/trek/-Tribble Edition

Aren't they CUTE????

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I want a shirt like that.

no they are an ecological nightmare


He killed millions...

FUCK I didn't mean to post that picture
This is now a Voyager thread

Wait, what? What am I missing here?

Andorian hoes are best hoes

I meant to reply to the Morn picture with only the text
>He killed millions...
as an intentional, pretending-to-be-retarded riff on the Janeway meme. I didn't mean to post the picture of Kim Wojack. I'm actually retarded.

Data is better red than dead

Do you think Andorians get the, "I blue myself," joke?

Watching with a quasi-critical eye,U simply cannot take the concept of the LT. CMDR. DATA seriously anymore. At first I started making my LT. CMDR. DATA posts as a joke ("Why don't they call it X instead of a LT. CMDR. DATA? The name is misleading") but I'm starting to get annoyed whenever TASHA YAR uses the LT. CMDR. DATA. I just can't stop thinking about all the plot holes, the unbelievable decisions that people make, the fact that it's possible for the technology to work flawlessly while not responding to controls because of some major spatial anomaly, there's so much about the LT. CMDR. DATA that doesn't make even a little bit of sense. And then there's the fucking Doctor. They put a bunch of DOCTOR CRUSHER in a cave system to mine DICKS or something, but they can't set up POSITRONIC BRAINS around ENTERPRISE? Actually, we know that they CAN and DO do this--in that episode with the BORG, we see it done, it's the entire plot--and no amount of handwaving can make me believe that there is some reason that makes sense diegetically NOT to have done this before. And the LT. CMDR. DATA almost never malfunctions; when it does, they can fix it, no problem. It's even more unbelievable than WORF'S ability to operate on PRUNE JUICE without actually being a BARTENDING genius like GUINAN was. Why the fuck can't they make more PRUNE JUICES? Why the fuck can't PRUNE JUICE experience emotions but WESLEY can? If a LT. CMDR. DATA replicates matter on demand, why can't the replicate and HOLODECK? Why does that replicated matter lose cohesion when it leaves the LT. CMDR. DATA if it's replicated, rather than projected? Who decided that the LT. CMDR. DATA was a good idea?

Okay before we're infected with that STDfaggot again I'll summarize everything it's about to say and end the discussion before it begins

>Even though STD is bad
>STD should be respected because it's new
>The Orville may be new and good but it's not actually Trek
>I'm not wrong but I'll argue semantics and critique old Trek shows in inane ways to prove my point
>don't ignore me I'm relevant

ignore it

fuck the michael burnham show

Dunno. But Andorian blue balls is a serious medical condition

*does a 360 and warps away*

>It's a Tom Paris episode

Holograms eat holofood.

>I remember when I was a young Starfleet officer. I used to call the admiral funny names - Tritanium Butt, Oo-mox... once I even called him... Double Dumbass - but there was always respect. I always knew where the line was drawn, and you just stepped over it, buddy-boy. You've insulted me and you've insulted this company with that bastard creation of yours. I had a guaranteed military sale with Soong 1.0 Type R - renovation program, spare parts for twenty-five years... Who cares if it worked or not?

Oh, that's ok, that's why this Regellian vole gambling site is anonymous and why we shouldn't use names or trips

/trek/ serious question, should I use up my papa johns reward points to get a medium pizza or finish the thanksgiving leftovers I still got in my fridge?

It hurts dudes.

I liked Paris but he just COULDN'T get a good episode.

Even Kim had a good episode and the writers treated him like shit.

>I liked Paris


the pizza can come tomorrow


We all know what you think, Riker.

What? Hold on, I can't hear you


leftovers won't be good for much longer unless you freeze them. if you do get papa johns, i suggest that you freeze the leftovers.

What's holofood?

The Doctor knows best. Leftovers it is.

Robert Picardo is the best thing about the VOY

Bashirfaggot if you're short on sex for the holidays I'll meet up with you. I'm COMPLETELY hairless, 6'6" and will dress up as the Star Trek alien and roleplay the scenario of your choice. You can figure out the gender when the clothes come off

reply y/n and location pls

Reminder that Beverly is best woman.

