Implying Germans were the bad guys in WW1

>implying Germans were the bad guys in WW1

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shouldn't have picked a fight with the USA

well yeah, they clearly state in the film they are not.

there was no bad guy in ww1

The Germans weren't bad, but they were bullies along with Austira

What about the Serbian fucking shit who initiated it?


So what the fuck happened in the last couple of decades with Diana present.
The DC universe version of Germany should already be pretty different since the entire OHL including Hindenburg and Ludendorf are dead and wouldn't influence politics in the Weimar Republic.

This, but inversely

>invades Belgium unprovoked
>somehow not the bad guy
delusional revisionists need to leave. German war guilt is historical fact disputed only by nazis and antiwar libtards from 1960s academia.


As long as murica get to play heroes they dont give a shit about how much they shame the übermench

>Turk on the left, Croatian on the right

Both fought for the Nazis.

Right one is Scottish, left one a modern Anglo.

>I identify movie characters by their hats

Isn't Doctor Poison turkish? Ludendorf visits her laboratory in Turkey, Plus she had some middle eastern sounding name.

there is nothing wrong with bullying cute anime girls though

Did I miss some big happening where people forgot that the "bad guys" in the great war weren't the people of one country or another, but the ruling classes and generals that refused to do anything that might ease the bloodshed, even if it was just "changing tactics" or "not charging cavalry into machine guns what the fuck"

just nuke this planet already

I bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson

You certainly missed the chance to not sound like a pretentious little faggot.

Algerian and Scottish.

To be fair, machine guns at the time were a very cutting edge military technology, sort of like assault helicopters today. It was impossible to realize that cavalry would be ineffective against machine guns - conventional military tactical knowledge at the time was that the horses could run faster than the guns and simply outpace the bullets.

The farce of the Nuremberg trials was necessary because of what happened following the Great War. In both wars the British and later the American public were fed a non-stop diet of tales of German atrocities to keep the fighting spirit high against an "enemy" who had done them no injury.

According to british black atrocity propaganda during WW1 the Germans raped nuns, crucified children, burned churches, cut the hands off babies - and made soap of their own war dead. But in the 1920's a powerful historical revisionist movement exposed these lies, and the men who fought that war came to see themselves as "the lost generation", betrayed by their true enemies, the power-hungry warmongers who controlled their world.

You find in reading original newspapers and magazines printed during the Second German War that the atrocity stories, particularly those alleged to have been committed against Jews, are datelined from two main sources, the Polish underground and the Soviet Red Army, both British allies and masters of disinformation in their home countries.

Recall that Britain attacked Germany in 1939 for the same reason she started World War I a quarter century earlier, because her leaders perceived Germany's 1871 unification as an existential threat to Britain’s continental power-sharing arrangement with France, and ultimately to English worldwide hegemony. In each case the hypothetical rescue of a small nation, Belgium in 1914 and Poland in 1939, provided the rationale for an otherwise unprovoked declaration of war. With Soviet and American help, Britain accomplished her goal, the annihilation of Germany as an economic rival. Twenty million Germans were slaughtered and the nation lay dismembered in ruins.

the massive amount of bloodshed didn't need to happen. germany just used this an excuse to invade france, then attacked a neutral country

Pretty much everyone around that time were warring unprovoked to be fair, only they generally did it towards people outside of Europe so nobody cares.

Wrong Mordechai


>the country declaring war on smaller countries completely unprovoked is innocent
>the country honoring it's treaties with said smaller countries is evil

the absolute state of Sup Forums

>but the serbian guy FORCED us to send a ridiculous list of demands to serbia and declare war on them when they refused

it was literaly austria's fault

the germans have objectively proven that german unification is the antithesis of a peaceful and prosperous europe

each time germany was unified europe as a whole suffered, they should have learned that lesson after WWI and split up germany in at least 5 separate states, this would have prevented the decline of europe in it's entirety

I'm not calling you a liar, but, do you have any proofs of this? Not the m-muh cavalry bit, the "they would fucking outrun bullets" bit
I was under the impression that the introduction of the rifle told the cavalry just how mortal their horses were
That's what I'm saying, none of it NEEDED to happen
It wasn't like the second war, where it was a nation attacking another, it was just one retard shooting another

wtf thats a fucking ottoman spy!

