What say we have a Black Sails thread, aye lads?

What say we have a Black Sails thread, aye lads?

Who was the best captain, and why was it Vane?

>spends life attacking and stealing merchant shops

I liked the actor, but I can't really sympathize with Vane

Vane spent years as a slave impressed in an English vessel. Its not surprising once he was free he wanted to burn it down. The English were cunts, and their merchants were the biggest cunts of them all.

>Elinor and Max were never gangraped then executed by a righteous horde

Well, Elinor got hers, and Max did get gangraped.

Still mad Max walked away. She was awful.

That picture looked to me like a woman sitting down with her crossed legs thrusting her chest into the air.

I guess that underscores my non gayness.

>Well, Elinor got hers
Thing that pisses me off about that is that it happened solely to make Punished Woodes, rather than as a result of anything Elinor did

>literally mumble grumble: the character
Honestly I found him exceedingly annoying. Flint was best boy, who gives a shit if he swings both ways.

Probably the least offensive gay or was it bisexual? main character in recent television.


Flint of course. I would've liked him to keep his hair like in the first season desu

But his butt fucking arch ruined the entire series

>A show about women made for women
This shit is total garbage and anybody who isnt a total fucking brainlet realized it s01e01

You're missing out on some prime titties

She chose the wrong guy, so ultimately it was about her and her wrong choices that led to her death, which was great.

there are only 3 main women.
you want a show with 100% men, fagboy?

The best thing Vane did was die

>and why was it Vane?


Long John Silver

Pre-Fag Flint
Charles Vane
Edward Low

Jack Rackham
Billy Bones
Regular John Silver

Benjamin Hornigold
Edward Teech

Fag Flint
Anne Bonny

The fag thing only showed up briefly for like 2 episodes and at the end. They pretty much ignored it for most of the show.

Flint was the worst captain, it sucks that he got lucky constantly. He definitely didn't deserve it. He was a lying, backstabbing bastard who used the people he commanded and interacted with for personal gain only. Truly scum of the earth.

The best Flint was Doldrums Flint (where they kill the shark) which was post-fag

Once you know his entire motivation as a pirate is to get revenge for England stealing the man who prolapsed his anus, it doesn't matter how great or cool the things he does are.

I hated him for 2 seasons. Then I realized everyone is a backstabbing asshole, but Vane kept to his beliefs all along and he became one of my favourites.

Beautiful fucking series. Fuck, I miss it. Anyone knows if those involved in it are doing anything interesting next?

you mean a pirate?

Starz is doing a Treasure Island series. As far as I know, it's just the actors playing Billy Bones (briefly) and John Silver. There might be flashbacks to others though.

yea but wheen he called out Eleanor on her shit was best. "you'll betray anyone won't you"

>kills her dad

Not true.

The executive producers are doing a Cleopatra show at Amazon.
"Written by Levine, Cleopatra is described as a revisionist take on one of history’s most misunderstood women, The Godfather in Ancient Egypt. After nearly losing her life in a bloody coup, Cleopatra must use her natural wit and political genius to take back her throne and restore honor to her family and kingdom."
I feel like the threads will be filled with Sup Forumstards, even if they won't cast a black actress in the title role.

That's where I started realizing how he is actually a decent character.
Fuck Eleanor. I can relate so hard to Vane.

Crack open a dictionary sometime.

Fuck off, you know from the beginning of the 2nd season what his motives were, their relationship just isn’t revealed to be sexual until the very end. Shouldn’t make any difference at all unless you’re an insecure freak which it sounds like you are.

That's a weird perspective that fails to take the whole story into account.

there's a scene where miranda was riding him and he had absolute dead stare. doubt it he was bi.

every show needs to pander to housewives because they are the ones who usually pay for tv.

stop lying.

Silver became shit after the slaves arc

This. A lot of characters that were OK or good became shit over time really. Sad