>dude I'm so depressed I have to stay in a lavish hotel in Japan while I make millions of dollars doing some shitty commercial and have a wild fling with thong-wearing Scarjo in the prime of her youth while my wife and two kids call me every night and tell me they love me LMAO
Dude I'm so depressed I have to stay in a lavish hotel in Japan while I make millions of dollars doing some shitty...
>missing the point
t. Every basic bitch who thinks she's hot shit or "alternative."
dumb dude lmao poster
I can't even parse this in English. Calm down.
in english, doc
that's exactly the point of the movie
his life couldn't be better but he's still unhappy because some people will never be happy
>Money and pussy is all that matters in life
oh little bab, when you grow up you will understand
>I can't even parse this in English.
You sound like a self-important idiot with poor verbal reasoning skills. This movie was made for people like you.
>in english, doc
Try reading it out loud, numbnuts.
i don't get it
what the hell, are you mentally disabled?
His wife hates him though and so does he
Scarjo wasnt into him for the money
poorfag detected
This movie is actually really good.
Why didn't he lip her stocking?
Dare I say it, the only great film by a female director ever?
English is not my native language, next time try no so hard please
I'm sorry?
>he hasn't seen Triumph of the Will
no clue
my favourite
your in this thread?
depression sucks
>Hees Jews my this movie my favourite your in this thread depression sucks
what did you mean by this?
He's just like me. This movie is my favourite. Depression sucks.
>only poorfags like me get to be depressed
>English is not my native language
Fuck off back to whatever your shitstain of a country's version of Sup Forums is then.
you're a dumb dumb :P
If you're genuinely suffering from depression, despite having money and companionship, then you most likely have a neurological disorder. Do we really need yet another meandering, overly ponderous movie about yet another self-indulgent neuroatypical?
Great argument. You really helped shift my perspective.
What are you trying to say? Use words, user.
Would he be cured by a course of exercise and a proper dosage of antidepressants?
fuck off reddit
>by a course of exercise
>dosage of antidepressants
Debatable. He wasn't a major depressive so it's doubtful.
>t. reddit gold and soon to be Sup Forums pass user
Because westerners don't get off on that nip phony submission shit
What did he tell her, lads?
haven't laughed this hard in a long time
He's juicelike, maid is movie, my favourite, duper shun sex?
Antidepressants are a meme. Nobody needs them. A couple of schizos need antipsychotics and thats it
>t. Old Fag Ex Prozac user.
i don't really think it's about depression as much as it's about not knowing what the fuck to do with your life. which i would think this board could identify with
Has anyone ever been so far as to do more like?
He is staying at an expensive hotel, which is sure to have an English-speaking concierge. If he wasn't retarded he would ask for some interesting tourist things to do, of which there is no shortage in Tokyo, the most interesting city in the world.
>the most interesting city in the world
what should I do there?
This was the movie i got into scar jo. Have been ever since. God what I would not give to smell, taste, and defile her rose garden
Go to an games arcade. They're dying out even in Japan, so if you wait too long you'll miss the chance.
i think he means what to do with your life in the broader sense, not in the "which tourist attractions shall i visit" sense. i dont thjink the film is really that hard to understand
Based on Coppola hooking up with Bruce Willis while she was visiting Spike Jonze on some job he had in Japan apparently. A few days of boredom and not being indulged because your SO is busy = excuse for cheating in her world.
Murray captured a more interesting sort of melancholy than what Willis exhibits. He just seems like a miserable douchebag.
But the basic scenario is just totally "shitty rich people problems" though. It's only good because of Murray's persona.
It's very annoying but you can never cure MDD (major depressive disorder) you can only treat it
Exercise and years of finding the correct medication regimen is the only way.
T. Diagnosed with MDD at 13 and I'm 26 now. I'd honestly say I only started to function reasonably well in society and didn't have daily suicidal fantasies until I was 23-24
>my regiment of mess
450mg of Wellbutrin
Lift weights
Years of cognitive behavioral therapy and knowing myself and actively recognizing bad thoughts and breaking the recurrent cycles
How much would it cost to chill in Tokyo for couple of weeks as a tourist?
>They're dying out even in Japan
Aw fuck - buncha fucking neets - I wish Sup Forums was an arcade so I could actually interact with you fucks.
"He's Just like me, this movie (is) my favorite, depression sucks!"
A lot more than you'd expect
can u niggas recommend something similar
maybe just something else to do with loneliness like Oslo 18th August
I stayed in that hotel (Park Hyatt Tokyo) for a week, it cost £300/night.
Yeah no.
What the fuck
>Finally the way to Japan
>Play Vidya
Jesus Christ lad
It's almost as if existential depression can't be cured by going on a jolly to akihabara
>it's a bored disillusioned internet dwellers full of angst and ressentiment can't relate to a movie about bored disillusioned people full of angst and ressentiment because it's not portraying them as living in pissbottle caves episode
Poorfaggotry is truly a mental disease.
Which might be true, but it's a terrible idea for a movie.
This is true art
Thanks, I enjoyed this comic.
Because it's neither entertaining nor thought-provoking.
maybe. better diet, exercise and plenty of sleep.
