's hot as fuck
>muh stretched plot line
Didn't the ring-wraiths have retarded dragons or something?
They were busy singing Hotel California
The Eagles are just as corruptible as anything else. You don't want to be in the middle of an eagle fight
Why didn't they just throw the ring inside Balrogs mouth? They could consume anything apparently..
>"Balrogs were exceptionally powerful creatures. Only seven Balrogs at most were powerful enough to drive away Ungoliant, a monster powerful enough to devour at the least thousand of star-level fruits, and consume the fruits of Telperion, which produced the light for billions of stars."
Only real point that will be made in this thread.
>Why didn't the eagles take it/Frodo?
>Why didn't Gandalf wizard his way in?
>Why didn't an elite task force of elves ninja their way in?
Because the whole goddamn point is that the ring is corruptible as fuck and doofus hobbits are the only creatures on Middle Earth that have a knack for not being corrupted, because they don't give a fuck about anything but drinking beer and chilling. Gollum gets corrupted because he's not your typical hobbit (m'lady), showing how even the doofus shield is not foolproof. So they had to 1) use hobbits since they had the best natural resilience against the ring and 2) be super low key since the ring corrupts everything around it, and the more hubbub you make the more things around you get corrupted and dick you up. Ring corruptibility plus the hobbits' natural resilience to the ring's power since they don't give a fuck about anything and are lazy fucks; that's the answer
Why didn't they bury the ring in concrete? Or drop it in the ocean?
D*mn, she's pretty.
I have this image saved for when people are especially retarded on Sup Forums, and you earned it tonight.
Were they to collect lava and bring it in a bucket, they would bring back a bucket full of rocks.
>that picture
Hhhhnnng I want to date her and fuck her mouth
why didn't they just give sauron the ring and ask them to leave them alone?
Why didn't they make a fake One Ring and give it to Sauron as an "emmisary gift", then while they're having tea and crumpets with him they sneak off and throw the real ring away? Simple logic here.
>using minecraft lava in a bucket logic
Lava cools you idiots
But why didn't they just wrap it in a towel or something so it couldn't corrupt anyone?
Doom mountain lava cools? Sounds like they could have just used regular lava...is it a scarce resource Middle-Earth?
because even if they could keep the ring away from sauron forever he would just have conquered the entirety of middle earth
remember how battered minas tirith was by the assault and how the attack on the remainder of sauron's forces was considered suicide?
why didn't sauron just scoop away all the lava from mt doom after he finished the ring?
they're fucking orks dude
Why didn't Sauron use his freeze breath to cool the lava into rock instead?
so are americans yet they're still the most powerful nation
Because it looks cool.
Why didn't they just get Tom Bombadil to wreck Sauron's shit?
What the fuck ever. That is bullshit. Tolkien himself wrote that Sauron was only succeeding because of proximity to the ring + Melkor's will. So if they get the ring away from him and pray to the opposite Valai of Melkor (Iru) then Sauron loses. The movies fucked this up big time.
why didn't they attach the ring to one of legolas' arrows and he shoots it into mordor
Gandalf could've easily cast brain control on him or something to sway his apathy
Why didn't they recruit the finest trebuchet in the land and use it to hurl the ring into Mount Doom?
A skill user can land objects very precisely
Why didn't Radagast convince a non-sentient, thus no corruptable, bird to just fly the ring into Mordor? It's fucking tiny. Even get a dragonfly to do it, like that MacGuffin that saves Gandalf from Saruman
Why didn't they use the ring to go invisible then sneak into Mordor, them the Orcs wouldn't see them
why didn't they just dig a tunnel all the way to mordor?
And yet Sauron and the Black Riders would now know his precise location. They could then tell the orcs
Why didn't they force one of the Tooks to eat the ring then toss him down the volcano for being an idiot? Him eating it would mean that the ring is completely hidden from the ringwraiths, as well as discouraging anyone from trying to retrieve the ring from his stomach
i'm fairly sure that's wrong but i don't have any quotes to prove it
So why not just keep the ring a secret from the eagles? Make up some excuse for going to mt. doom instead
Why was Sauron afraid of Aragorn using the ring? Everyone immediately realized it couldn't be used to defeat its master.
Why didn't Gandalf just teleport them out of Moria?
Why didn't he cast Shockwave on the Goblins to clear a path?
Why didn't they just bring the ring to the White City, build a trebuchet on the top level and launch it at the volcano?
thats not how it works
Why didn't Sauron just make another ring? He has ten fingers lmao
Let's face it. Gimli probably could've cracked the ring if he gave it another whack.
Celebrimbor patented it
Why didn't they just eat the ring?
why didn't they just through it melt the ring?
Rewatched all the EE the other day for the first time in ages. This is the first time that I noticed the inter dimensional stuff... wtf gandalf is an interdenominational being?
At this point I just assume that middle earth is like a video game to gandalf. It doesnt matter what happens to him, hence why he's able to call the eagles without an ultimate objective. I haven't read the books so im sure they explain it, but I reckon that the stories journey is more important that we think. In a middle earth philosophical level.
There is a distance of around one hundred miles between Minas Tirith and Mt Doom, and Gondorian trebuchets have a maximum distance of several hundred meters. It simply isn't plausible.
why didn't they build an even bigger trebuchet to chuck it into mt doom?
Gandalf was bringing the fellowship to the eagles but died before reaching them. He tried to tell them to use the eagle before dying when he said "Fly, you fools". Then when he came back as Gandalf the White he lost part of his memories.
This thread proves that Tolkien was ultimate hack. Also the movies are 5/10 at best, total bore.
