>No girlfriend for a year
>Contemplate suicide
Why does Sup Forums like this shitty movie again?
>No girlfriend for a year
>Contemplate suicide
Why does Sup Forums like this shitty movie again?
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you'd want to kill yourself too if you went without affection for that long
So could I take a body out of the tube and just fuck it?
Seems pretty realistic to me.
Because, I mean, really? Who doesn't have a stable, loving relationship? Who doesn't have sex at least 3 times a week? Can you imagine not living like that? Pure torture, worse than hell.
hi user
he didn't even get that much for a year...
I was busy with uni so I could only fugg my girl twice last week. fellsbadman.jpg
I was a fucking hermit during college. It was fine.
not really, no
That does sound horrible.
I've been steady, healthy relationships since I was 14 and haven't gone longer then a week without sex.
it wasn't just a girlfriend
it was complete solitude
don't tell me some platitude about how being alone "isn't that bad"
but think about it, why is your life so shit? because you're alone
Pretty much the same but replace "sex" with "masturbation" and week with "2 days"
I should have killed myself several times at this point is what you're saying
Chris Pratt's hair would never grow out that full and thick based on what I see from his hairline. Fake news.
Why didn't he just commit suicide? It was literally the most ethical course of action given the circumstances.
Having it and then losing it is worse than actually never having it in the first place
This really. Everyone has to have their heart broken at least once to understand how important some relationships are
>stuck on a spaceship by yourself for a year
>JLaws hypersleep pod isn't covered in your old rotten jizz
How could the director miss such a plot hole?
not true
at least you know you're capable of a relationship even if it didn't last
not if it ended because she either lost interest or wasn't honest about her feelings. At least a mutual breakup still leaves you with confidence and closure.
>i was totally and utterly isolated from any kind of human interaction, exactly like being stuck as the only conscious person on an interstellar flight
Fuck off, crybaby.
Being single is easier than being in a relationship unless you’re a soyboy
The best situation for a man’s mental health is having 2 fuck buddies and no gf or wife
if that's what it takes for you to want to kill yourself, then you sound like a bit of a weakling desu.
Have you also repeatedly run over your boss' son too?
shut the fuck up you absolute retard
At least they didn't push a line that he woke her up to meet a gender diversity quota.
100% natural fact, any sort of exclusive relationship is suicide.
you get a small boost of confidence if someone is willing to have a relationship no matter what
it's definitely worse to never experience it
Recently got out of a 6 year old relationship and man I honestly do not see myself dating for a really long time. Wasn't even a bad breakup or anything but I just can't see myself giving all this time and money that I now have to someone other than myself.
Then I hear some sad fuck complaining that he never had a gf and I can't help but think "man you're honestly not missing much."
you guys are entire missing the point.
one year...without shitposting.
he was afraid he might accidentally wake her up from her sleep and be stuck with her.
leaving this place would be good for me
>2 fuck buddies
2 mistresses who you like being around for long periods of time and who you can take out publicly when bored. if you have nothing but just girls coming over to fuck and leave you’re a subhuman.
>has a movie theater to watch pure kino
>can eat at expensive restaurants with great food
>robot bro
>kino videogames
literally better than my life right now
Is this bait?
He doesn't contemplate suicide because he's single. He contemplates suicide because he's literally totally alone and probably will be for the rest of his life.
lol try 3 years sweetie
It's unthinkable
well that's a little insensitive to the feelings of the robot on-board the ship.
not everyone here is redditor
try 22 years and counting, faggot
Still happy as fuck
It's not one year, it's the rest of his life, living with the thought that he'll die on a ship while everybody else will still get to live and reach the destination would make a person go crazy, and not just without a girlfriend, but without human contact at all, humans aren't fully indoor creatures too, so staying in a metallic tomb can get to you.
It'll be fun if he discovered how to get back to sleep but needed the assistance of somebody else to do it while he was alone.
The cutie robot bartender is all I'd need tbqh
I've been single for nearly 10 years , no fucks given
>luckily paying for sex is allowed here
I've been steady, healthy relationships since I was 8. Get on my level.
Are you 22 years old?
Your step-father must be the luckiest guy in the world.
what's the worse all out solitude you know of?
was 18 years
actually 19
but I probably won't have a gf until 22
been on Sup Forums for four years, feels good
hahahaha this is what youngsters actually believe
No, this is what grown men believe. Marriage will literally suck the life out of you. And when the marriage is over, the gash will suck the cash out of you.
what did he mean by this?
>turn 24 next month
>never had a gf
>never been on a date
Is it over for me, Sup Forums?
It's never over. You're not a woman. If you take care of your body, you'll age like fine wine.
t. normalfag
If you get fit, you can get a woman. Even if you are 50.
Women in their 30's and singles, they have a real problem. chere up boy