/who/ - Doctor Who General

"GOLDEN AGE" edition.


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What happened to the vk? Is there any other equally good resource that isn't private?


I mean, if you consider piss bronze "golden" then I guess.

Army of Ghosts/Doomsday is still in progress on the stream. cytu.

Doctor Who is dead.

if you want to watch an episode google "remembrance of the daleks vk", for example


Reminder that Peter Capaldi was pushed out.

Ah okay thanks m8

They need to spend more money on promotion, or stop mentioning the Who connection.

Reminder that you can add a Faction story to Shit Trips 2.5.

Of where?

Want to be a part of /who/ secret santa? Here's how!

Step 1: Set up an amazon account

Step 2: If you don't want people to know your full name go to My Account > Personalization >Your public Profile to change your name to something less tracky.

Step 3: Make a public wish list of stuff you want
Also make sure you add an address or your not getting shit. Go to List Actions > Update List Profiles. Enable 3rd party to get things from amazon sellers(and save a nice gifter a few bucks) For added safety, choose items fulfilled by amazon to avoid possible sharing of your personal address!

Step 4: You post your list with everybody elses

Step 5:???

Step 6: Profit!

Don't worry if you can't gift back, that's not what this is about.
Would like everyone who participates to receive a gift, so if you see a ** next to someone's list, move onto the next one that hasn't received a gift.

Gift Givers, please reply with the list you
purchased for so it can be noted.

user requests a the Radical Doctor
Post your lists!
Don't want a physical gift? Make a request for OC arts, Vocaroo holiday greeting, or something else maybe? Perhaps someone will fulfill your request!
Merry /who/mas!
Will add them to the copy pasta for the next thread.

All I request is Jess art!


>stop mentioning the Who connection.
How would that help? Almost everybody who gets into FP gets into it via Doctor Who.

How do we "fix" Shada?

POST TRIBUTES. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Kaagh the Slayer

Asian Doctor


Punished Simm

>Spoilers for Trouble With Drax

Drax looks like that?

Troughton's Curse


Yorkshire Lass


Only the ladies???

The Enemy

Edge get in stream

Smug Thirteen


Davo doll.

Punished Tom

Pup Capal

QT Drax (this is my second tribute, so you can ignore)

Neo's best girl

Incredible Hulke

Lym's best girl (yes I'm volunteering my own tribute) only to fight against Claudia)

He wasn't pushed out, what utter nonsense. It's true he didn't go down well with the general public in his first series, which is why they changed his character to be a bit more Tennant/Smith-like in the next series, where he rides a tank into a festival while playing an electric guitar and wears sonic sunglasses.
They never pushed him out, just tweaked his Doctor a bit after he didn't go down well at first. And three full series is pretty standard anyway.

Luke Smith Horsefucker

Neo, I'm going to write the "text" describing Shit Trips 2.5 submission guidelines soon. When it's done, I'll give it to you to check out, okay? If there's any specific thoughts you have, let me know.


Jon Pertwee dressed as Hitler

council man

What's been going on in the comics?


Classic Who has been showing up more and more.

It's the 19th doctor

Grape Vampire

Is there a story to this? Luke is a hot twink

Friendly Neighborhood user

>2 noses
>2 mouths
what a bad drawing

>no one purchased me anything
>now i regret purchasing anything for people last year

Damn it....

It's from a movie called The Hippopotamus, where Luke's actor plays a teenage boy who fucks everybody and everything.

I found it, real kino

>being this ungrateful

Just one as far as I'm aware. 2 of those lists had address issues that couldn't be gifted for when someone was feeling generous.
It's only been a day, calm down silly goose. Also we didn't do Secret Santa last year.

What am I supposed to have felt grateful for? No one got me anything you silly bugger.

Oops, meant the year before last.

kino in stream?

guys check the trip, its not real, fake lym :(

i'll take over though, post your tributes in reply to me





F user and Drax


which list is yours?







I request someone to make art of a Ironside trying to make tea, never got how they did that











What if you want your gift to be a complete surprise, not just from a wish list?

Anyone here read The Shakespeare Notebooks? Is it any good?


Whoo, that Tenth Doctor! I can see why the show got so many of its new fans from that era. RTD really pushed the drama up and up and up to its breaking point with so many different kinds of stories, specials, and smashing finales. It felt like a series of movies with all of the latter two, and the amount of crossover and details was quite stupendous.

However, I do think RTD was definitely too clever by half. Over his tenure, he went way overboard on the literal memes and catchphrases. How many times did I see or hear Bad Wolf, Fantastic!, Allons-y!, Well..., and so on? He laid so many seeds of future events that it became a tangled web of high stakes and world-ending catastrophes beyond the level of the classic series. Davies really blasted through a ceiling that I'm not sure Moffat will care to rebuild ever higher.

And as for David Tennant, his good looks and comic timing makes it easy to see how he trembled the girlhoods of so many fans. He was acting his ass off, especially when he strained his face or kept it nice and taut to show that he was angry or upset. But seriously, Tennant could play the Doctor with grave intent; I'm still a bit disturbed at the extent of his mercy towards the Family of Blood. Tennant had a gauntlet of stories and companions, and it likely wore him down more than it did me. He's the easiest Doctor to like, but he was also the one who was vaunted into a godlike status. RTD just couldn't help making the Time Lord an epic meme echoing through time and space. But again, where can you go when you reach the top? Maybe I'm not there just yet.




I'm not really sure. I can do something for you, but I'd need a name/nickname and to disclaim it may not be your cup of tea.


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RIP Hulke