It's both.
never has a piece of source material been ruined as hard as Lost in Translation at the hands of Sofia Coppola
godbless the usa, g0d bless Minnesomalia
There is no scene where the Japanese are afforded a shred of dignity. The viewer is sledgehammered into laughing at these small, yellow people and their funny ways, desperately aping the western lifestyle without knowledge of its real meaning. It is telling that the longest vocal contribution any Japanese character makes is at a karaoke party, singing a few lines of the Sex Pistols' God Save the Queen.
The Japanese half of me is disturbed; the American half is too. The Japanese are one-dimensional and dehumanised in the movie, serving as an exotic background for Bob and Charlotte's story, like dirty wallpaper in a cheap hotel. How funny is it to put the 6ft-plus Bill Murray in an elevator with a number of overly small Japanese? To manufacture a joke, the film has Murray contorting himself to have a shower because its head isn't high enough for him - although he is supposed to be staying in a five-star hotel. It's made up simply to give western audiences another stereotype to laugh at. And haven't we had enough about the Japanese confusing rs and ls when they speak English?
While shoe-horning every possible caricature of modern Japan into her movie, Coppola is respectful of ancient Japan. It is depicted approvingly, though ancient traditions have very little to do with the contemporary Japanese. The good Japan, according to this director, is Buddhist monks chanting, ancient temples, flower arrangement; meanwhile she portrays the contemporary Japanese as ridiculous people who have lost contact with their own culture.
Coppola follows in the footsteps of a host of American artists who became very interested in the cultural appropriation of East Asia after the second world war. The likes of Lou Harrison, Steve Reich and John Cage took "eastern" philosophy, music and concepts to fit an image of the mysterious east, which is always related to ancient civilisations.
Those not conforming to this never have a voice of their own. They simply don't have a story to tell, or at least not one that interests "us". This is the ignoble tradition into which Lost in Translation fits. It is similar to the way white-dominated Hollywood used to depict African-Americans - as crooks, pimps, or lacking self control compared with white Americans.
The US is an empire, and from history we know that empires need to demonise others to perpetuate their own sense of superiority. Hollywood, so American mythology has it, is the factory of dreams. It is also the handmaiden to perpetuating the belief of the superiority of US cultural values over all others and, at times, to whitewashing history.
The caricatures play to longstanding American prejudice about Japan. The US forced Japan to open up for trade with other countries in 1864, ending 400 years of isolationist policy by the Tokugawa regime. The US interned thousands of Japanese during the second world war and dropped two nuclear bombs on the country. After Japan's defeat, America became more influential in East Asia; Japan was occupied, not only by the US forces but, more important, politically and culturally.
Some have hailed the film's subtlety, but to me it is reminiscent of the racist jokes about Asians and black people that comedians told in British clubs in the 1970s. Yet instead of being shunned, the film this week received eight Bafta nominations, and is a hot favourite for the Oscars.
Coppola's negative stereotyping of the Japanese makes her more the thinking person's Sylvester Stallone than a cinematic genius. Good luck to the director for getting away with it, but what on earth are people with some semblance of taste doing saluting it?
This is an amazing picture.
fuck you soyboy numale faggot
it was a great movie and if you grow up you will see it ,but I dont think you will since you gonna be a cuckboy for muhamed
this bunch of 2000#s kids are annoying as fuck cant we just fucking kill capeshit posters and everybody after 1995-2000 ? its pure cancer
I want to shit in this review's author mouth.
> t. agelet
cant cure depression, only manage it
nice rebuttal fagtron
>bruce willis
thought it was sean connery
jet fuel can't melt steel beams
>unsubstantiated opinion
>needing rebuttal
Consume less Sup Forums.
>well written review with clear points and references is an ""unsubstantiated opinion""
>muh pol boogeyman
I lived in Japan for 4 years. Don't listen to anyone on this site look it up for yourself. Theres ways to stay really cheap if you're willing to be a bit out of your comfort zone (small place to sleep, public baths). Aside from that food is cheap, train fare is cheap.
The most you should spend on if you're a broke fag is hotel. I stayed at a hostel once that was like 400USD for 3 weeks. You can hit capsule hotels up as well. Japan has a ton of options and like I said you can easily save on food because its cheap and high quality.
I also went for 4 weeks and the plane ticket was only 1000USD from JAL which was the most comfy flight I've ever had.
Its not about depression, its about boredom.
>xenophile is code for republican
What does this even mean? Why is it bad to be interested in foreign cultures?
I read an 8th grade textbook that had something about Japan and don't understand that cultures can be used as backdrops and the Japanese do the same thing to us with their media sometimes - the post.
Go back to your leftist circle jerk Hill Shill.
I like that flick not for the lazy romantic story aimed at soyboys, but for the fact it actually depicts the japs as the crazy weird manlets that they are.
>literal populist PC hogwash with no basis in reality
>well written
If you're not merely pretending to be retarded you should kill yourself.
>basic bitch
literal nigger language in action
Cuntpolla has a penchant for sympathising with incredibly whorish people
Fucking infant. You're too cowardly to even come up with your own counterpoints.
He's just like me, this movie is my favorite. You're right: depression sucks.