Give one reason why Star Trek Discovery is bad, without:

-Mentioning identity politics
-Crying about Klingons not looking the same, when they have been changed several times over the years, both physically and culturally
-How t doesn't "look or feel" like Star Trek without elaborating further than that.

xir killed xirself already

Why did Morn never talking turn into a running gag?

Main plot is dumb. Tyler being Voq is totally unbelievable.

>Mitch Ryan was considered for the role of Captain Picard
>He was later cast as Riker's dad
Holy shit

Kate Mulgrew is the best thing about VOY. Robert Picardo helps a lot though.

Bajoran workers, tell me about your commander organs

is this an actual subtitle. Was this actually said? I have put off a rewatch of TNG for too long.

>Give one reason why STD is bad without giving legitimate complaints

I hope you're getting paid to shill the show, because it's sad if you do it for free.

In dire need of RCC (ridged Cardassian cok)

Do not engage. Just ignore.

That's a great point actually.


It's just a troll looking for easy (you)'s.

>Tyler being Voq is totally unbelievable.
I have good latinum riding on this being a fakeout.

The only thing employing trolls is the Russian government, nobody outside of that shithole would have the time tot roll.

Nice way to dodge the issue and not answer the question.

>Kate Mulgrew is the best thing about NTSF: SD: SUV

Attention Bajoran workers!
Watching with a quasi-critical eye,I simply cannot take the concept of the Holodeck seriously anymore. At first I started making my Holodeck posts as a joke ("Why don't they call it X instead of a Holodeck? The name is misleading") but I'm starting to get annoyed whenever anyone uses the Holodeck. I just can't stop thinking about all the plot holes, the unbelievable decisions that people make, the fact that it's possible for the technology to work flawlessly while not responding to controls because of some major spatial anomaly, there's so much about the Holodeck that doesn't make even a little bit of sense. And then there's the fucking Doctor. They put a bunch of EMHs in a cave system to mine dilithium or something, but they can't set up holoprojectors around Voyager? Actually, we know that they CAN and DO do this--in that episode with the Hirogen, we see it done, it's the entire plot--and no amount of handwaving can make me believe that there is some reason that makes sense diegetically NOT to have done this before. And the mobile emitter almost never malfunctions; when it does, they can fix it, no problem. It's even more unbelievable than Geordi's ability to operate on Data's positronic brain without actually being a cybernetics genius like Singh was. Why the fuck can't they make more Datas? Why the fuck can't Data experience emotions but Moriarty can? If a Holodeck replicates matter on demand, why can't the replicate and android? Why does that replicated matter lose cohesion when it leaves the Holodeck if it's replicated, rather than projected? Who decided that the Holodeck was a good idea?

Do not feed the trolls.
Ignore them and they will go away

Yes. Anbo-jytsu is considerd the ultimate form of martial arts, according to canon. (and yes, I'm being serious)



Jim Carrey's rendition of the famous scene in Jim Carrey's greatest role. I believe this to be the peak of humanity.

>he doesn't know

Season 2. All the shittiness of season 1 without the quirky unique charm. It really is weird how many shows TNG really is
>Season 1 - weird transhumanism with heavy influence from Cameron's Aliens s
>Season 2 - boringly weird, sometimes brilliant 80's sci-fi
>Season 3-6 - comfy professional looking sci-fi, best of Trek
>Season 7 - comfy show about a family that happens to be a Starfleet crew with boring adventures

>I have good latinum riding on this being a fakeout.

I'd take the other side of that bet. "It's too stupid and obvious" is never a valid reason against it.

Because he was originally written to just sit there in the background and if they ever gave him a speaking line they would have to pay the actor more and give him residuals and it's just cheaper to have him say nothing

I wanted to see Morn as the catcher on their baseball team

Come to think of it this is exactly the sort of thing I would expect Dukat to tell someone over the holophone out of the blue at 4 o'clock in the morning.

