I finally caught up on this season of Nathan For You. I forgot how fucking hilarious that show is. Thank God Comedy Central keeps picking it up.
N4U thread.
I finally caught up on this season of Nathan For You. I forgot how fucking hilarious that show is. Thank God Comedy Central keeps picking it up.
N4U thread.
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I can't even imagine how much stuff they must film and how much money they must waste. I mean Jesus Christ, flying in an age specialist for 30 seconds of footage? Making up a fake movie to get access to a high school? It's absolutely hilarious how much work they put into these nonsense plotlines.
pls respond
Probably the only funny thing to come out of Canada after Norm MacDonald.
frig off satan
"The Anecdote" is a good episode, but it was hilarious how he didnt want his story to get fact checked like Brian Williams
Maybe my 2nd favorite from S4
I watched 2/3rds of this episode, stopped watching, never bothered continuing.
Am I the only Nathan For You fan who just didn't care that much?
>I know you want your rebate
>but first, some riddles
The last shot is pure kino...
I like the way he is always making minority small business owners the butt of the jokes.
Great season. Last episode was fantastic although a pretty huge change of pace. The funniest episode was probably the anecdote, although the finale is probably the best episode he's made so far.
>tfw you kill someone and you’re sorry and it doesn’t bring ‘em back
The formula gets old desu.
This episode wasn't just funny but also legitimately touching and philosophical, the type of thing that would win awards if the Emmys had any merit.
It certainly doesn't. I could watch a hundreds episodes of it.
>yfw you realize all his self degrading humor get him off just like all the other jews getting outted in the media
>yfw Nathan for You is an elaborate plan to get him hard
nathan puts himself in the way of porn stars, "i love yous" and escorts, he knows what he's doing
Same, this is one of the funniest shows i've ever seen.
>stares into the distance
>Do you want some apple juice?
pure kino
I wouldn't even be upset if this was the final episode.
did you by chance read the messed up subtitles?
Holy fuck