Any movies about fucking with the wrong guy?
Any movies about fucking with the wrong guy?
>poorly cropped image macro
Russia Today or Breitbart?
Neither you idiot shill. Clearly indicated by the font alone.
John Wick
Road Warrior
Dont Breathe
I Saw the Devil
A Bittersweet Life
Elite Squad
Under Siege
>rednecks lost their favorite sport
back to baseball I guess
Thats not Nascar
that's a shame
>which ad hominem argument should I use?
pic related, it's the worst movie of the Ocean's trilogy
Only Americans would consider running for 5 seconds a sport
Die Hard
>lets protest so we earn less money
i wish i was a millionaire americuck and could make bad decisions for social awards
>American "football" will die in your lifetime
Thank you, Jesus
>favorite sport is the one were they sit on their ass the whole time
>white people feed your ass millions of dollars to run into other people for the most part
>Hurf durf racism
>worse than thirteen
>the blaze
nobody else is reporting these numbers
Any movies about betting on the wrong guy?
Um except the source in the article they’re reporting from? Stupid idiot.
college football is way better
The left really can’t meme for shit.
>isn't white
>complains about treatment of whites
What did the larping kekistani shitskin mean by this?
>Sup Forums are lefties
Are you retarded?
The Blaze
It's another shitty alt right website
Did you reply to the wrong person?
>fuck white people, we hate you lmao
>wait, where did all the white people go?
>pretending leftie/pol/ doesn’t even exist
Why are libtards so incompetent, lads?
It's not supposed to be a meme fuckwit.
>unironically using the term "alt right"
>it's a Sup Forums meme guys, trust me I'm subscribed to Sup Forums discussion
there are lefties on Sup Forums, but you wouldn't know this
>I was just pretending to be retarded
>The moment you realize Even Justice League doing better than the NFL
>pretending Sup Forums stands behind Trump
Why are Kekistan refugees so fucking delusional?
pppfffffttttttt hahahhahahahahahahahah
No, he's just replying to random people in the thread trying to get a reaction.
I doubt that Kekistanis know who pat buchanan is.
>be libtard
>literally seething
>have no argument
>lash out randomly for replies
Yikes. I feel bad for him.
Name one (1) subfaction that still supports Trump except for ptg
PBS is also reporting it you dip
Ruh roh!!!
>complains about treatment of whites
>isn't white himself
My point stands. Who are you trying to fool?
The fact that one post gets you this riled up makes me think I struck a nerve. So you're actually spics huh?