I think it looks delicious

I think it looks delicious.

>I should have spent more time staring at gordon ramsays sharpei rolls on an anonymous pedophile support forum

Shows what you know.

looks like shit
you know a pizza is bad if the crust is just worthless dough

Genuinely thought the same when obese that episode

>brits making pizza
enjoy your pizza burgers

I saw*

I mean, probably needed a bit longer bake as you can tell it was underdone, but yeah.



Op is obeast lol

seems like something PETA would make



That's German tho

I'm colorblind, but there appears to be something really wrong with the color of that meat. Am I right?

no, god, no.gif


it's very gray

yes. it's light grey, you're probably seeing it correctly.

looks like cooked ground beef.
It's not red, if that's what you're asking


he probably left it out to thaw too long then cooked it



link to video? I must know more

vomit on a piece of rubber ?

was this filmed in pittsburgh? that's what local pizza looks like in pittsburgh



>American "cuisine"

what's this guys youtube please

Kay’s Good Cooking

What am I staring at?