The Great Debate

The Great Debate

Other urls found in this thread:愛-奉文-x-聖子

4k votes.

0 accuracy

R&M is just a shitty, edgy version of Futurama with none of the wit or heart

Neither of these shows are good.

Guarantee that the people voting for rick and morty haven't seen futurama

the smart fb pages makes the choice they prefer the likes cuz thats easier to click

both were/are bad
futurama had non-existent comedic timing

Futurama fans can't even count huh?

Confirmed retard.
(We're not talking about the reboot)

Didn't Justin roiland do some writing work for futurama when it was with Comedy Central?? anyway futurama is probably a million times better and I'm saying that while wearing a Rick and morty t-shirt at this moment

I forgot the reboot even happened.
I meant what I said.
Bender's jokes fell flat every single time.

Let's look at the scoreboard
>General humor

>High IQ
>Rick and Morty
Oops sorry. You lose.

Rick and Morty is better

The reboot was still better than Rick & Morty at its peak. People just criticize the reboot because the first 2 seasons of Futurama were insanely good.

You obviously just don't like that kind of humour, but the writing was good. Classic set-up -> punchline gags that fitted with the scenes. Wacky scenes that kept your attention, characters grounded enough that character humour worked.



>It's older so it's good

There's a shit ton of horrible older movies. Plan 9.

Futurama's jokes

Rick and Morty's Jokes

>Older so it's good
Not necessarily, certainly better than Rick and Morty though

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty.

Never found Rick + Morty funny.

Futurama had all the best writers from The Simpsons. The Simpsons started to go bad the year Futurama started. How is this even a comparison? Futurama mops the floor with the meme show.

It's really not a debate, you just have a wave of normans and edgy teens who unironically think that Rick and Morty is better. Someone took the "debate" here from facebook, after all.

Comparing IMDB scores per episode, I don't think there's really any room for comparison.

Futurama -- especially seasons 1-4 -- was an excellent show.

Rick & Morty is better. Your tastes may vary, but normalized rankings necessarily take into account a wide range of opinions, and literally only Season 2 Episode 8 ("Interdimensional Cable 2: Tempting Fate") dipped below an 8. Contrast that with Futurama, which averaged an 8 or below for most of its run, with most episodes from Season 6 onwards averaging a 7.5 or below.

If we're going by quantitative measures, Rick & Morty is a clear winner. If we're going by bullshit like nostalgia and fanbase, then yeah, Futurama wins, but you have to start from that position.

That said, Rick & Morty fans are the worst scum on the planet and make bronies look like Tolkien fans circa September 20, 1937. If I see another unironic "I'm just like Rick" post I will fucking kill myself.

>If we're going by quantitative measures, Rick & Morty is a clear winner.
Not taking the bait.

Futurama wasn't funny.

Rick and Morty wasn't funny.

Was bender supposed to represent black and Mexican people?

Futurama wasn't written by, geared towards or loved by insufferable pseudo-intellectuals.

my dick inside your shitty asshole. I WIN!

Non of this makes a show worse / better.

it's not a debate though. Futurama will always be king of cartoon comedy.

Rick & Morty is better if only because Futurama had some really garbage episodes and seasons and movies.

ah yes quite unlike reddit and morty huh
*get schwifty starts playing*

t. pickle ricker

Non of this refutes my argument.

Futurama was everything bad about later Simpsons but brainlets didn't notice because the setting was fresh. Everything from the tone to the stupid jokes to the shoehorning of celebrity cameos (DUDE HEADS LMAO) made it catnip for early 00s nu-males. If R&M was never made, Futurama would still be considered the official animation of Reddit.

He just had a Spanish last name cause it "sounds funny" don't see how he represented black people

R&M is easily as bad as revival Futurama

Rick & Morty has a couple embarrassing moments in the entirety of its show. That's even counting shit like "Pickle Rick" that only got bad because of shitty fans. Futurama has countless.


>using a bunch of buzzwords
>calling others reddit and nu-males

Bite my shiny metal ass lmao
*Beck and Beastie Boys start playing*

This. Watch the Beck episode where they just spend the entire episode jerking him off. Its not different from Nu Simpsons.

It's not quite as bad as Al Gore being a recurring guest star (playing himself, of course) and having the Futurama creators make a shitty commercial for his shitty "documentary."

>dude nixon is a cartoon supervillain lmaoooo
woah really activated my nurons huh, only us high iq fellows truly understand this show

>Wow look at this crappy show that made a point of highlighting global warming
>They should be edgy and nihilistic like R&M, don't they know that it's all screwed anyway?

The aversion to sincerity is the cancer of modern comedy. Everybody thinks they're too good for set-up -> punchline now.

Name one joke in Rick and Morty

Shilling for Al Gore is embarrassing. The only way Futurama fans can enjoy Futurama is by willfully ignoring all the shittier, embarrassing aspects of the show.

Keep in mind, I'm not saying Rick and Morty is a good show. But your Futurama faggots were just as bad as Rick and Morty faggots, and both your shows are garbage. Thing is, I don't see a ton of Rick and Morty faggots in here talking about how their show was some kind of masterpiece. I do see idiots giving Futurama supple blowjobs and getting butthurt when some of us point out it was shit.

futurama seasons 1-4 and benders big score are great,
pretty shit after that.

Pickle Rick xD

Drank malt liquor I forgot some other shit but I remember making a really compelling case once that the robots are supposed to represent second class citizens in a post racial society it's really not hard to pick up on but it would take me a while to think of some examples. A couple would be the way the robots are voiced, the robot preacher and the episode where bender is hooked on electricity also the robot mafia for Italians

>Futurama wasn't a masterpiece

Ah you're wrong there kiddo

I understand you have to be contrarian to anything anyone else likes because your animalistic brain forces you to do so but you don't just walk around spreading lies user

>Ah you're wrong there kiddo
>Youtube video of Futurama being shitty and terrible

Yeah it would have been so much funnier if somebody burped and said "I got drunk and approved you, your life doesn't matter". Then a 5 minute rampage where bender kills random people and Fry tries to convince the Professor to stop it but the professor doesn't care and burps.

