What was her endgame?
The Leftovers
Other urls found in this thread:
to not be a leftover
What was the deal with Christine? Did she actually communicate with that guy in his dreams?
>"my daughter faked her disappearance as part of a plot conducted into by a cult to basically turn our hometown into sodom, and then got killed along with the rest of her cult in an airstrike, not to mention that my husband and son seperated from me in the aftermath"
>"but I dealt with all this grief by buying a trampoline lol"
Best opening coming through
[muffled wu-tang in the background]
I wish Emily Meade was in the later seasons.
To get Tom pregnant.
What was the deal with David Burton? Was he actually God? He appeared in Kevin's purgatory/afterlife long before he's met in the real world and wasn't dead before the hotel.
Kevin also saw Christopher Sunday in his dead world despite not ever seeing or hearing the guy. Then it turned out Kevin was just crazy like his dad, had no purpose for any Jesus powers, and had some heart condition or whatever. The real takeaway from Burton and Sunday is that Kevin's alternate world make The Leftovers an awful show of LOSTshit.
Alright, so did Christine also talk to that guy in his dreams?
Was Virgil psychic?
What was the best episode and why was it "The Most Powerful Man (and His Identical Twin Brother)"?
>personal experiences are authentic
i think vergil wasnt ready to find out if he was or not thats why he made sure he made a permanent decision
You clearly didn't understand the finale. Try again?
Matt episodes > Kevin episodes
Every Kevin episode is kino.
"I have a heart condition." - Kevin in the finale
Close, but no cigar.
to finally show off her pussy and rape a guy
only scene I know of..
wish she had started doing so when she was younger..
use see her in the city a few times over the course of several years..
How do I make a show as good as the Leftovers?
government backed right wing death squads to deal with noodle brained commie cults soon
I just realized, was that Gladys as Patti's manager in International Assassin?
Season 3 was a wild ride
the leftovers did not have an end game for anything, it was just damon lindehack shoving mysterious bullshit in your lap and telling you to LOL ACCEPT DA MYSTRY
This show is probably one of my favorites of all time, but the fucking smoker cult never made any damn sense, and it definitely dragged down the entire plot. Were they just nihilists the whole time or something, or trying to atone? What the fuck was the point of the hit on them by the government? What did Patty want Kevin to understand before killing herself? They are just a complete fucking cancer on the plot.
>one of my favorites
>huge part of the plot is disliked
have you watched 5 tv shows?
It had a perfect ending and is easily one of the best shows of the last 10 years. FACT
god i love when one of you retards shows up. it honestly makes my night.
theres literally at least 3 or 4 points in the show where they directly explain who and what they are, and why they exist. stop being so fucking stupid.
nah that's quarry
lol, how is the leftovers anything other than what i wrote? the show is telling you to accept der mystry and throughout the entire show all the fans and retards kept dissecting the show trying to figure out the meaning behind what is happening.
it's a retard show for retards
so your problem with the show is that fans tried to dissect it?
that said, the only mystery the show asks the viewer to accept is that the great departure happened and has no explanation. that's literally the point of the show, living with a lack of explanation for anything and the realization that nobody will ever have any true reasoning or answers. it's literally the point of the show. fans don't even discuss that part since it's so integrally part of the show, that the departure will never be explained, that trying to find out the meaning is useless and will never get anywhere.
what exactly do you not like then? that the show doesn't give an answer to it's premise? then i suggest you watch other shows because either you're too stupid to understand what a central theme is, or the show simply isnt for you. take your pick.
the entire show is just random mysterious bullshit happening. over and over. then lindehack takes those mysterious bullshit events and forces character drama out of them. that's all this piece of shit show is, it's false horseshit.
you're not special for understanding that the point of the show is to not have answers, everyone realizes that, but it gets pretty fucking stupid when a character suddenly becomes jesus for some reason and has to "die" to go to limbo to get a song from a dead abo. dude accept the mystry lmao
stupid as hell
lmao you're literally a brainlet. show doesn't directly explain things and the pleb gets enraged and confused. that's okay though, you're in good company. back to /got/ you go!
lmao you actually think kevin being jesus is a good storyline LOL
the limbo episodes were the highlight of how terrible this show is
You gotta admit though, the limbo episodes were very well done.
wanna know how i know you're a /got/shitter?
nah. season 1 was tolerable, everything after it was just horrible.
i don't know why people find the idea of a show stacking mysteries on top of mysteries without any explanation fascinating. do people actually think it takes effort to write random mysterious crap? it doesn't. i already know some idiot is going to say "b-but thats just like life brooo"
got is absolute garbage and it's still better than this cheeseball show
"Muh remembrance" is not really a clear reason. Like shit, even Lori's character had no fucking clue what the actual motivation behind it was besides, "they believe the world ended". Throughout the show its just shown to be a stupid fucking cult with no real purpose but to move the plot forward. There were points where they were beneficial to the plot, Patty's character was fantastic, but mostly they just are this needlessly vague entity.