ITT: soy cinema
ITT: soy cinema
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That's more of a chick flick, but if you like this film, you're practically a eunuch.
>read synopsis
>same story as every Charlie kaufman flick
Why would you have someone else control what you like?
>devin faraci
Wait I remmeber that guy
soy boys btfo. meat men reign supreme
Why are you obsessed with soy?
"The most human film of the year" is soy-talk for Effeminate
fucking EPIC comeback my man
>stealing memes from the left that can't meme
Not sure if old fart or redittor
To the same tired image that gets spammed constantly and barely makes sense here, it's not like anything better is deserved.
Anybody who says a movie changed their life is so full of shit.
Please tell me thats satirical because its rage-inducing
anything made by the mouse
>omg I love *quirky nerd culture owned by disney*
Soy overdose here boys
>barely makes sense here
What would the inverse of "THE MOST HUMAN" film be anyway? Alien? Animalistic? What is an inhuman film?
I suppose if you're a retard who thinks only the alt-right uses "soy boy" as a insult, then it makes sense. Feel free to justify that belief.
Anyone who associates the right with "memes" identified as "kekistani" one month ago and doesn't understand why they're not allowed to talk about it anymore
Anime films, which don't seem human.
>thread made to trigger lefty soyboys
>they get triggered and cry "NO U"
anything by fincher
anything involving marvel
anything by nolan
This has to be some OCD shit.
You are literally all the same shit
Constantly crying and bitching about non issues and shitting up other boards
whatever you say cuck
I've only seen Anomalisa. Is Synecdoche New York about a guy with a mental disorder that makes him see everyone as having the same face?
Movies by Stanley Kubrick aren't made for or by a human
Yet here you are, crying and bitching about a non-issue, not only being a nuisance, but also hypocritical.
No, he is a food reviewer
>tfw browsing tv
>tfw thread about soyboys has info graphic about klinefelters syndrome
>tfw check literally every box
>tfw Sup Forums informed me I'm infertile
>Sup Forums increasing in traffic
>this is bad because muh secret club
Oh no, how horrible. But seriously, if you want to be around fewer people, browse a different board or a different chan.
t. newfag shitting up anywhere and refusing to assimilate
You are the problem
I'm refusing to assimilate how? If anything, getting so triggered because of the perceived alt-right presence or increase in traffic means you can't assimilate, not I.
Might as well be.
>tfw I know several "people" that dab the pizza juice off their pizza
I let them know how pathetic they are every time.
Hitting the nail on the head, user.
Anything Spike Jonze or Charlie Kaufman is guaranteed to be soy.
He's intentionally showing the wrong way to eat pizza. Took 5 seconds of googling.
stop living a lie faggot
you fags aren't going to like this but BR2049 was soy kino.
This was without a doubt the absolute worst movie I have ever seen.
What's the gimmick? Everyone has the same voice. Really, is what what you choose to do with puppets? You could have used the concept to do impossible shots, or really long, flowing takes, instead you focus on shitty voice overs. Fuck off. trash
Kubrick was an OCD sufferer who made films for paranoid schizophrenics (see Room 237).
Wes Anderson, too
I thought that was Robert Webb but it's just soy.
>a rare sliver of transcendence
All of these.
>not knowing that pizza is meant to be eaten with a knife and fork
>not knowing that the wrong way to eat pizza is having it sliced and having pepperoni on it
filthy pizza peasant fok off
I've only seen the "soy" meme pop up in the last week or so. But I won't deny the movie fits. And as for "Most human film of the year," it just means that the single person who wrote that thinks it accurately represents the reality of human interaction and feelings better than other movies he's seen that year. Could be right. It's a really good movie, though one of the sort I wouldn't really care to watch again, even if it has strong "soyboy" vibes.Good movie.
>2049 in there
Fuck. Off.
I am deeply disturbed
hello soyboy
I fucking hated that movie. Made me sick to my stomach for some reason
That's a natural high test response to a Charlie Kaufman movie. He seriously writes the most pathetic male protagonists I have ever seen in anything.
Fucking Woody Allen was an alpha next to him.
Just like immigration right?
>forcing soy
>triggered by soy
lardboy (You)
Jesus christ I nope you die slowly.
Higher levels of fat lead to higher levels of estrogen. Fatties are more likely to be soyboys.
>ctrl + f "soynema"
>no results found
12 years a slave
exercise is good soy is healthy
lard is not good you are a fatty
But what about a soy enema.
>obese faggot wants to make healthy lifestyle sound bad
Try harder, landwhale.
It's a joke, guys. Anomalisa is a stop motion animation with puppets but still feels more "human" than any other film that year.
enough, please stop overusing this word
This entire franchise is peak soy. You know it's true.
Soy is not the same as faggy, you dumb piece of shit
Ghostbusters 2016
You sound pathetic
Man that’s a lot of Jews
wrong retard, the video is about the right way to do it, he is a real person that eats it the wrong way
No worries my man, It'll phase out by Janury
to be honest pham
Daily reminder, this is now the American way.
>film cover is a bunch of quotes from reviews
Slander, photoshop
We all know Trump eats his pizza crust first
sure thing soyboy
Moar liek this plz...
I need me some good comfy soykino.
Human film? Do they mean it doesn't have monsters, aliens and superheroes?
Don't know what these people mean anymore
Also no cartoons/CGI
Can't believe that garbage has become so prevalent it's now an accomplishment not to have it in a movie
There's no humans in that film, user.
Anomolisa is literally a CGI cartoon.
This film sucked, horrible writing, horrible voice from the main character, mediocre acting, the dolls were creepy, too many long scenes of nothing (the second scene he just sits in his hotel room and goes for a piss and does other bland stuff)
Was Anomalisa supposed to heartfelt/touching/that kind of thing? I just found it unwittingly creepy and uncomfortable
I have no idea what they're talking about then
I'm lost
Wishy-washy bad-poetry touchie-feelie hipster films.
...The trolls sprinkling in Star Wars and like are just confusing the matter.
wow such a diverse jewish movie 1 black women?
I just don't know what the critics meant by it
With those stupid quotes they keep pulling out of their ass
It's like those morons who use "existential" to describe something remotely artsy
come on man all the others fit lotr is full fantasy no sci fi