Clearly better than drive

Clearly better than drive

>Better music
>Better violence
>Better action
>Better love story
>Better driving
>Better gloves
>Better ending

Just going to leave this here
>Better Kevin Spacy

Other urls found in this thread:

But does it have the goose? Didn't think so.

>Clearly better than drive
Not even close, pleb.

It has Kevin Spacey

>bothering to see a 20-year-old behind the wheel, that seasoned, hardened criminals seemingly trust with their money and their lives
>bothering to defend the idiot that made such dreck and expected people to believe it could ever be reality

Hello, millennial. The lead in this so-called "film" (a dishonest one, at that) is completely devoid of anything resembling "character". As you also possess none, allow me to explain.

Character is what's developed over a multitude of years, whether it be from working a shift at an abattoir and having some gruesomely-hilarious stories to tell your coworkers and/or friends, to being a getaway driver who's honed one's craft ALSO over a multitude of years, and probably has some hilarious stories to tell as well. You know - the stories one acquires from having actually lived life, as opposed to primping one's self in an upper-class cocoon one calls "home" and remaining blemish-free for the majority of one's entire 20 years.

Character, user, that usually manifests itself in lines across one's face - notably the forehead, around the mouth and around one's eyes. Lines that, should another person see them, they would automatically associate those lines with "I bet that person has some stories to tell." In this case, "Baby" has NO stories to tell. He has NO character. He has NO experience, NO interesting facial features and NO charisma. He is Gumby behind a steering wheel. One's immersion is ruined before one even decides to brave such a film, and one is left immeasurably-disappointed by the experience.

Unless of course, one is a millennial who has no idea about what "character" is.

THAT, user, is what I'm talking about. Character. Do YOU have any?

Why would I want to watch a gay rapist?

Sup Forums is right yet again

Bryan cranston was a better kevin spacey than kevin spacey

They both are completely different movies with completely diferent tones. The only things that are the same are the fact that the main protagonists are getaway drivers. Drive is more serious, while Baby Driver is more funky and over the top. I liked Drive more and it’s probably because I like the more serious movies. You really can’t compare these two. They are great examples of movies that you like depending on what type of a character you are. Hope you got my point. England not my language :(

>bothering to see a 20-year-old behind the wheel
Goose looks just as baby faced as bee ey bee why

“If you are a character, it doesn’t mean you have character.”

I was told that it was mediocre meme garbage, watched it and it turned out to be mediocre meme garbage with some nicely shot action sequences.

I like this movie a lot because they are Respectful. Why? The protagonist looks like he has Down syndrome and that was not a problem for anyone in the set

Baby Driver is a horrible kids movie with terrible flashback scenes of Baby watching his stupid parents fight in place of pathos. It's one of the dumbest things I've seen this year.

Kevin Spacey was blown away by the balls on that kid

But you are ironically hyped for upcoming capeshit movies

more like soy driver

Ansel is much cuter

>>Better music
>>Better violence
Absolutely nope
>>Better action
Somewhat yes
>>Better love story
True, because Drive is about sociopath, not about love.
>>Better driving
>>Better gloves
>>Better ending
Hell no
>Just going to leave this here
>>Better Kevin Spacy
Can't argue with that.

Still Drive is 9/10, Baby Driver is about 7/10.


It absolutely has better driving though, i agree with everything else.

Spacey did literally nothing wrong


>But you are ironically hyped for upcoming capeshit movies
Absolutely not. I don't watch those comic book movies.

>Clearly better than drive

Let me stop you right there. You have a wrong opinion. Spread your insanity elsewhere

No Tokyo Drifter??

First scene of Drive is one of the greatest getaway scenes ever.

gtfo and take your waifu with you

when the main character made everyone stop the heist so he could rewind the song and have the rhythm hit at the right moment was hands down the most retarded fucking thing I had seen in an Edgar Wright movie, by far.

Not even the best heist movie of the year

Logan Lucky

Logan Lucky sprays diarrhea shit all over Edgar Wright's stupid monkey face.

Its just decent enough to get you hyped up, and then it turns into hours of REAL HUMAN BEAN.


i havent seen this baby movie but everytime i see footage or art from it it just looks more and more retarded. looks like a 90s flick

>Taking the bait this hard


They're not really that comparable other than the main character is a getaway driver.

The old music isn't even that good it's literally kids stuff.
Hahahaha *rolls eyes*

Yet he's a better actor than Gosling


Every time I can dislike a uridon review I smile. Thank you for this little gift.

Is that some kind of trolling or something? Baby driver is the shittiest film I've seen lately. It starts like it's something serious, so I thought, that it isn't another shitty action movie like "Adrenalin" at first. But then, plenty of illogicalities began to appear. Can somebody explain to me, please, why did Kevin Spacey saved Baby and her girlfriend in the end?

>why did Kevin Spacey saved Baby and her girlfriend in the end?
Writer backed himself into a corner.

That's most of hollywood though


Are you gonna let that boipucci die if you're Kevin Spacey

Weird film. Starts as light comedy but gets too violent. Main character has no real motivation and the other criminals are just stereotypes.