It's a walt jr sperging out episode

>it's a walt jr sperging out episode

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lol breakfast ;p

God I hate this faggot. I don't care if he's OMG SO BRAVE for being an over-paid actor despite his retardation, he CANNOT act and drags down every scene he's in.

he saved his father.

He's not actually disabled lmao

No he didn't, did you even watch the show? AT BEST he gave his father an easy way to launder a few tens of thousands of dollars.

>it's a show gets hyped up despite being below average shit episode

Yes he is you literal spastic.

he has a speaking impediment

No, he has cerebral palsy, just like his character.

>it's a Walt jr does nothing of consequence episode
>it's every episode

He does but his condition isn't as bad as Walt Jr's.

>its an every character is a thinly veiled plot device with extremely suspect or nonsensical motivations episode
>it's a breaking bad episode

Fortunately, its progressive so he WILL die in agony in his 30's.

>it's a tvedditor thinks 15 year olds have any power irl

the whole plot of this show was nonsense.

The whole show relied on the premise that meth users are smart consumers and would want/care/be aware of a purer form of meth. Meanwhile there are 1000's of corporations that depend on consumers NOT being in any way shape or form smart.

Oh and any drug dealer worth his salt would've cut the shit out of that pure meth

>they're the same age in all the pictures

how did people accept this?

he makes me hate cripples even more

dont say that

Suck it Walt Junior. While I'm living it up on my Old Man Gibs, you'll be dead in the cold, cold dirt.


Show would've been vastly improved if walt had a normal son. I get it added to the "worthlessness" of not even managing to have one, but walter jr sucked.

Now that the smoke has cleared, did his acting ruin Ozymandias?

I genuinely think he did fine, don't understand what all the butthurt was about

He didn't ruin it because the other performances were so strong, but he was absolutely terrible and ruined every scene he was in.

>implying he didn't need exactly that to be saved

Walt would have found another way. Hell, those hackers he hired could have laundered it for him. Walt Jr doing that website achieved exactly nothing.

>What if you gave up on me, huh?
>Tears stream down Walt's face
>They suddenly stop and Walt looks up
>Fade to Walt smoking a cigar, wearing a top hat and monocle, and laughing with a supermodel in a bikini by his side

It cleaned up dirty money. They can't all be respected nail salons

they aren't. the baby is the new one.

It was what, $40k? Big deal, that barely covered the tests let alone the treatment.


When you're in a hurry every cent helps. He provided an immediate solution.

He provided an opportunity for Walt to launder some money, had he not provided it Walt would have found another way. He maybe saved him a couple of hours, that's it.

>but he was absolutely terrible and ruined every scene he was in.
How so?

Maybe I'm autistic, but I just don't see what he did that was so bad.

He can't act at all, so he compensate by mugging and over-acting. Every performance he gave was 1000% unconvincing and cringey as fuck, I was convinced at first that he must be the director's son or something because there was no way an actual professional actor could be so terrible.

wtf the donate button used to redirect to a cancer charity, now to the BrBa AMC website?

AMC /is/ a cancer charity.

Have you ever seen someone with advanced cerebral palsy user?

If this is how they "act" then they don't belong in front of a camera.

>it's a skyler makes her bitch face while she talks in a low tone marathon.
Worst character during the last 3 seasons


Skylar Did Nothing Wrong.

Dude, I'm talking about the character he plays. It's an amazing performance. You just haven't seen someone with cerebral palsy so you don't see how accurate it is.

He HAS cerebral palsy, he's not acting you fucking retard. And unless his character is "terrible actor with cerebral palsy" then no, it's not his character, it's his terrible lack of ability at acting that is the problem.

He IS acting. His cerebral palsy is quite mild, not nearly as bad as his character's.

>drug addicts won't prefer drugs that get them higher
I mean, even look at weed, would you rather smoke some fucking mids or pure kush?

He doesn't really use crutches but he is just as spasticated irl as he is in the show. Using crutches when you don't need them is not acting.

>Using crutches when you don't need them is not acting.
Yes it is, because his character needs them.

his character not being killed was the biggest tragedy.

If that's the extent of his acting then I stand by what I said. He is a TERRIBLE actor.

>crippled retarded standing dramatically with meth kingpin and other badass contract killers, while using crutches
Jesus fuck this picture is hilarious

>implying that's all he does
You hate the character, not the actor. Fuck off. You probably say Anna Gunn is a shit actress because Skylar is an unlikeable bitch.

WHAT character? "Herr where's breakfast"? He had no character because he was such an appalling actor they never even tried to give him one.

Don't forget the breathy inhale during broken sentences
That's how you know it's important character dialog
>Walt [inhale], did you [inhale]... know about this?

You have to go back.

