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What did he mean by this
He's seems awfully conflicted after killing a man he was trying to kill last 15 minutes.
>I'm acting
He truly was a man of steel
He's seems awfully conflicted after killing the last of his own species, to save people wich fear him.
...whoa. That’s what I call deep as fuck my man. I’ll be mulling over that all day
>killing the last of his own species
Wrong. Superman knew he had the McGuffin DNA of his entire species in his body.
At what point did he learn that?
>I was killing a this...but with love!
Why didn’t he just cover his eyes?
Superman is Clak Kent. Clal is only a guy, a good guy, and a unstoppable force of nature, but a lil stupid, a lil redneck. He is not a kryptonian scientific. He is a big guy, with a great heart, and a average inteligence. He can't do a shit with the entire DNA on his body.
What do you spect Clark think at that moment? Something like this:
Shannon (under his breath to Cavill): Is he fucking serious?
Cavill: Yeah, I think so.
Zod explain it the first time they meet in his ship.
The only issue is that Faora wasn't expecting it.
"I wish I was dead." Crowd erupts in thundered applauds. Well played dc
Explain this scene to me, DCucks.
Zod is using heat vision. Heat VISION.
Why the FUCK would Superman be able to hold his head and keep Zod from frying the humans? If Zod can see them with his heat-vision blasting eyeballs, then he should be able to blast them.
The eye represents the all seeing eye of the Judeo-Masonic Illuminati
By having Superman twist (like a DNA, which is infused in his body) Zod's (aka ZOG) neck instead of his eyes, Lord Snyder is making the point that the (Indo-)Aryan man must terminate the international banking tribe if he wishes to save humankind
Chad Snyder is delivering another symbolism filled kino that brainlet Marvelets simply can't understand
Easy. The power of the blast forces the eyeball into it's center of gravity.
Then he shouldn’t have been able to see the humans to blast them.
How thick is man of steels cum
His kryptovision allows him to see through extreme levels of heat. I could do this all day, kid.
Not because of the heat, dummy. Because his eyeballs wouldn’t be pointed at the fucking humans anymore.
Your eyeballs have to be pointed at something to look at it.
Your “explanation” is Catch 22. If heat vision forces eyeballs back to center, then he couldn’t see the humans to hit them. If heat vision doesn’t center the eyeballs, then he should’ve been able to blast them regardless of headlock.
Checkmate, dcuck.
Better question: why would breaking Zod's neck kill him? In humans, breaking your neck kills you because it severs all the connections between the brain and the body: you stop being able to move, your brain can't control your heart, and you stop being able to breathe voluntarily and involuntarily. This kills people because we need to be kept alive by these things. Under the influence of a yellow sun, Zod becomes superpowered and I'm not totally convinced that any of these things would be able to kill him, because at that point, it's not just his regular bodily functions that are keeping him alive and going... but not only that, if he did become damaged that way, why wouldn't he be able to heal from the damage immediately? When you break your neck, you don't just die immediately... you die really soon after once your body stops being able to do things to keep you alive. But Zod could just heal in that time.
And if snapping his neck by a similar powered being killed him, why didn't any of the super-powered punches kill him? I could get my neck broken by a regular man and die... but if I take 100 punches from the other guy, as strong as he can, in my face and head, trying to kill me, then yeah, I'll at the very least be knocked out and die.
I always thought this scene was not well thought out.
And I mean, ok, having his neck snapped kills Zod... but then in the next movie, Superman withstands a point black nuke with barely any damage... infact, even his costume survives it. But having your neck broken kills a Kryptonian? I dunno. I found it stupid.
>a good guy
I expect a good guy to kill a mass murderer and feel sorry for the thousands of innocent victims he murdered. Does that answer your question?
He could hear them scream and had them in peripheral vision.
You see, in Krypton they also have common sense. Should use it a bit more, laddie.
You seem to know a lot about superman, let me ask you this.
In Krypton Zod and superman are just like regular humans, they can't fly and don't have super powers, who would win in a fight?