any good movies about chad's getting their just desserts?
Any good movies about chad's getting their just desserts?
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What am i looking at here
Is that a guy or a girl?
A boy that likes soy.
Jordan Barrett, bane of /r9k/, /fa/, and lookism.
That would be Chico. Barrett looks like a tranny
I'm just starting to bald so now I will never make fun of anyone else for balding ever. It's a pain worse than most, and I pray it never happens to any of you.
Oh Lachowski.
Thanks for the prayer bruh it seems to work.
Is there any character who's more beautiful than Francisco Lachowski? And I'm not talking about 2007 Chico with autistic photos on his Facebook, I'm not talking about 2008 Francisco who won the Ford Men's Supermodel of the World in Sao Paulo and then won a Ford modelling contract and worked for Dior Homme, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, DSquared, Gucci, Cavalli, Armani and others, I'm not talking about 2016 post-prime bearded Chico with two kids and married with Jessiann Gravel Beland, hell, I'm talking about 2010 Chico with perfect facial harmony and universal appeal, 193 cm tall with perfect frame and bideltoid breadth, completely hooded eyes with aegyo sal, flawless skin and perfect facial leanness, 1.88 fwhr, 0 on the NW scale, 7 cm interpupillary distance and 14.2 cm of zygo width, forward grown maxilla and jawline with a massive skull
What does "mogging" mean to those incel dudes?
Racism, sexism, lookism. is one of the most autistic and unintentionally hilarious places on the internet.
it's actually a pretty realistic place and the only place on the internet that admits looks matter and personality is irrelevant
justin bieber really let himself go
Daily Mail gossip
virgin detected
Back to the Future 1 and 2.
He wasn't a Chad in the least.
It's amazing that there virgins so sheltered and obsessed they literally spend hours doing this. Imagine if one of them ever got a date, they'd never go out because they'd stay at home measuring their "zygo width" and checking their canthal tilt. Fucking retards
>it's actually a pretty realistic place
Aren't most movies where chad gets their shit kicked in?
Thats why movies are so popular, fags like you use them to escape reality while Chad has a better job and fucks the girl you're crushing on irl.
Posts you could see straight outta reddit, Sup Forums is done.
Lookism is soyboy central, stay mad reddit
How the fuck does me pointing out that a guy women are repulsed by is no Chad makes me reddit?
what's an acceptable age to start noticeably balding?
Never. There are elderly dudes with a full head of hair.
Wrong quoting, it was meant to
Is that what diffuse thinning is? Christ, that's so upsetting. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
I don't remember a single instance of a girl reciprocating Tannen's sexual advances, they were all grossed out by him. Marty was more of a Chad than he was.
So what's the deal with lookism? It's not like /fit/ where at least they change their bodies by working out, do these incels get surgeries or do they spend their time crying like bitches and analyzing how many cm are there between Brad Pitt's eyes and calling him beta because the distance is not ideal?
there is no age at which it suddenly becomes acceptable. Most normal from late 20s to early 30s I guess. Never caused me any problems (with women or otherwise) and I think people started commenting on mine when I was around 17.
>tfw 31 years old with a full head of thick hair that won't give up
The lord giveth
Lookism is the saddest shit on the internet. It speaks to how little experience these people actually have in terms of social life
Just say you're 5'10 man no one is going to notice.
Whoa, nice argument.
>needing to fabricate your height
JUST for the JUST god
I know some fuck ugly people who are very popular, user. If you think the best way of coping with your shitty looks is moping about it with other losers on some internet forum, you're wrong.
I'm a slav/potato nigger man we are short people by breed. At least I have blue eyes and a full head of hair!
>I know
>I saw
Yeah, as expected, god tier argument.
Surely he can afford fin...
>I'm ugly and my life is shit
Whoa, as expected. God tier genetics.
What did he mean by this?
Can you present some statistics or a study that suggests looks are more important than personality in terms of social interaction? No anecdotes please
If you honestly did not find that post funny and took it seriously, you need to blow your fucking brains out you stupid useless piece of shit. I can only imagine how much people must put themselves through irl to bear your obtuse dipshit presense.
he looks better in OPs pic than 99% of his other faggy pics. also looks liike hes had a surgeon and not actually balding
I think he was referring to what the post was parodying.
God damn you must be the dumbest motherfucker that ever posted here
Kill yourself dipshit, the best way to save your face is by blowing it off with a shotgun.
>he spends his days defending lookism on Sup Forums
>he does it for free
What is mogging? Also, who are the ugliest guys to have posted on lookism? I wasn't familiar with the website and while I'm scrolling through it now those guys, while not particularly attractive, don't seem to be ugly enough that I'd remember them if I saw them on the street. Any true freaks there?
>people like handsome people