A whole 40 days?? Holy wow!1!!
Just joined this neat little website from /r/thedonald (because woooh let's go trumpmerica woooh yeah my man!!)
but holy cow never in a million did i think i'd ever hear something so crazy!! 40 whole days wow how unbelievable!:DDD
9490days and counting
alright movie, i hate that one girl though
lol, same here
Omg how is this possible? Lol?!
I'm new here, heard about it from /r/politics (gotta fight drumpf no matter where he is even on his home turf, russia anyone?)
anyway just imagine that tho it is cray it hurts to think about!!! 40 days and 40 nights like the book of mormon, right?! :OOO
138 days
FORTY DAYS?! Oh my!?!
First time here on Sup Forums from /r/jeb2020 (slow and steady wins the race and pol says they have meme magic maybe we can steal it haha!!!)
i just can't get over this movie premise though :O its out of this world, my fellow jebheads gotta see this!!
40 rotations?!1 Mother of moons!!
Just got here from /r/naboo (palpatine for emperor long live the empire!!!)
unbelievable though who could go FORTY ROTATIONS with our sex? I mean come on?? hard to believe :V
>it's this thread again
Isn't the movie about him refusing to fuck some hot girl who keeps trying to jump his bones for 40 days?
It was rape.
real talk tho bros, can you imagine actually doing this??? for real!!! what a crazy concept
18960 days and counting
oh I get it
the vertical text is supposed to be his dick
how long has it been since you last had sex? no virgins, that's cheating.
>6 months
>without paying: 4 1/2 years
Based Josh turning crap into kino.
I'm seriously going to die a virgin. It's such a depressing thought. I don't have any friends, and no girl would ever date someone without friends.
This also includes masturbation. I'm willing to bet very few people on this board could do it.
a week today which will reset tonight
a week
That's just unhealthy
More than a year. Can't really remember
You're so lucky that you've actually had sex. I'm fucking jealous, seriously.
Am i still virgin if i got bj from a chubby hooker (didn't cum tho)? If no, than it's been 3 years.
An extra 10 days after nofap month. Doable.
>am I a virgin if I haven't had sex
Yes you retard.
>men can't be raped: the movie
But it wasn't really sex, i just put my dick in her mouth.
>reading comprehension
At least I don't have to worry about you breeding.
This almost happened to me. I know it sounds impossible, but trust me. I lost my virginity at 39 days, two hours before midnight. I was never so scared in my life. I was almost a virgin for 40 days.
men can't be raped unless physically bested by a woman
Not ejaculating regularly increases your chance of prostate cancer.
but ejaculating often turns you into a soyboy
Damn can you only imagine? That seems like such torture
3 weeks
it was the most horrible sex ever though but i thought fuck it and just fucked some warm bag of meat ugly tinder bitch for the fun of it
didnt call afterwards AMA
Ejaculating so much that your body can't keep up with your desires does turn you into a lethargic mess. This is true. But jerking it once every few days won't do shit but clean the pipes.
Nofap is a meme.
Year and a couple of months.
>tfw 21 years and counting
I'm 23 and will die a virgin. You can't really date if you don't have close friends. And it's too late in my life to get any. It's depressing to think about.
This thread again.
I am lurking in Sup Forums since Lost and I posted on 5 or 6 times.
But I fucking hate this thread.
Same joke all over again.
>Lol there is no way this is true.
>I would kill myself
etc. etc.
You are missing the main point dumbasses.
He also didn't fap. Can you even stand 4 days without fap ? Don't speak ill about Josh Hartnett
Fuck you all. I am going to Sup Forums It is pretty much the same with leass Big guy jokes
31 years
I am 31.
nah, you're a kid still, sort out your life
four hours
it's not that great and I only do it in the hope of feeling normal
1 year and 24 days
3 years
>hurrr durrr i'm 21 so wasted for life cant do anything anymore
lmao nigga you are a fucking kid thats just allowed to drink beer hahahahahahaha you think you have it bad nigga start lifting and running and stop doing gay anime shit or games or drugs
Yeah, he can become successefull normie, but the chance to become a great person has long gone.
not really as you're still developing
21 is really young as fuck
can do anything still
past 25 it's way harder
past 30 you're fucked
that nigga is too young and retarded to have any form of reference he thinks 21 is too old for anything lmao he doesnt know what it is once you're 30
>tfw 5'10
Approaching 2 months
>25 khv
Thing is that i have no actual desire going after women.
2 months
im a pathetic directionless mess right now idgaf about a sex life when i might be homeless and an eternal disappointment to my family by next year
same, especially that im on medication now
That's the thing - i'm on no medication. I can beat off 2 - 3 times per day but i cant go after real women.
Im 40
member when he got raped at the end and everyone laughed? good times
What happened?
When was the last time everyone in this thread had sex? (God is watching)
never have, friendo.