One of these three actresses is a future Oscar winner, can you guess who?
One of these three actresses is a future Oscar winner, can you guess who?
they look the same so dunno
the non white one
The darkest one.
whoever sucks the most dicks.
Wonderloli needs no Oscar.
imagine kissing her (left) bros...
the one who says
Wanna know how I know Hollywood is full of pedos? Because they've been catering to me.
There is an oscar for being a drug abusing roastie?
>cast cute underage girls
>don't cast busty women
what's the simplest explanation for this?
>being this wrong
Millie's an attention whore who lets a little fame go to her head, she'll likely sell out for whatever bit part and then get in over her head with partying and drugs. Lindsey Lohan 2.0
Moner will find a comfortable niche being the brown fanservice girl who can play multiple ethnicities.
Sophia will probably stick to smaller roles, eventually being picked up for larger dramatic roles, so she's most likely to be in oscarbait. She's my pick.
"There should be a million different body types on television."
"And what shows did you produce with your time and money to cast those different body types?"
"Oh no, I mean the men should still make all that shit, tee hee."
>"And what shows did you produce with your time and money to cast those different body types?"
she's not a producer, she's an actor
Maybe if more women decided to be producers instead of actors, that whole diversity thing would clear up.
Sophia > Moner > Millie
Lol, Moner is the only one attractive, the other two are objectively ugly
Who? Who R U?
fuck outta here
If by kissing you mean forcing my dick down her throat and using her for the whore that she is...then I imagine kissing her would be quite enjoyable.