He's wearing a fucking kilt you moron

Britain, France, and Russia are responsible for the decline of Europe, not Germany. Feels so good the first two are basically losing their countries, while Russia is a filthy, bankrupt and corrupted shit hole.

It so laughable. A demi god particpating in a World War on earth

They weren't the bad guys, but they were not the good guys. I would have preferred for Austria-Hungary to win as it would have created the perfect turmoil for a continental socialist uprising that would have permanently destabilized the West for a century. I'm not a communist but this was the only way to fight techno-capitalism. Too bad!

Turkey didn't fight for the Nazis.

And the colonial regimes of France and Britain didn't bully anyone? The tsar and his cronies and the bolsheviks who replaced them never bullied anyone?

oh please, Germany was ACHING to start shit in europe itself and plunged it into a destructive war that wiped out it's power TWICE

If not for Germany the colonial empires would not have faltered, countries like China would have never been given the chance to catch up. 2 generations of europe's finest would not have died letting in all kinds of self-destructive ideologies.

Heck germany is event DIRECTLY responsible for Communism, that's how utterly fucked up as a people they are.

>germans annex small non-german states around them
>"hey stop that" t. britain

Britain and France didn't lose

Is Austria the biggest JUST a nation have become?

To go from such an important European powerhouse to such an incredibly irrelevant country is just astonishing. Like the only time anyone remembers that Austria exists is when someone mentions Hitler was born there and Fritzl.

Like even Sweden despite being one of the least impressive great powers for like less than a century is still talked about a fair amount today.
And of course you have countries like France, Italy and Spain who are now a complete jokes, but they at least have their past glory that makes them some of the most popular countries in the world still.

she's pretty cute to be honest

t. kike

>Belgium was a noble coun-

>Britain, France, and Russia are responsible for the decline of Europe, not Germany. Feels so good the first two are basically losing their countries, while Russia is a filthy, bankrupt and corrupted shit hole.


You're not far off. The British had a well trained expeditionary force that they assumed would counter the German machine guns (considered an interesting but ultimately strategically negligible technology) while the Germans overestimated their ability to push through Entente lines early in the war. By the time the battle lines were drawn the Germans were committed to just powering through to try to salvage the Schlieffen Plan while the British knew that they could literally just ship in Empire citizens to plug the gaps until the blockade caused German industry to collapse. By the time the Germans broke through their moral, supplies, and reinforcements were fucked and the fresh Americans that were brought in steamrolled over them.
The strategies of the Great Powers at the time were entirely successful in achieving their strategic goals. The bottom line was that the Generals did not give a damn about losses.

fun fact the country Belgium never committed any atrocities in Congo

During the time of the atrocities it was not a part of Belgium but rather an independent country in personal union through a shared head of state. Everything that happened was the personal responsibility of Leopold II, the belgian people and it's government had no legal rights within the freestate

expected rebuttal, retard

I simply take solace in the fact that the French spent centuries annexing and bullying the Germans, only for the Germans to finally fight back and push their shit in, forever destroying France's reputation and relevance as a great power, despite their ultimate "victory".

I'm not ashamed to admit that I found her so god damn pretty in this movie. It's pretty much the only reason I was able to sit through it.
Like pretty to the point where it made me fucking angry that Matt Damon dared to soil something that looks so pure and beautiful.

Not sure why, I've never found Gal Godot to be anything special and whenever her face has popped up I've never given her looks a second though. But in this movie she just did it for me.

protip: when you win you get to say who the bad guy is

calm down schlomo

>t. cryptojew

>conventional military tactical knowledge at the time was that the horses could run faster than the guns and simply outpace the bullets.
how did they think this?

why is the guy on the far left the liberal?