Because of immigrants
thats a good point. maybe it could still corrupt them even if they arent non sentient
Never thought i'd see this one again.
Because more people attract attention
>devours ring
>now able to bind men elves and dwarves to its will
good idea
tolkien is a fucker who wrote arbitrary rules for everything including his characters, the only explanation being metaphor which he claimed to hate to deflect from accusations of being a trite hack. eru sends gandalf back with a shaggy blanco tier power level yet he just slums it up, casts a few buffs on the party at most, fucking retard tolkien, dumb ass loser.
Why didn't they build a really big trebuchet?
Bring it.
Why didn't they use a cannon to shoot the ring into mt doom?
They did have an elite troop. Gandalf was a mighty wizard, Aragorn = Jesus/King, Boromir the renowned warrior, Legolas the elf ninja, and Gimli was no slouch either.
Wasn't Gandalf the most powerful being on Middle-Earth, Sauron excluded?
Read the book.
In the book they just suggest giving him the ring.
But instead of doing that, why not just convince him to go to Mordor and wreck everyone's shit?
Gandalf calls that a bad idea, he (rightly) thinks he would be unreliable.
To this day I am baffled at what the fuck is the point of this character, even if I might have read an explanation from Tolkien and forgot it.
No. Far from it. He was a Maia, the same being as Sauron and the Balrog but he wasn't their equal in terms of power.
>Gandalf calls that a bad idea, he (rightly) thinks he would be unreliable.
Yes giving the ring is a bad idea.
I'm not saying to give him the ring.
I'm saying make him go to Mordor ringless and just cause random destruction to weaken and distract Sauron.
It's hard to forget about killing orc shits when you're surrounded with them.
Why was the elf girl dying?
What did it have to do with the necklace and Aragorn?
Was it not explained in the movies or am I too dumb to get it even after having watched them at least a dozen of times?
It seems too much of a gamble, how would you even convince him? Plus, from a narrative point of view, it seems almost fourth wall breaking.
It would be as if Obi Wan decided to attach 2 lightsabers to Qui Gon Jin dead body to fight Darth Maul by waving him with the force and then explode it in his face with a detonator he had hid in earlier, it might work but it would be too odd.
Her physical form is fading away as she's chosen to remain in Middle Earth and not travel to Aman. It's explained but not in great detail and not like in the books,
How is it a gamble?
What gets lost when Bombadil forgets about it on the way?
There's a chance to gain something, but no chance to lose something.
Why didn't Gandalf use his seat at the MESE (Middle Earth Stock Exchange) to short the ring economy so he could come out on a profit and then use the funds to invest in Frodo's hedge fund?
Let's just get one thing first here Sauron = Saturn. The ring = the ring of Saturn. We already live in the universe where sauron came in possession of the ring again and enslaved all men and killed all other races.
Why didn't gandalf have frodo check em?
So Saturn is on it's side because Sauron is sleeping?
The MOR/ISEN merger had already happened by then.
Liquidating the ring as soon as possible was his only choice.
Saturn's eye = Sauron's :thinking:
Well, to be frank, we're completely in movie territory now because Tolkien wrote very little about siege engines and nothing at all about the free peoples using them, so--knowing Tolkien--it could be that they didn't use them and therefore were unlikely to possess the skills necessary to construct such a marvel of a device, capable of launching a missile with the ring as a payload accurately from a great distance. We also have to accept that this trebuchet would be much, much closer than Minas Tirith, assuredly somewhere in the belly of the beast and under overwhelming assault by Sauron's forces. But perhaps the Numenoreans could have engineered your massive trebuchet at some point in history and it has somehow been built as well as successfully escorted into Mordor within firing range of Mt Doom... What if they miss? What if it's intercepted by a fellbeast or another corrupted winged creature? This is the risk of all risks. It would be the buzzerbeater heard round the world. Personally, I don't take it and I have a gay hobbit try to sneak it in instead.
The eagles don't have a fucking airport you dumb cunt.
They are only sent directly by Manwe and you can't ask him for a ride since he is basically a god millions of miles away from middle earth
oh shit. this explains everything
The ring has a will of its own.
refer to this retards
They haven't unlocked the ability to use flying mounts yet
then you heat the rocks back up you fucking muppet
why didnt sauron just hold the ring with his benis instead of finger
why don't they gave the ring to some hobbit woman, so even if Sauron would get the ring he will not wear it because girls are gross?
why didnt they build a giant ballista that shoots a slightly smaller ballista that shoots a slightly smaller ballista etc it would only take like 7 or 8 to get to morder i think
I would put the ring in Arven's butthole and will be making myself visible-invisible really fast if you catching my drift
why didn't sauron just asked for his ring?
>oh shit. this explains everything
No it doesn't, with a mission as important as this he would've told them where to go earlier, they had all the time in the world and sat down to plan things out.
Tolkien just didn't think of it... really as simple as that.
Ok, I'm going to take the bait.
In the books, during Elrond's council it's suggested to actually send an armed force to throw the ring into Mt. Doom. It's discarded as a bad idea since Sauron's eye would be alerted by that, and then they would lose the ring. The movies don't show this too explicitly, but similarly to gnomes, elves and other faeries in popular folklore (Which is the basis of Tolkien's writing), hobbits have a natural talent to "be unseen" unless one is looking closely. (In fact, it's probable becoming invisible is not a specific power of the ring, that's only how the ring augments the hobbit's natural traits). Because of that, only the hobbits may go to Mordor, since they would pass unseen through Sauron's gaze.
The same argument against sending soldiers can be applied to the eagles. They could only come to the rescue once the ring had been destroyed.