Can't win if you don't play

Can't win if you don't play.

Other urls found in this thread:

snake eyes


He got the ANE.

Not me, not never

Literally the only TV show I would care about for another season.
When did tv get to be so fucking boring?

you rolled a five and a one

hell yeag

Ain't happening
>john depp


what a fuckin baller

this ain happenin, nope

he'll yeah

t o
g o
t o
s l e e p
f o r e v e r . . .

nah, not me. not ever.

quit horsing around guys i'll be done in a second

it was nothing

My friend told me that Charls and Sam aren't friends anymore. They don't follow each other on IG, they refuse to make content together, and so on. DOes anyone know more about that?

When it comes to Sam always assume there is somekind of kikery afoot. More than likely this is him and Charls stirring artificial drama to get attention, clicks, likes, and $$$$.

They've never done that before, and it's really low-key, like neither has made a big deal about it or even mentioned it. That could be the case, sure, but it could also be the case that an alien mind-wiped the two of them. I just don't see the motivation for doing that in the way they've gone about it.

> $45
Whoever buys this deserves to be punched

probably, they werent that close to begin with nick was kind of the mutual friend (also the funniest on camera)

I wish he made more stuff, he's unironically the Diogenes of our times

His Orville review was goddamn brilliant

(((What))) happened to media?

Damn... These guy really had something special to them, what went wrong? Sam going full /po/tard in public ffs. 0 common sense.

>sam is forcing me to buy his shit
does he need to tell you everything little baby? buy it or don't bro

the guy can't even fold a paper crane

>White-knighting a degenerate kike like Sam


Charls seems more focused on improving himself mentally, physically, and spiritually. Sam on the other hand just wants to retweet american "white" nationalists and further wallow in his failures. So I could see them drifting apart.

based Sam

Is this skit an allegory of life of the modern average Western guy? That he never had a chance in the first place?

sam has fallen so fucking hard its crazy
i wish it could be chalked up to drugs or something but hes just retarded and has killed mde

That's how I interpret it - that and pointing out how not getting angry and continuing to think that things will work out in the end is insane

That plus some commentary on faggot cops. Sams always hated cop and authority in general.
pic related
Plus this cut skit:

If only MDE teamed up with WKUK

Sad that this cop sketch didn't get green lit for the show, but I can see how it would be too extreme for goyim swim.

He's a shakespearan hero man, starts with nothing making vertical videos in his mom's house, rises to have his own show on Adult Swim with Charls and Nick, then his hubris fucks him. Tale as old a time. I still like him but it sucks knowing that he fucked himself and MDE seems pretty much disbanded.


Are you retarded


Is it hypocritical to call this shit out as abuse when the age of consent in most civilized countries is 16?

>supposed to be funny
>sometimes funny, sometimes not
>gets show
>sketches such as this one are not funny
>pretentious fans read into a sketch with very little dialog and pretend it's the deepest thing ever
Do we really need a black and white 2 minute art film to tell us about the life of the a western guy through allegory? MDE and their fans are pretentious.

>being this much of a try hard faggot

>try hard
I'm not the one making short art films and getting fellated by fans for how deep I am without much rhyme or reason. This is coming from a fan of MDE. They're clearly smart guys, but it just wasn't that big of a deal,

>coming from a fan of MDE
Then just enjoy the thread faggot wait you can't enjoy a little nothing thread that will die in an hour because you are full of shit, go back to tumblr shill.

oh look it's the exact same mde thread as always with the exact same posts

20 years hard time. How does it feel?


>can't enjoy a little nothing thread
Right forgot you can't discuss shows on the forum, just dickride.
I know you want to make this an us vs them thing, but just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean you have to freak out.

Maybe you could tell me why it's so deep? and I can already tell what you're gonna say
>if you're too stupid to realize duhhhhhurrrrr
I'm asking for your explanation. Why is it special? What makes it so profound?

To be fair, you have to have a high iq to enjoy World Peace

I've never been out of Rhode Island.

I wish they put a few of sam's vertical vids inbetween the sketches


Tim has loads of time on his hands now to lurk Sup Forums ready with this since the divorce.

Charls actually wants to improve, both as a person and as an artist. Sam wants to complaint in Twitter all day and larp as a nazi.

what's ruse up to? he's the only one worth watching

Seeing Chocolate Chip Cookie Bucket on tv would be surreal. For some reason the way he says it makes me bust up like a little kid.

slaying some qt redhead by the looks of it

How do you listen to (((Joe Bernstein)))'s voice and not instantly hate him, and everything he represents?

He lives with Charls. They recently made a video with Erick Hayden on Charls' channel.

Let's be honest here. This is the undeniably true MDE power ranking

Zach Cregger actually has a career there's no way he's team up with these autists.