>Matt Damon

well, clearly you have eye problems, which explains why you think she's "sooo pretty"

>first to declare war
>first to start bombing cities
>first to use poison gas
>blamed other people for their loss
Sure seem like the bad guys to me.

>european education

they didn't and he's retarded and doesn't know what he's talking about. They just assumed that it combat had not significantly shifted from the motorized phalanx armies of Frederick, Napoleon and the Prussians. They didn't think the range and rate of fire of mounted machine guns, tanks and bombers was going to dramatically alter operations and tactics at the level that it did. But it did. They fucked up and were absolute retards.

>A British apologist has the audacity to claim anyone else was being an aggressive invader.

I guess it only counts when you invade European nations right? Those third worlders you dominate don't matter?

The constant lie that the Brits tell themselves and the rest of us is that they were the benevolent caretakers of a bunch of ungrateful lesser peoples who needed--but tragically refused--their guidance. If the Empire did have an ideology, an ideology that believed in he supremacy of middle-class English values and that the responsibility to export those values to the rest of the world, and it used that ideology the same way all ideologies are used--to grease the wheels of exploitation.

The Brits knew how to turn every one of their deaths into mass media outrage while whitewashing or outright erasing the millions of corpses left in their wake. To this end they were also masters of Not Murdering People, Just Causing Them To Die. They didn't need to burn down villages or line people up before firing squads(though they did) they would just move entire populations into concentration camps where they had no food or adequate sanitation, or order farmers to grow jute for sandbags instead of food, and just let nature take its course. It served an important role in providing a way to turn their myriad atrocities into regrettable but unforeseeable tragedies.

>conventional military tactical knowledge at the time was that the horses could run faster than the guns and simply outpace the bullets
Unironically what did they mean by this?

i'm calm friend

That's what would make the British Empire so wicked, it's not their evil actions that make you hate them, but their complete self-satisfaction while doing them.

They manipulated nations by taking local minority groups, giving them a shit-load of power and wealth, and then backing them in local power struggles until they came out on top. This meant that while Britain often had very little of their hand in the political pot, the group that controlled the pot was completely and totally indebted to the British, and couldn't live without their guns and money.

This is why there weren't as many rebellions against the British - because the British supported minority groups over majority groups to destabilize the society, keeping the minority group completely co-dependent on the Crown and willing to do anything it took to keep themselves in power, including but not limited to killing other minority groups or mass-exploitation of majority groups at gunpoint to keep the British happy.

The classic case of what happens when the British just suddenly "leave" these systems is Rwanda and Kenya, and the sudden social violence that can arise from groups that had been previously pitted against one another suddenly having no hand on their leashes.

Kek. Genuinely thought Matt Damon had just let himself go and aged real bad. Forgot Chris Pine even existed, had to go through his IMDB page to even know who the hell he was.

Here's a question for you:

Anti-German propaganda is always incredibly flattering. What's up with that?

thanks, that makes a lot more sense

>good guys
literally the plague of Europe, from Holy Roman Empire to Merkelreich

and still none of that changes the fact that Germany, during WWI, invaded a neutral country KNOWING that it had a defensive treaty with Britain, then proceeded to murder it's population, destroy it's economic base and desecrate it's national monuments

In the case of WWI, yes Germany were the bad guys

i'm not a british apologist, way to duck the point of the post and run off on an autism ran, yeah we know the british empire did evi things dumbass. well done. my argument is simply that you can't trample sovereign, recognised states on the same continent with organised governments and diplomatic relations with the ther major states, and expect not to be attacked. your entire argument relies of NO BUT U and WOE IS ME, because you refuse to recognise that germany's retarded foreign policy descisions led to it's own downfall. you're like a kid on a playground you walks around beating up smaller kids then cries foul when their older brothers come to fuck you up.

>The classic case of what happens when the British just suddenly "leave" these systems is Rwanda

>I guess it only counts when you invade European nations right?

In the case of WW1 yes

There weren't any Nazis in WW1, idiot

Turkey, Germany, and Austria-Hungary were on the same side.

