What's your problem with The Lost World?
What's your problem with The Lost World?
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The dog dies
It's better than most of what comes out today. Lost World was diarrhea in a time before you were literally shitting blood and the lining of your anus into the toilet. Back then we saw a black girl do gymnastics and knock a raptor out a window and we're embarrassed and mortified. Now? With raptor and t-rex tag team matches and chameleon dinosaurs, many of us would gladly take black girl swinging from the rafters.
It's caca doodie
Didn't feel like a Jurassic Park film.
- The locations were all wrong.
- Malcolm wasn't Malcolm, he turned into action man.
- Shitty city chase scene.
- Raptors looked different.
- Didn't even follow the book.
They found a world that is lost.
how were the locations wrong?
2nd best in the franchise desu
Nothing. People get into autism fits because of muh gymnastics or muh not like the original, but it's easily the second best of the series and better than most blockbusters out today
How people can sperg out on this yet say jurassic world and TFA are good movies is madness
>nonsensical plot partially due to tons of deleted scenes and cut concepts
>no reason for it to exist besides money
>no central concepts to tie the movie together besides "hurr let's go back to dinosaur island XD
>"gymnast killing raptors"
>unlikable "heroes" far more likeable "villains"
>bringing back Jeff Goldblum despite him acting completely out of character and having no reason to be there
>muh not like the original,
Because it's not good
>autism fits because of muh gymnastics
If you don't cringe at the gymnastic scene then you have autism
>What's your problem with The Lost World?
It had nothing to do with the book
Was definitely the most violent of the series tho...
Is it pointless? Yes. Bad? Yes. But people literally sperg out over this scene like it matters. People actually acting like this movie is some travesty or anything worse than what gets put out every year like capeshit and starshit are just blinded by how much they love the first
>unironically using cringe in 2017
The annoying as fuck girl
Soyboys and roasties literally ruin everything. Fuck Vince Vaugn.
I enjoyed it. Not as much as the book it’s based on but it’s a serviceable sequel to a movie that wasn’t as insulting to the audiences intelligence as some other series.
Had some Kino moments too
>Anything to do with Roland
>TRex attack on the trailers
>TRex attack on the camp
>Compy river murder
>Don’t go into the long grass
Male Rex and Tiger raptors have to be my favorite colored designs of all the dinosaurs in any of the JP movies as well.
>People actually acting like this movie is some travesty or anything
It is compared to the first movie. People weren't happy when the Lost World turned out to be a shitty cash in.
Maybe not in the modern world where every single good movie gets an unneeded reboot/sequel/prequel/franchise that ruins the original, but 10+ years ago or so yeah it did piss people off when you ruined a good movie with a bullshit cash in.
it's weird to see people criticize lost world as if the original was some sort of masterpiece. it isn't. it's thin as fuck. until tintin, the jp movies were the closest jewberg ever got to making rollercoaster rides.
>What's your problem with The Lost World?
That I don't own those awesome vehicles/accessories.
how did da t rex kill everyone on da boat undetected
It was originally supposed to be raptors that killed the people on the boat. But they took those scenes out and didn't bother explaining it later.
>it's thin as fuck
>closest jewberg ever got to making rollercoaster rides
lol fuck off
the faggot hippy taking our guys ammo is the problem
Whats with Jurassic Park and qt redheads?