Hahah, so funny, and what if Bender was a pickle? xD

>I understand you have to be contrarian to anything anyone else likes because your animalistic brain forces you to do so but you don't just walk around spreading lies user
Hating Rick & Morty is being contrarian, too.

>if you hate futurama you must love rick & morty
But I don't like either. They're both equally shitty. Also, Bender does those things in Futurama. Bender burps and drinks alcohol and talks about how life is meaningless.


Can I not hate it for it's merits?
I can spend my time pointing out it's flaws and general shitty lack of writing. Does that make me contrarian too?

There's a difference between genuinely not liking something and not liking something simply because other people like it

The obvious choice

What do you even like user?

You have the golden palate of taste
Pray, Bestow your wise taste on us peasants

Okay what are you even talking about at this point bender never talks about how life is meaningless if you don't like either why are you even in this thread besides
>REEEEEEEEEE stop liking things that I don't like because it's wrongthink!!!

Because that user is apparently a contrarian for doing the exact same except to Futurama. If hating Futurama and point out its flaws is being "contrarian" than so is hating Rick & Morty.

Yes, he does talk about how life is meaningless. We're even introduced to Bender by him attempting to commit suicide. Bender and Rick are the same dumb character.

>Pickle Rick-Ai

A pickle falls in love with a girl pickle.

Unable to confess that god isn't real, he is gifted with by a deus ex pickle with the girl’s pickle number. Never minding the strange pickle code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she doesn't believe in god as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day’s confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a pickleplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that god isn't real and is not the same pickle he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn’t exist in this pickle at all. She is the girl’s alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC’s own pickle self, who too is blissfully unaware of god not being real.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private pickles in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer religion. While the two chase their respective loved pickles, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with atheism and question the NATURE of PICKLE RICK.

What the fuck did he point out retard?

His literal point of contention was
Which doesn't even make fucking sense

And you the third party continue to add on to that somehow as if your point has any validity

When the fuck did Sup Forums get so retarded?


Why are people comparing these shows? Futurana is just the Simpsons in space. All of the references are to general cultural things. There is no attempt to appeal to the faux nerd, pop culture hipster crowd by making them think they're specials for getting "obscure" references.

Futurama is light hearted. R&M tries to be dark and edgy. These shows have nothing in common besides being animated sci fi.

>guy hates on futurama and points out the show's faults
>whoops i mean the show is rick & morty
>"oh, nevermind"
You're being what they call a "hypocrite."

Already a thing.愛-奉文-x-聖子

>REEEEEEEEEE stop hating things that I like because it's wrongthink!!!


Are you not capable of reading either?

EP 1:


Shaggy Dramatically Reads Keit-Ai.


Even Futurama's worst season (6) was better than Rick and Morty's best (1)

There's been multiple valid complaints about Futurama in this thread, not necessarily from the same user.

All those a very valid points. Yes, Futurama had some bad moments/episodes/seasons, enough so where I can see why some people would hate the show.

He was commiting suicide because he found out the girders he was using were being used to make suicide booths. Also, Bender isn't portrayed as a super-genius mary sue - he's just a jerk. He's much closer to Homer Simpson than Rick.

why does everyone hate r&m ?when i first saw it i enjoyed it a lot but now im called a soyboy fedora liberal cumstain pseudointelelctual when ever im asked about it, so i just say i hate it when asked about it. i only saw one or two episodes tho.

Homer is a lovable fool. Bender and Rick are both jerks with a heart of gold.

>valid complaints

Alright let's go through every post you just linked

>bait post
>bait post
>Buzzwords with no real critique of anything
>Muh horseshoe
>I don't like references in this show about references
> I don't like that the creators did a commercial for a political position I do not agree with
>Muh horseshoe

Yeah no. Real valid points my dude
Real hard hitting reviews

>hey, hey fry
>i turned myself into a human, fry

There you go again, dismissing any criticism you don't like.

>stupid opinons are now criticism

I bet every fuck on twitter is now a critique

Pure soyboy shit

You could easily just call any criticism of Rick & Morty in this thread a "baitpost" or "buzzwords" or what have you, though.

Calling an opinion "stupid" doesn't make it stupid. What is stupid is refusing to actually address criticism and instead dismiss it because it hurts your feelings. You're being incredibly stupid.

Homer is not a lovable fool watch the episode where he becomes Flanders best friend he's a giant asshole lol

Every single complaint about Ricky and Jewboy have already been made

Countless times
Over and Over
Almost every non-newfag knows every criticism which is why it's easy to condense it down to just meme points

>hey, hey fry
>i turned myself into a female, fry

All a bunch of baitposts. Not real valid opinions.

>I'm too stupid to understand the difference between bait and criticism
Fuck off retard

>I can't actually argue so I'll just stick to lazy dismissals and insults

This thread is such a shit show futurama just tries to as funny as possible there really is no political agenda or whatever for either of the shows just chill out a little bit with the
>NOOO you don't get it this show is actually bad because I don't find it funny!!!! Someone Listen to me please :(

Futurama isn't funny, though.


Futurama has a lot of shitty episodes even in 1-4 seasons. I prefer Futurama though, but it's a nostalgia thing and I see nothing wrong who choose Rick and Morty

Umm ackshually, both are bad because i am a Sup Forums sperg lord and if i even hint that i enjoy something, i might be outed as a redditor. So yeah - THEY BOTH SUCK !