>WHAT character? "Herr where's breakfast"? He had no character because he was such an appalling actor they never even tried to give him one.
Yes he did. You're just another ADHD riddled redditor who can't pay attention to a scene and can't remember any of the scenes that weren't them having breakfast. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if the "all Walt Jr. cares about is breakfast" meme was a reddit invention.
>it's a Walt Jr. learns to drive and has to negotiate using a single foot with his father episode
>it's a Walt Jr. gets butthurt about the car he's given episode
>it's a Walt Jr. makes people call him "Flynn" to spite his father because he thinks he's cucking Skyler episode
>it's a Walt makes Walt Jr. drink alcohol until he throws up in the pool episode
That's just a few, off the top of my head

You pressed the enter key twice in your own post dipshit.

To separate two sections. I didn't press it twice for no reason like a redditor. You don't see double spacing all over my post. Out of 17 line breaks only one has double spacing.

Oh, so only you're allowed to do it.

>redditor still doesn't understand what reddit spacing is
can't make this shit up lol

If I was a redditor you'd think I would know exactly what it is. The question is, why do you know what it is, you seem to be an expert on how they format their posts. Fuck off back to Sup Forums you stupid underaged faggot

You're seeing Reddit in your sleep, aren't you?

I've never, ever been there but I'm going to space my sentences out from now on.

Not because it means anything, but because, somewhere in the world, there's a fucknut like you spitting froth and crying because a stranger pressed "enter" twice.

He even tries to justify his own use of the "enter" key.

Please keep posting.

You're a hoot.

>it's reddit when you do it but not when I do it

Fuck. You. I have formatted my posts like this since before rebbit even existed, and I'm not interested in changing it because a literal shitstain thinks it's "plebbitposting".

"reddit spacing" is the name Sup Forums gave to it. Your reddit is showing, redditor.
Samefag. There's no upboats here btw. Nice job using a phone to circumvent the cooldown, redditor.

> (You)

Again, Fuck. You.

no reddit spacing is just when you put a space between the post number you replied to and your reply like this
that guy doesn't even know what it is lol

>no reddit spacing is just when you put a space between the post number you replied to and your reply like this
>that guy doesn't even know what it is lol
it's not, reddit spacing is any unnecessary spacing. How your post would look like written by a redditor:

no reddit spacing is just when you put a space between the post number you replied to and your reply like this

that guy doesn't even know what it is lol

>it's a handjob episode

>spergs arguing over "reddit spacing"
>my secret treehouse club is better than yours
All of you, eat a fucking bullet.

>The question is, why do you know what it is
We got wise.

>We don't like your little games
>Don't like your tilted stage
>The role you made us play
>Of the fool, no, we don't like you
>We don't like your perfect crime
>How you laugh when you lie
>You said the gun was ours

>Isn't cool, no, we don't like you (oh!)
>But we got smarter, we got harder in the nick of time
>Honey, we rose up from the dead, we do it all the time
>I've got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined
>We check it once, then we check it twice, oh!

>Ooh, look what you made us do
>Look what you made us do
>Look what you just made us do
>Look what you just made us
Ooh, look what you made us do
>Look what you made us do
>Look what you just made us do
>Look what you just made us do

Was that scene really necessary?

How did this pathetic beta ever take out Fring

Seriously, I've watched the entire series and still can't answer this question

fuck off

you fucking


>reddit posting

It was a way to show how dead their marriage was.
fuck you redditfag
this isn't about "muh sekrit club", it's about the mentality of the people who come from a hugbox where conforming is rewarded and dissent is silenced by the mob. That's why voat is nearly as bad as reddit even if it doesn't have a corrupt staff deleting dissenting opinions. Here in Sup Forums, dissenters get called faggots at most. And that gives them (You)s, dissenting posts are highlighted by the sheer number of replies they get. Sites where popular opinions get exposed and different ones get suppressed are shit.

>captcha: merci gois
>mercy goys
oy vey it's like anuddah shoah

what did he mean by this?

Wow what a terrific audience

You left a space between the verses, that means you are rebbit and that your post should be disregarded :^)

Isn't he ripped?

What a g-g-great breakfast thank you very much.

That's not reddit spacing, dummy

You have to go back.

>You have to go back.
Says the reddit scum

Taytay=Sup Forums

Go back. You know you have to.

Back to where, redditor?

I mean, I was gonna ask if you group people into what websites you think they browse in real life but I doubt you get out much.

There were some redditors talking about reddit once in uni and the only reason they didn't see the disgust in my face is that there was a computer screen between us.

heh, get on my level
A guy praised reddit in a house party, I called him a faggot, things escalated and I ended beating him up.

>people who come from a hugbox where conforming is rewarded
What are memes for $500 Alex
You have no point, it really is muh sekrit club mentality and nothing more

I'll take arguments for $10000