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I guarantee Disney will use that scene (since its not canon anymore) and give it to Rey just to show how powerful she is
>Using the Force to mind control the pilot into crashing the ship
It's really not as impressive as people think.
You are beyond dumb
New canon (one of the recent novels) tells a story about Luke Skywalker from a Stormtrooper's perspective. There are rumours that one once witnessed Luke doing exactly that
I'll try to find the source
>fags think that is noteworthy
Literally gravity doing the bulk of the work.
Pic related pulled a destroyed ship OUT of a gravity well that was so strong it caused Malachor V to collapse in on itself, flung the tattered ship into orbit, then literally used the force to hold the gawddamn thing together so he could escape in it
I bet you think magicians really pull coins out of ears.
And then he got killed like a bitch by a woman.
I loved kotor 2, but he was just an edgy donutsteel character without any purpose to the story
Found it: youtube.com
Those are intentionally exaggerated stories. You can't really take them as actual canon.
thanks bioware, I-I didn't want Jedi Jesus to be canon anyway!
correction: he was killed by literally the only jedi to ever exist that could defeat him. She was extremely lucky she also happened to be a wound in the force because that is literally the only way the lord of hunger was going to be stopped. Sidious, Yoda, Vader - all would have died in the mere prescience of Nihlius
there's a comic where sidious puts his soul into a clone and causes force storms that anihilate solar systems all while being lightyears away
Exile is canon female.
Even though Handmaiden > Disciple
why did he lose like a bitch to mace windu then?
I don't give a fuck what Bioware considers to be canon
he didn't spin hard enough
What's with the influx of "nerd" videos explaining lore about everything - it's not just star wars videos.
I believe she was canon female before TOR
But what if the ship is on autopilot
it was "canonized" (until disney bought star wars of course) in a book written by the lead writer for tor (drew karpyshyn)
Jesus Christ, there are still people who don't get that Sheev threw the Windu fight to set up Anakin's conversion?
couldn't he have done that without disfiguring himself?
That's a dumb question, he'd simply command the pilot to turn autopilot off.
>Sheev threw the Windu fight
if anakin hadn't cut off windu's arm then he would have killed sheev
literally what? Mace Windu uses a technique where he actually draws from the darkside of his opponents. This was why he reflected the lighting instead of simply absorbing with his saber like is shown in other duels.
kek. No.
Is TFU canon or not in DisneyWars? Cause I liked the story form the first one, second went to shit. Juno a cute
mace windu vs sheev
1 vs 1, 10m x 10m x 10mx enclosed room, lightsabres + force powers allowed, no one else can interfere, they both have the same power level and experience as in their fight scene in episode III
who wins??
Pretty sure Avellone considered Exile to be female. Though I remember him joking that Nihilus was Zayne Carrick.
Which reminds me, how about a series about Zayne Carrick?
it was her turn
I always forget the name they gave her and am always amazed again by how fucking stupid it is.
Sheev can see the future and knew Anakin would do that.
Would make more sense to give it to Luke since star killers powers are literally what if Luke was raised in the dark side
TOR is abortion, the pig-faced Surik and hipster mustache Revan are not canon.
Only because bioware was butthurt, like always, and rushed the game out the door before it was complete. He was supposed to be a much deeper character.
Bioware had nothing to do with it.
LucasArts rushed it for christmas sales.
This, Sheev also allowed Anakin to be all but killed off by ObiWan because he didnt want an apprentice more powerful than himself.
Right, my bad.
>Revan is a deadbeat father
That book was bullshit
Who spreads this heresy about the exile not being based jedi jesus?
Jedi Jesus would be Obi-Wan
How exactly were revan malak nihilius and sion even sith? They were just dark jedis
Starkiller is not the strongest Force user though
The dark empire books are pretty awful and only memorable for some of the art.
that's literally DBZ-tier faggot shit.
t.butt blasted Starkiller fanboy
Haha, I don't even like StarWars, faggot!
Remember EU Luke was basically god.
>Could make him self immovable by a back hole
>Could control a black hole
>Mastered Teleports behind you an ancient and long lost technique in days
>Mind raped an entire fleet
>His battle meditation which he never practiced is almost at the level of Jacen
>Fought an Elder god and a Sith Lord at the same time
>Can use non-dark side force lightning
>Can use an even stronger version that instantly kills previously force immune enemies
>Enters ONENESS with the force. This isn't super saiyan this is fucking ultra instinct.
Sheev threw the fight in the way that he didn't end it instantly when he had the chance. Vaadpa gets stronger the longer the fight lasts by the end he was honestly struggling and might have lost anyway.
>he thinks he's crashing the ship
We already know Sheev beats Vader and draws with Yoda. Yall really think Windu is more powerful than the 1000 year old Jedi master and the chosen one?
>tfw we will never see massive godlike force powers from Luke in new Star Wars
It's become synonymous sadly
you'd think the that terrible "help me im so weak" line they obviously inserted for these brainlets would make it clear
the EU was NOT a good friend
Windu was trained specifically to fight dark side users. In single combat he really could be more powerful against them then Yoda.
