*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
*pulls down you pants*
*steps over top of him*
*teleports behind him*
>confuse his weed brain by talking about stem cells so he starts one of his monologues and then walk past him unnoticed
joe used to be super attractive
age is a bitch
*denies earth is round*
*throw kettlebells at him so he falls off center*
>Fritz Haber
"You know, Joe Rogan. Sometimes it really bothers me, that kids these days will never know what it was like to grow up without legs. You're probably old enough to remember. It used to be nothin but fucking torso and feet Joe Rogan. If you wanted to go anywhere you had to hobble around like a fuckin penguin.
I still remember when my friend Vinny got legs. That was the first time I ever had Chicken parm. Nobody. NOBODY makes better chicken parm than an Italian mother from New Jersey. They make the sauce with the beef, pork and veal. It's the best. You can go to fuckin Italy and they'll you to get your ass back on the boat cock sucker.
This woman was loved by everyone in the community Joe Rogan. When she died, the street gangs stopped fighting. Her funeral, they carried her casket like, what's that thing singers do when they jump in the crowd? Crowd surfing? Yeah. 17 thousand people in the street, they carried her casket from the fucking church to the cemetery Joe Rogan."
You can just step over him
lol, 56% is really the gift that keeps on giving, was it really Sup Forums that crafted this meme to destroy Sup Forums
I have no idea what they fuck either of you are talking about
He should really try a more powerful stance than “Invisible Briefcases”
>convince Les Stroud to look for bigfoot
>talk endless shit on him next time he's on the podcast
americans are the most powerful race in the world
being attractive is overrated
Great pic
>walks over him
*blocks your motivation*
Jamie, pull that midget up!
It isn't round it's a geoid
In 1983, in North Bergen...
I like that there are generally two routes for any sort of recreational drug user (weed and liquor specifically). There are those that blame all their short comings on them, and those that are generally functional and have accomplished things in life. I can tell which you are lol.
Well I consume neither. Take your analysis back to the janitor closet Good Will