What is /trek/'s opinion on Star Trek Online? Is "technically" canon not enough?

come on bby's don't stop posting it's only 9 to 11 PM I need that sexy posting

if people want I'll write a vore fanfic about 7 of 9 and Ezri
It won't be pretty but I'll do it for the lulz

Don't respond to shills or trolls ^ You can see how desperate they are for (you)'s.

I find it clunky and boring, and yet I go back to it because there is no other modern star trek game.

It's canon in the sense it's something going on now. Anyone making a post-Voyager live-action series, mini-series or feature film won't bother with reconciling anything with it though.

if you have to ask then your heart isn't in it
I'm not into vore but I read stuff, you know?

t. Russian troll
posting is dying down I'm looking for a way to get replies up.

Where is the transhumanism in season one?

About half of Season 2 is quality. Measure of Man, Q Who, Elementary Dear Data, Contagion, and The Royale. Even Pen Pals and The Emissary pull the heart strings.

You may not like it, but Season 2 is what Peak Performance looks like.

god damn that looks like shit

>Where is the transhumanism in season one?

Starts with the Borg. It was the big thing Gene wanted to tackle in TNG

A video game focused on violence and cheap ploys to cash-grad really shouldn't be considerd Star Trek, as it goes against it's core principles. I do have to admit that it has story lines that make sense and would fit in canon.

Yes please.

why do you hate my waifu, /trek/? is it because you know you're so pathetic you can't even snag the biggest slut in the room?

Been rewatching DS9 over the past few weeks.

Why do Odo-Kira episodes hurt so much?

rewatches of DS9 makes Jadzia a lot more likeable but the only winners are Chads like me who've claimed Kira and Troi as cocksleeves

>it starts with the Borg

But that's season 2

because it's a build up when they finally do get together. kind of like how they build up the dominion war

Jadzia is great because she's the type of woman who would have sex with any man in the universe... except for me.

The transhumanism is most exemplified by the stilted emotions, skin-tight uniforms and lack of understanding of practical solutions, e.g. "just offer to buy it" in Arsenal of Freedom. episodes like Where No One Has Gone Before and Hide and Q also embody this element.

Even Morn turned her down because she was such a slut. Can you imagine your waifu would rather fuck Morn than you?

Because Odo is legitimately a godlike being and it's so pathetic to see him reduced to a puddle by some chick but puddle is basically what he is so…

Jesus I can't watch that shit

t. anti-transhumanist

One day 7 decided that she wanted to learn more about the process of biological assimilation. She instructed the Holodeck to create a simulation of the digestive system of a humanoid female at a scale of roughly 1000 to 1. As she was embarking on her expedition the holodeck failed when the ship encountered a major spatial anomaly. This anomaly happened to result in the presence of a wormhole exactly where the model's esophagus would be, a wormhole leading to the same point in the anatomy of Ezri Dax.
Dax felt something in her throat and swallowed, sending 7 down to her stomach. She wondered what it had been but it never occurred to her to look into the slight sensation of 'presence' in her mouth. It never occurred to her that one of the missing crew of the starship Voyager had been digested within her Trill stomach, fuel for her symbiont. But the symbiont had all of 7's memories, as a side effect of the digestion.

STO Geordi reminds me of the Lorax for some reason.

>Because Odo is legitimately a godlike being
it's really strange that I feel this way about changelings too. Their potential is almost greater than that of the Q

can you imagine not wanting to fuck Morn?

??? Not even close.

Q are literally omnipotent. Changelings can shape themselves into different forms. There's no comparisons.

Wouldn't Seven have re-materialized with her same physical dimensions though? Appearing to explode Exri from the inside out and thus emerging covered in her viscera ?

That's it, that's the end of the story. I'm not writing a sequel.

Why did Q help with the Borg but not with the Dominion?

How would changeling sex even be like? just imagine the possibilities

It was obviously not a stable wormhole
She shrank
I left that part out
i'll edit it later maybe

He didn't need to help because he knew that the lesser beings could handle it on their own.

Borg were Q's fault.
Dominion wasn't.

Then why did they need the help of the Prophets? Who would win Prophets vs Q?
Do we ever find out the origins of the Borg?