Master and Commander Sequel

Could it be? Can it be done in the modern age without compromising?

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Won't Crowe and Bettany look too old now?

I'd love to see it, but unless it's set quite a bit later I don't see how this works.

based Crowe trolling 20th century fox

what problem will be, there are more than 20 books to choose from.

bit late

Modern studios can't ignore 50% of the population like they used to. No chance this gets made.

Film is set in 1805, books go on even after Waterloo. Wouldn't mind an adaptation of The Hundred Days, and if they don't want too much seafaring they can do Reverse of the Medal.

if they got weir making it, and dont add blacks and trans and womyn, but theres no chance they wont fuck it up

Why not? 20th Century Fox needs a franchise

>Avatar 2 is still 1119 days away
>X-Men movies are shit
>Jackman is too old for more Logan
>They keep shiting on Predator, even after hiring Shane Black (it was going to be a February release)
>Kingsman 2 was a flop
>Alien Covenant was a flop
>the only one that is successful is Deadpool

Their were blacks in the original movie, but it never felt anachronistic.

Would this even be a problem with modern make-up and light CG? It could be a few years later and still in the heat of the Napoleonic Wars.

They'll be hard pressed to find a ship bigger than a 6th rate, which limits them to the first 3-4 books

>what is alfred king

I don't understand why we would want another one. What was so good about the first?

t. woman

is there any book where the ship size is a plot point besides Far Side of he World?

The ships are described thoroughly in literally every book. Also you can't have Aubrey raise his Commodore pendant in a 6th rate.

Come on, it's one of the greatest movies to exist

if Black Sails can do decent battles and storms with a tv show budget, Fox can do a decent $60-80 million film without problems

Scores that soyboys will never understand.

would the sequel be them going after the acheron again or a different story altogether?

Yea but one of the defining aspects of M&C was it's use of a functional ship, not CGI

I don't think they'd make up some stupid plot and pretend no ones aged a day. tons of great stories from the books to use

only if the captain is a women otherwise i will post angry things on twatter

Are the books any good?

They just needed to catch up with the Acheron. Wouldn't take long with signalling


Who could idris Elba star as?

How to reboot Master and Commander that is good and women can understand?

All female and black male cast

Lord Nelson

the bigger of two weevils

Is Rusty the one who's been posting multiple M&C threads every day for the last few months?

Did he post this thread?

You know, I wouldn't even be surprised.

I am not him unfortunately, I just saw this show up on twitter and thought Sup Forums might be interested

with tons of quips

also rename the ship to Hillary

>tfw you could be right

Does Crowe ever fight Surcouf in the books?

He's only the most famous French captain of the Napoleonic era.

No. Read the books, good shit

You could literally just advance the plot a bunch of years

Maybe I will one day. But that's a huge missed opportunity.

>hurr lets have our MC avoid the one competent french admiral

this is one of the worst memes on Sup Forums as I'm a girl and love M & C

Well if you advance the plot you have to advance his rank, which has a lot of strings. Crowe is only 53 though, so he's not to old to be a post captain.

>female captain
>black people in positions of power in the mainland
>all in 1600s england
Wew lad

There are records from the time showing that British ships had black people on them. It wasn't unusual at all. Sorry.

Yes, but quite difficult to get into. They don't pander. By the fifth book, you'll be fluent in navy speak.

Seriously though, why no sequel

This movie must have made a fortune in DVD sales. Everybody's Dad loves it!

A slave.

>Master and Commander is old enough that the kids consider it a film from a different era

I've lived too long.

should've been a tv series going through each book

I'm on book 5 now.

What's crazy is that O'brian was apparently inept as a mariner and his sailing knowledge is completely derived from research.

>However, in 1995, venture capitalistThomas Perkinsoffered O'Brian a two-week cruise aboard his then sailing yacht, a 154ft ketch. In an article about the experience written after O'Brian's death, Perkins commented "... his knowledge of the practical aspects of sailing seemed, amazingly, almost nil." and "...he seemed to have no feeling for the wind and the course, and frequently I had to intervene to prevent a full standing gybe. I began to suspect that his autobiographical references to his months at sea as a youth were fanciful.".

A sailor.

There were black people in the royal navy.

Google it. There are records that prove it.

Should note that he was 80 years old at the time though.

the wind gauge

>They'll be hard pressed to find a ship bigger than a 6th rate
>Also you can't have Aubrey raise his Commodore pendant in a 6th rate

It's certainly an improvement on the usual "no they wod only make Capten abrey be a negro transwomen" crap you get in these threads.

Fuck, I actually want this.

Jack has an illegitimate Black son and Stephen's a fervent abolitionist as well as a supporter of the French Revolution and member of the United Irishmen. I wouldn't have thought they had what it took to be figures of admiration on Sup Forums.

