Was it good?

Was it good?

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If you only watch the trailer sure.


the fact that this is even a debate should be clear that it is not. you don't see anyone defending something that's universally liked.

Only good DC film and best hero film.

Everything except the hardcore penetration sex scenes between ma and pa Kent

the professor just logged on y'all

Why didn't the invisible son just stop?

So anything with discussion is shit now?

>tells people to backoff when he's about to fly
>in another scene he flies away right next to Lois when Zod threatened his mom


>what is emotional reaction

he flies using braaps
you don't braap in front of a qt girl

pure kino


>these are the autistic criticisms
you're doing great

so whats the point of telling people to backoff when nothing bad will happen?

Better than the other films that came after it, but still not very good.

MoS had a similar problem was the Nolan trilogy when it came to writing and characterization. Everyone sounded like they were rehearsing a play in an intro to philosophy class rather than speaking like human beings. The religious symbolism was hamfisted and unexplored, Superman spends only 1/4 of the movie as Superman. Worst depiction of the Kents ever written. Zod was a very bland villain.

Despite the flaws MoS had, the fights were god tier.

>zodd was a bland villain


>The religious symbolism was hamfisted and unexplored
So which was it? This is such a lame criticism. A christian boy given the gift of godhood lends itself to that symbolism. Congrats on identifying it here's a cookie. Go on about muh subtlety. And Zod bland lol, now i know you're trying too hard.



Yeah, wew. You really got to me user. Grr haha.

No. Upper lip too realistic.

Here's a cookie.

It was the worst.

>you don't see anyone defending something that's universally liked.
Hello R*ddit

Man of Steel? More like Snapper of Necks.

I am so surprised those picking this film apart are literal trolls. It's just, shocking.

I know, right? I just, like, can't.


Yes its a good movie. I would have made the last battle shorter and gave some more time of character development to Clark (maybe kid/teenage Clark).

Seriously the final battle is way too long.

Best capeshit movie.

I enjoyed it overall but it also frustrated me. The pacing and way the story was structured really annoyed me, as well as a handful of awful scenes/moments which clearly exist because Snyder thought he had a good idea of how to visually portray something in a very meaningful way but was detrimental to the script due to its absurdity.

He seriously needs to find someone he likes working with that is a good scriptwriter and has the balls to tell him when he's being an idiot.

>a handful of awful scenes/moments which clearly exist because Snyder thought he had a good idea of how to visually portray something in a very meaningful way but was detrimental to the script due to its absurdity.

Name some.

>flying dildoes

Fucking hell, how retarded can one get?




I watched it last night. Its not capeshit, its a good movie that involves capes. Understanding its above the bar of normal Marvel movies is part of the process of enjoying it. Looking for themes and paying attention to how the movie is shot is all part of the process.
I encourage you to dump all your preconceived notions of the DCEU and absorb the film instead of watching it.
You too, can enjoy all that is Snyder.


No, it's great youtu.be/dzAGwgDKg1c

Scared of true film, pleb? Sorry theres not enough joking and black people in it

>Sorry theres not enough joking and black people in it

How dare you, based Fishbourne is a legend. They also had to cast one black

>They also had to cast one black

Great movie

Irrelevant character

Like they made Superman

Why didnt you like it user?

this is unironically the best hero film out there and actually what gave us hope about DC kino.

Pretty uneven but superior to every superhero origin besides iron man 1 and Batman begins
(And I guess Superman 78)

Not enough Quips and villains actually causes real damage

Zod was great.
>hey let's destroy that planet we can live on fine and in addition gives us superpowers with that one of a kind machine we could use to make a planet habitable
It was also nice to see a psychotic Pa Kent. A rather bold move but it explains why Superman was busy making out with Lois while people were being crushed behind him by rubble.

Zod was kino tier in this. Good movie, not great but good.

did you miss the parts where he wanted to recreate krypton? that's what his purpose was. that was the whole issue surrounding people being created vs born. you missed half the conflict.

>psychotic pa kent
Yeah, why didn't some farmer know exactly what the consequences would be for his demigod son to start performing miracles? can't have characters with inner conflict in my capeshit, everyone is a 1 dimensional character along the holy/evil axis.

>stop invincible son
truly 'the room' tier movie
great for a laugh tho

i'm a DCuck when it comes to comics and I HATE superman, man of steel was good though

To look cool.

I liked it.

>universally liked means it’s a great movie!

They’re light-skinned so combined they count as one black

It had the potential to be the best Superman movie ever but Snyder threw away all characterization in favor of destruction porn.

>Yeah, why didn't some farmer know exactly what the consequences would be for his demigod son to start performing miracles? can't have characters with inner conflict in my capeshit, everyone is a 1 dimensional character along the holy/evil axis.

Pa Kent is not some deep character. The original Kents were also flat characters, but also served to prop up Superman's moral compass and their simple background and outlook on life and heroics is what makes Superman who he is. The entire point is that he was born off-world but it was his decent upbringing that made him much greater. MoS Pa had no internal conflict whatsoever. He was so certain that the world would hate his son he died believing it. That's not what the Kents are about.

>So which was it?


>Juxtaposes Superman's color scheme with Michael the Arcangel
>Why? No reason, I guess.

Pa Kent didn't believe the world would hate him unilaterally, he rather knew that as soon as Clark started publically performing heroics he would be put under a microscope by the whole earth. He died believing that Clark was not yet ready for that kind of pressure.

Since Clark was 33 at the time he became Superman and even then struggled in BvS it's clear Pa Kent's hesitancy was at least partially warranted.