I'm sure you know exactly how to defeat France by attacking through Alsace.

britian created both wars out of fear and envy

>on the same continent

It only matters when you violate national sovereignty in Europe!

>invaded a neutral country
>allied with a country that has declared war on you


fun fact: Belgium was the beginning of the nonsense "babies on bayonets" and "soap made out of human factories" myths.

In the end they all turned out to be bullshit of course just like that other historical "incident".

well of course, being on the same continent makes it certain that said country has diplomatic ties to another major european power

seems like a loophole, the Belgian government could've held him accountable for how he was acting in Congo

ikr bruder praise kekistan shadilay!

>retardos thinking ww1 was Germany's fault
Piss off, every nation in Europe was aching for it.
All European countries had the chance to stop it from escalating and no one though it would turn into such a shitfest. Germany choose to stay loyal to it's ally Austria and so did Russia,France and the UK. In the end the allies turned out to be massive retards that had sold their soul to the americlaps for a useless victory against Germany.

>Invading a 3rd world country on the other side of the world is exactly the same as invading a neighboring country with a defensive pact

there was no internet or 24 news cycle in the 19th century m8

nobody fucking knew what was going on in the Congo

>Piss off, every nation in Europe was aching for it.
Prior to WW1 itself, there were a number of crises that almost sparked off war, but didn't; any one of them could have caused WW1 but cooler heads prevailed.

WW1 was unavoidable due to the system of secret alliances and the fact that all major beligerents had a bone to pick with each others.
>Austria - butthurt about being "left behind" and wants to expand into the Balkans to cement its status as a great power
>Russia - butthurt about losing to a bunch of nips and becoming the laughingstock of Europe, wants to show everyone (including its own people) that the Russian bear is not dead yet
>Germany - butthurt about being left out of the colonial game due to being too busy being disunited microstates while France and UK were conquering the rest of the world
>France - butthurt about Alsace-Lorraine and being humiliated by Prussia so bad they had a revolution over it
>Britain - butthurt about Germany building up its navy and threatening to overpower the Royal Navys dominance on the open seas, the only reason they guaranteed Belgium was because they knew Germany would go through Belgium and it would give them an excuse to join
>Italy - butthurt about the Italians in Austria Hungary and also about being late to the imperialism game
>Ottomans - total retards who got manipulated by Germany into joining
>everyone else (especially America) - opportunists taking advantage of the war and joining when they got burnt because of meddling

WW1 was EVERYONEs fault.


It certainly makes a lot more sense and is most certainly more justified to invade a neighbouring country to gain the upper hand in a war on two fronts than to invade a 3rd world country on the other side of the world because you want land and resources.

>there are people this retarded that actually exist

WW1 was just Germany and Russia fighting over Eastern Europe, that's it.

France and Britain just joined in because they knew Germany would win without their "help".

Germany had allies like the Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary.

Implying Germans were the bad guys in WWII either.


this is like a parody mocking anti-German propaganda

Not one of those things is remotely accurate.

This is the father of computer science who helped the allies defeat the nazis.
Civilized Brits castrated him and drove him into suicide for being gay

>looking for accuracy in Sup Forums shitposting images
A classic case of the Kraut not only being butthurt but also failing to take a joke

>father of computer science

yeah no

The first Turing complete computer was, ironically, invented by a German Konrad Zuse.
>wow how dare Hitler fight communism

That's what pretty much every criticism of Germany in WW2 comes down to.

And then immediately after WW2 the US goes into a 50 year cold war against communism.

and don't forget your grossgermanium autistic mappainter simulator maps on your way out


He built the first actual machine that could be considered a Turing-complete computer but was utterly useless.
Turing's contributions still actually matter. Even when you talk about the Z3 you invoke his name.

The reason there isn't just one baddy in WWI was that everyone was a massive piece of shit that didn't adapt to industrial warfare until they were nearing the later part of the warfare, as casualties ran ridiculously high