Is there anthing she can't do?

Is there anthing she can't do?

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be attracted to men

i remember when this used to be posted every day

Does she literally have some aging disease?

Other than that I'm completely obsessed with her.

She's bisexual guaranteed. Fact.

Why do you think so?

she came out as gay not bisexual

Nah pretty sure she is genuinly lesbian. She looks like a pureblood lesbo.



build a cabin all by herself

Into the Forest. She built that film from the ground up. Fact. Not opinion. But she has some weird aging disease so who cares. I mean I love her to death but she is a genetic dead end. It kills me to say that but it's the reality.

What a dumb post

Dont bother replying


Hey I'm gonna produce some film where I repeatedly make out with some guy. FOR ART.

Fuck you too.

you do know what the word "actor" means right?

That book was so special that it would make you make you make out with some guy repeatedly just because it was so good? Bullshit. She's bisexual. No pure lesbian would do that ever.

She chose the book. That film would not have happened without her. She read a book where her character repeatedly makes out with some guy and she thought that would be really great for her.

A disturbing look into the mind of an autistic man obsessed with a 100% lesbian actress

Bullshit. I mean sure it could happen fbutor me but that'd have to be one hell of a book. And that is not Into the Forest. Why didn't she choose the other character huh? Youre full of shit.

You... are dumb.


Settle down man

And you are full of shit.
Somewhere in Ellen's mind she's smart enough to know that homosexuality is a literal mental disorder.

you're a Sup Forumstard too? figures. such autism.

acting isn't real

Ok fine but the other character had just as much screen time and was arguably better.

Are you denying that? Because youre fucking wrong. Literal mental disorder. Fact not opinion.

She couldn't save Flatliners from being absolute shit

>Is there anthing she can't do?
Get a reservation at Dorsia's? I thought not.

take a dick


Be masculine or butch in the slightest. It's hilarious to watch her try.

Suck dick. Pathetic. Even I can do that.

Win an argument with Ted Cruz.

>He fell for the lesbianism meme

Just like KStew, amirite?

I wouldn't know but that is gonna have to be some serious Shakespeare shit for me to produce from the ground up a film where I repeatedly make out with a guy. And again her costar was arguably a better character.

suck cock, apparently

>reddit spacing
>hates old Sup Forums
Sensing a pattern in the deniers.

Save her career.
She kind of ruined it herself by going from "cute tomboy" to "the lesbian lesbian who does lesbian stuff that´s lesbian".
Nothing wrong with coming out, but making it all seem to be is just stupid.

Open a movie on name recognition.

She can do a shit hot female on male rape scene though.

Win critical acclaim for an acting role.

Oh wait, she did once....10 years ago. That's it. She hasn't achieved anything of note ever since.


can someone run her pics through that makeup removal app? I haven't seen anyone do her yet.

It won't matter. She is insanely beautiful from the inside out. She is literally designed by evolution to save the human race by reproduction. Whether she can admit it or not. And I think she can. She's too smart to not know what she is.

>lesbianism isn't a phase!!!
lol, the absolute STATE of dykes

>lesbians never, ever feel any kind of attraction to men

>save the human race by reproduction

>extremely narrow hips, like a prepubescent

>no tits or ass

What did you mean by this?

>>reddit spacing
what is this reddit spacing meme i see around here? I never visit the place so i have no fucking clue what it is

I liked her in Hard Candy.

Maybe some lesbians don't ever like men but Ellen Page is a literal embodiment of femininity. So no I cannot reconcile that Ellen Page could never love me no matter what I did. It's utterly fucking devastating and no I can't deal with it. For a reason. Evolution.

>second hand information doesn't exist because i'm stupid and desperate to not be outed as an other who will never be a member of this community due to my normie ideology
You can also start writing like a white person while you're at it.

I don't even know what to say at this point. All I know is it is utterly devastating to think that no matter what, she could never love me. And no I cannot deal with it.

Why does this board even bother keeping ellen page posting alive? Old Sup Forums died several years ago. It's like if someone kept talking about Glau. That target audience is here anymore unfortunately.

by what definition? Almost everything can count as a "mental disorder"

Cry into your soy latte somewhere else.

Into the Forest was actuall really awesome. Whether or not we got to see Ellens glorious fucking tits and erect nipples.

You need professional help. Call a doctor immediately. Being obsessed over a hollywood actress can't be good for your brain. Why don't you take some Alphabrain?

By definition, homosexuality is a reproductive disorder. Fact not opinion.


By the definition of normal people who aren't brainwashed by SJWs. I know it hurts to hear how normal people think of you, but you made a decision to be ill.

It's not a decision.

>It's not a decision.
Is that what the scientists who are funded by liberal politicians to work in liberal universities and validate liberal agendas regarding sexuality for votes told you?

No, decades of experience with dozens of people. It's a literal disorder but that doesn't mean it's "wrong" let alone a decision.

And yes I'm implying that bisexuality originates with this knowledge.

>No, decades of experience with dozens of people. It's a literal disorder but that doesn't mean it's "wrong" let alone a decision.
>reddit space
>And yes I'm implying that bisexuality originates with this knowledge.
So, your anecdotal evidence which doesn't actually exist. And, yes, it is wrong and it is a decision. Bisexuality is merely a pit stop on the road to realizing your brain is completely broken and you're too weak to fix it.

check these dubs

There's actually tons of scientific evolutionary evidence for bisexuality. Just for starters, women produce more milk through nipple and clitoral stimulation.

But I really don't want to get into this conversation let alone with you so to each their own. I know what I feel about Ellen and I'm irreversibly convinced of what that means.


How embarrassing for you both.

be a real boy

Be attractive and act

be funny