Casablanca is 75 years old this weekend

Casablanca is 75 years old this weekend
Say something nice about it

Anniversaries are so fucking stupid. Why the fuck does it matter?

It’s a good movie

Shite ending

I’ve never seen it :^)

It shows that in 75 years Hollywood still hasn't topped Casablanca

i wish someone would dopple me into it

Watching Casablanca is like watching Shakespeare, Hamlet in particular. There’s so many moments that you can go, “oh, is that where that originally comes from?”

Shut up Fingle.
you make me tingle, give me a jingle


overdrawn at memory bank >matrix

I still say the Touch of Satan with a little reworking could be an extremely tense and disturbing horror/thriller.

Right over your head

Really boring and could've used some faster progression

Saw it for the first time a couple weeks ago.

Really fuck flick. I don't like flashbacks that tell like the whole story though. But still, the movie is a mile a minute. It all fits so well together, while keeping a good pace of interest, mystery, reveal, action. It is a perfect script.

it's not really bad at all, just goofy

i think Parts: The Clonus Horror could work really well as a big budget high octane action thriller but what do i know

Lol, I remember seeing a preview for The Island and saying to myself, “this is just Parts isn’t it?” But apparently nobody else’s noticed for years.

the director of parts noticed. he sued and got like a 6 figure payout

Time Chasers was a legitimately fun movie.

>Le piano man XDD

meme flick