Most overrated movie of the century far?

When was the point in time were movie critics went in full retard mode?


I consider it underrated, personally. Get Out is probably the most aesthetically advanced American film since the Golden Age, yet still critics hesitate to put it on par with The Godfather or As I Was Moving Ahead. Maybe racial anxiety runs deeper than most arthouse fans care to admit? Regardless, this masterpiece is going to be studied for generations, and the scar it's left on the Western pop cultural psyche is a permanent one

it is not overrated. You are pleb.

nuff said

>and the scar it's left on the Western pop cultural psyche

I thought the director of this movie was an american (last time i checked U.S. were western culture)

You make some great valid and concise points OP.

I never thought of it that way. Amazing.

>ranked 4° best movie of everytime on rotten jewmatoes
>not overrated

And you have the guts to call other plebs.

It was alright. I enjoyed my time watching it but it just seems a bit unrewatchable to me? I probably sound like a 2smart4u type dick, but I feel like I already got everything I could get out of the film with my first viewing.

The movie was pretty great when the fat LOL FUNNY black guy wasn't screaming HELL NAW at the top of his lungs.

Most overrated movie of the century is actually Avatar.

Just because you can act retarded doesn't mean you have to. Think before you type.

At least i've not tried to sold you some bullshits like this


Jordan Peele is a shit director. Not only did he do nothing new, most of his acting filmography is complete shit that just gets worse as it goes on. Get Out is alright but nothing special unless it's the first film you've ever seen. The film's plot is literally The Stepford Wives which William Goldman wrote for the screen. The Stepford Wives honestly looks far superior to Get Out visually and was directed by Bryan Forbes, who was a far better director than Peele could ever hope to be. But really what makes Peele shit is he lacks any subtlety whatsoever. A lot of his shots look like they were done by a film school freshman shouting for attention. Really, he's just a name that leftists and easily impressed plebs that don't know their history lap up. If you actually think anything by Jordan Peele is good after seeing anything prior by superior directors, your taste is highly questionable and ought to be checked for early signs of down syndrome.

It was a great movie. Why are you so mad at it?

Wasn't even the most overrated of 2017

I fully agree, Get Out atleast tried something, this pure reddit flick has nothing redeeming about it. The entire third act is an unbelievable shitshow in every single way, the critic praise is baffling to me.

because it's mediocre.

Because it wasn't. Its an average movie at best.

Audiences and critics disagree.

How does that make it the most overrated film of the fucking century then?
There are films that are outright atrocious on all fronts and still rated pretty damn high somehow (for example The Man from Earth). Even The Force Awakens would be a better pick then.

All Marvel flicks make a shitload of money and both the critics and the audiences like them, are they great films then?

>It's a good movie because it comments on (white) racism
Cuckolds should be shot.

This and Logan Lucky. I do not understand the praise


>film that is not real good + ridiculous praise = overrated
was that so hard?

Great at what Disney set out to accomplish, yes. Are you expecting something revolutionary from blockbuster summer tent pole films? If you are, you are a strange person with bizarre expectations.

Disney flicks aren't in talks for Award consideration, though.

No, but I would not claim that they are great films either

Sure it's overrated, but the most overrated film of the century? Fuck no

>what is hyperbole

Get a load of this faggot

Thank god for ourguy

Is Jeff Beck good too?

Ofcourse that a 65 year old black gay conservative contrarian is Sup Forums's hero

Did we already forget Boyhood?

>movie about a negroe


>Really, he's just a name that leftists
stopped reading right there. You're right that the film was a rip off of stepford wives but you basically shot yourself in the foot by dragging politics into it. It's his directorial debut so I don't think its fair to shit all over him in comparison to well-established filmmakers. Get Out was a well made and enjoyable flick, even if it was grossly overrated by critics because of his "minority" status.

it's a pasta chill

It was good but the asspull climax ruined it.

This was a great movie

Now this was a pile of overrated shit

This is why all the other boards consider Sup Forums a laughing stock, myself included.

Shut. The. Fuck. Up.


>Stop liking things I don't like!


Drive ripoff

It is rated fairly accurately. It's an assured debut that satirizes condescending liberal racism.

damn... you sure changed my mind


I would agree with this, I'd say thats the fate of any and every immediately relevant piece of art (ie the 'one hit wonder')

But they weren't even racist. Its all made up by the roastie before they get to bed.

You are an unbelievable faggot