What /core/ is this?

What /core/ is this?




Sadly I have to agree with this post.


Movies the sexist kid in your film analysis class talks about to look smart

>sexist kid

Go back to tumblr

Essential i'm17core

IMDb Top 25


>"I'm 18 and I recently discovered the wonderful world of cinema"-core


snore core!

snore core!

snore core!

You are right, IMDb is better




>Alien, Taxi Driver, and Full Metal Jacket are now shit.

I fucking hate Sup Forums

anti-contrarian core aka good but popular movies

>implying Enter The Void was good

>implying fight club was good

They always were fedorian


serious fucking question user, do you actually get upset on other people’s behalf frequently? When someone giggles at someone else’s expense, do you feel personally offended? Also are you particularly self hating in any way? I’ve mever met a person who was “”””altruistic”””” who wasn’t also self hating and over socialized. you spend a lot of time with teachers and mom? you ever felt really good listening to someone talk about saving people or feeling like YOU saved soemone? Read Industrial Society and its Future. There’s a specific section id like you to read but overall it would be good for you

>Yeah, I'm like really into film! Refn, Kubrick, Fincher, Tarantino, Scorcese, the list goes on...

>someone who dislikes sexism is always upset on someone else's behalf
I'm not sure that's the case user. What if he simply dislikes sexism?

Sup Forums has always been full of contrarian plebs

>implying 2001: a Space Odyssey is not a snorefest

Given that there was nothing sexist at play here, it’s far, far more likely he’s simply a frustrated Virgin

Introduction core

>implying Children of Men wasn't liberal propaganda

decent movies

Since when did Sup Forums reach these levels of contrarianism? Holy fuck

that's "i'm 17 and have superior taste in movies" core


mostly bretty decent movie core?

Can someone give me a list of Sup Forums approved movies then?

>this big of a reply to my throwaway shitpost
your autism is impressive

Jacob's ladder was a great film, wish it got more love here

Regular guy core?

Hello r*ddit

>Alien, taxi driver and full metal jacket

>brings up children of men
>brings up 2001
>brings up fight club

can you not read? How obsessed are you? Did some chad laugh at you for not liking those movies so now you bring them up whenever you can to shit on them?

1. Big guy rises
2. My Cousin Vinny
anything else? complete redditcore. These are the only two movies I've EVER seen.


films women will never undersand core?

*tips fedora*
Aliens >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alien

An as yet un-commissioned remake of Logans Run directed by Alex Jones at his current skill level, the five worst Muppets movies, and explicit black and white footage of brown people being born in which an Orson Wells voiceover says 'The Jews did this' over and over again on a loop.


hahaha! this :)

>that obsession
>that projection
I didn't make the original post. I have never seen alien or aliens. I don't like James cameron though

Nah, that would be movies like Her, 500 days with her, submarine, shit like that

pretty good movies-core

A lot of Kubrick but literally only his greatest hits, not even Dr.Strangelove.


hello soygoy

Can confirm, first year I've given a fuck about cinema and I've already seen almost all of these.

startercore for young aspiring patricians

entry-level core
entry-level =/= bad

taxi driver is /r9k/ the movie

>I earnestly post about basic flicks on Sup Forums core

basically the recommendation list you'd give your young teen brother/cousin/ect who's starting to get into good kino.

How do I go beyond this list, user?

Why? Are you incapable of forming your own opinions?

Znyder, Nolan

TGTBATU doesn't belong here desu

Wiki your favorite movies from the list and check out more stuff from the directors or more stuff your favorite actors/actresses have been in while keeping an eye on new releases for anything that looks good.

soycore lmao

You're not getting an answer.

lmao you're so original lmao

"If you're an adult you should have already seen this" -core


Watch the two films by /ourguy/ S. Craig Zahler


>I have never seen alien or aliens

>Better than anything

All of these are good, only redditors disagree.

t. redditor


"i dont watch film i watch cinema" core

Most Cinema, with some Films and a few KINO