>It's a dumbed down rebelling of the original story so that women can understand

>dumbed down rebelling

some random deckhand. They really appreciate the manual labour blacks could do in the books


Well the only remaining line of battle ship left is the Victory and it's been drydocked. There aren't many functional warships left from that era and they'll all likely be sloops.

the books are excellent. As corny as it sounds you feel like you are on the ship because of the autistic detail that goes into it describing everything about seafaring.

And there's some good but very subtle humor

He looks too much like a pretty boy for manual labor. You need a black guy that looks like this.


hahahahaha you really think that hollywood in 2017 is going to use an actual ship

So basically England got to run the world for 150 years because France was too stupid to build some boats?

Why were all the lieutenants literal 5 year old boys?
I don't understand

>xmen are shit

The only watchable super heroes movies are a shit now?

they built some decent boats. horrible naval doctrine and sailors though.

Trafalgar was such a crushing defeat that every nation was afraid of even building a navy. Even before then the battle of the nile was decisive, now that would be some kino.

They'll do it for the aesthetics.

I loved Bettany's Maturin and I'd definitely want another movie, but I also think it would be way better to just adapt the movies in a tv-show format with a big Game of Thrones-style budget, without spending it on CGI dragons. There's just so many good parts of the books that you'll never be able to properly adapt for a movie. Padeen and Maturin's descent into Laudanum-abuse, for example. There's a deleted scene from the movie of Padeen sneaking a bit of it, but they realised they wouldn't be able to flesh it out.

Also it'd be hilarious to see this place descend into madness when they introduce the cuckholding-subplot.

>Smuggle animal reaction image



France pissed off their bankers, the King especially being a bit of a bellend. The Brits on the other hand invented a central bank which raised money from investments by promising reliable rates of return on the assumption they'd win the war

Napoleon was better, but by then the Brits already had a well financed and experienced Navy.

It gets even weirder in that almost this exact story happened 100 years earlier between the Spanish and the Dutch. The Dutch paid their debts, the Spanish locked people up and extorted cash off of them... their credit soon dried up. The Dutch proceeded to kick the crap out of them

The lesson; don't piss off your financiers

People aged a whole lot quicker from spending their life at sea back then, so I think they could still pull off playing a younger version of the characters. Especially with some make-up to de-age them further. As long as they're not too feeble to swing a sword it's fine.

shhh let them REEE

you do realise that france was surrounded by ennemies(and still is)
they simply couldn't spend all their money and ressources for boats like england when the evil kraut is plotting

No it's because everyone was too scared of getting BTFO out of the water ass soon as the tried anything

Post shipkinos


>no blacks
>on a British ship during the time when they were the most pressed for capable seamen, to the point of employing anyone willing and kidnapping people just to outfit their ships
You fucking moron.

Unfortunately, given our current media-political climate, a movie like this would bomb in current year. Look at Blade Runner. We’re living in a brown man’s world now. GL, fellow whiteys.

Post the records please.

Does Sup Forums consider the Bounty kino? one of my fav's desu

By far the greatest naval stories I've ever read, and probably the best adventure stories I've read as well.

>tfw bongs always choose to ignore this

You mean your pussy get wet everytime you see Russell Crowe on screen? Because one of my exes was like you.

I never expected 80's synth to work so well with a historical drama

Just because they had terrible foresight doesn’t mean that their stories aren’t worth telling. We’re not tumblrinas who reject everything from the past because it doesn’t agree with our modern political ideology, that’s the leftists’ m.o.

Abolitionism is perfectly in line with free market conservatism btw. It was conservative abolitionist white males (aka evil colonialists) that ended slavery.

>don’t pies off the Jews
Got it

Also this

You could argue these defeats are what inspired the Brits to basically go all out on building a Navy

I think it was during that same cruise that O'Brian suggested they sail somewhere that would have taken months, something that even a landlubber would realise was clearly unfeasible, which leads me to believe that it wasn't that O'Brian never knew how to sail, but that he suffered from dementia at that point in his life.

>implying France didn't loot the treasury of every country it conquered

I like Jews... and Pies

>only white guys can appreciate a good film like this

Fuck off you bizarro SJW cunt.

>Napoleonic Wars book series
>Can it be done in the modern age?

Fuck that, we want more ships of the line battles. CGI made it affordable, no need to build several warships, just one set and the rest is green screen magic

The lieutenants were the men. The midshipmen were little boys because they were blue-bloods learning their way of the ship young so that they'd become captains and admirals before they were 80. If you were still a midshipman after your teens you were basically a failure or completely inept at examinations, which is why the guy who killed himself was seen as odd to begin with.

>posting irrelevant skirmishes in the grand scheme of things
When will you Spaniards and frogs finally admit you should have just fucked off and annexed Portuguese?

Friendly reminder that the island populated by those guy's descendants have such a high percentage of paedos that children aren't even allowed to visit the island without a permit.

The guy who invited him is clearly a dick. There was no reason he couldn't keep that slander to himself.