>mfw some pleb says a carrier is controlled by one pilot
>Windu was trained specifically to fight dark side users
get that noncanon shit outta my sight
dark empire not memorable?
making lighting and choke dark side powers is fucking stupid
he can even shield himself against atat laser
dude really was a badass in the comics
Thank fucking Christ the old EU is gone.
So much fucking nonsense and awful awful power creep. The new canon feels so much more grounded in the actual star wars universe.
get out disney
get out completely random author who was hired off the street with zero rules about what you are allowed to put in your "canon" EU star wars book
Mitra or something
Meetra Surik.
yet we didn't have helicopter sabers or lightsabers that changed color depending on your mood or being the same crystals that power the lightsabers or a planet that absorvs a sun then doesn't go supernova and ships entering the atmosphere at lightspeed and jumping to hyperspace right in the stratosphere
30 years of books made more sense than just 5 years
amazing disney
Literally everything you just listed was in the old EU except for the helicopter sabers, and even then, id much rather have spinning sabers than pic related lmao
Not to mention spinning sabers are LITERALLY the only complaint anyone has with the new canon. Wow, one whole bad episode from a TV show! Can you come up with anything else?
That honestly looks pretty cool.
that's fake dumbass
what about what I just wrote? oh you know what else? space hyperspace whales, yuzang vongs seem tame now lmao
he just listed the new stupid lightsaber crystals
we now have a trans pirate that refers to himself as zher
thanks disney
that image is fanmade and its about a story to make kids in corellia afraid, is not a real sith
>That's fake dumbass
Ohoho you wish
>Irek Ismarenwas aHumanmalefrom theplanetAlderaan, the son ofSarcev QuestandRoganda Ismaren, one ofEmperorPalpatine's concubines. Due to his mother's position, Irek was rumored to be the Emperor's son, and Roganda cultivated these rumors, raising her son as a possible heir to the throne. Irek wasForce-sensitive, and he began to train in thedark side of the Forcefrom an early age under the tutelage of his mother and the Imperial scientist,Nasdra Magrody. When Irek was five, Magrody installed asubelectronic converterinto his brain, allowing him to controldroidsandcomputersthroughthe Force. Midway through Irek's training, Palpatine was killed in4 ABYat theBattle of Endor, but the eight-year-old Irek was not ready to stake a claim to theEmpire.
show me, show me in the EU the empire making a planet that can absorv a star and then don't go supernova
show me lightsabers changing color because muh dark side
show me ships avoidings ships at lightspeed
show me transpirates
show me the new republic having only one fleet in one plant
c'mon, show it to me
enlight me with your "better then old EU" disney Eu
>He can control droids with his mind
B-but at least we don't have spinning lightsabers, r-right guys!?
>Not to mention spinning sabers are LITERALLY the only complaint anyone has with the new canon
wait wait wait
are those ships piloted by 1 person?
that is exactly what EU is you fucking retard
like this afected the story anyway, it's a side story no one cares or knows, like skippy the droid
this is not what people think about what's the EU
this is not what disney took away
we are talking about tales of the jedi, naga sadow, exar kun, kotor, bane, that's what matters and there was no reason to kill it so they could take some names and making it worse like that bane fighting yoda being just a dude in an armor when you had the original story of him having a parasite armot wich was badass and original
the whole political situation of Rehash Awakens? (that they didn't bother to explain)
but controling droids make sense
This isn't an argument over whether or not Ep7 was good, it's an argument over the new lore, which goes into more than enough deapth regarding the ST political situation
fucking this
Ben Solo is nothing but a copy of Jacen Solo. Disney couldn't even bother to come up with an original story
>with no survivors
Not if you are hacking into them with your mind, dude. Come on are you seriously going to try and defend controlling computers with the force?
The Force Awakens makes more sense than any star wars movies before it. Everything is properly explained, there's no plotholes and only those with preset agendas inside their heads would actually dislike it, and it's useless to argue with these retards.
it absolutely is. If you make a continuation of a story you have to give at least BASIC information what happened before the story started. This was not New Hope where they introduced Star Wars to you
This. Fucking EU cucks need to get over it. The EU was fucking garbage.
you control the movement and it's not like they are dificult to manuever, they aren't windows vista you know? droids have primary functions, walking shooting lasers, speaking, that's all
nice way to dismiss literally any form of criticism. It all fucking counts, dipshit. Or else I can say that the New Canon is actually perfect because the helicopter lightsabers don't count.
are you fucking serious?
There was no expalation why the "Restistance" exists.
How the New Order could build a bigger Death Star with limited resources.
How the Lightsaber could give somebody flashbacks etc
There was no expalation what Poe did after they crash landed on Jakku and why he didnt try to find the dorid
terrible bait
it literally destroys all the battles in the original trilogy by making ships able to jump to lightspeed next to planets and avoiding shields with lightspeed
that's only one aspect
but we can mention the new republic having one fleet all in one planet too or
No it's not because I don't like episode 7 so I'm not going to try and defend it. It's a shitty movie salvaged by the new canon supplementary material
That is not at all how it's conveyed. He doesn't force them to move his limbs, he uses that brain implant to literally control the technology. It says right there that he can do it to computers too, not just droids
Disney replaced it with something worse
> salvaged by the new canon supplementary material
thats some really shitty writing if you need supplementary shit and dont bother to put that in the original movie