Vanity Fair Marvel anniversary shoot
Fucking, marry me short-haired Hemsworth!
His costume looks dumb as fuck though.
why are they pretending black panther's mom is important?
She is the only strong black mother in the MCU
needs the helmet now that he has short hair
Why do these pictures all look so awkward? Is everyone shopped together?
whats hawkeyes super power again?
>no asians quick throw in the librarian
>not enough blacks quick throw in these irrelevant extras
dont matter
I'd fuck everyone in this pic
Choose one.
I gotta go with dat Scarlett. There's something about smacking that ass in those tight pants that I find so irresistibly tempting.
Comic Con is not Sup Forums related!
I thought Ant-Man and the Wasp weren't going to be in until Avengers 4 but they even have Hank fucking Pym in this movie too? What the fuck?
>not going with pure Liz
its for the MCU vanity fair shoot you tard. Not specifically for infinity war. thats why some are wearing old costumes and some arent
And cover up that beautiful head? No way. I think the Helmet would look cooler when he has hair coming from the back of it. But with short hair, he just looks great.
Zoe looks better with that pose
still weird seeing Wasp and Pym there
Did they always wear dark ass colors or is this like game of thrones last season where everyone suddenly wore only black and crimson
That pose on Gamora is pure sex.
Scarlett>Linda>Cobie>Green Nigress>Other Nigress
girl in the middle is hawkeye's wife. kind of a random pick
Linda is the best aging woman in Hollywood, this is proof.
The truly KINO universe
>dchads on suicide watch
i thought he had enhanced accuracy, but i looked it up and he is just really fit.
>Grown men actually enjoy this shit
>no hayley atwell
You monstrous homosexuals.
Those suits fucking suck. And you people say DC movies are drab and bland.
Casting him was the biggest mistake. The guy can't act.
Who did he suck off to get this role?
wow this looks awful
>Is everyone shopped together?
Yes in fact. They do these photos individually then they get shopped together because it's way harder to get everyone together for a group picture.
That's what you find weird? How bout all the random Black Panther diversity characters we haven't even met yet?
i fixed it
I farted from laughter
The same Jew dicks no talent hacks like Jennifer Lawrence & Olivia Munn sucked I reckon.
Holy shit he MCU really does look like shit when you line them up like this
Me in the back
>we haven't even met yet?
Oh so the characters that reach the big screen in two months time aren't worthy of a photoshoot involving important characters from the universe?
I wonder why does this bothers so you much? I fucking wonder.
>tfw no tall gf
>still no hayley
So why is Widow blonde now?
This is really some horrible photoshop.
How big is the box RDJ is standing on?
Man, Scarlet was never hot, but now she's even ugly
I used to hate Karen Gillan back in the day on Doctor Who but now I can't get enough of her, and I have no idea why.
Nobody's seen the movie yet, idiot.
She's hot. She was hot on DW too.
I'm annoyed Favreau is way off by himself and only RDJ gets to be near Feige
no they're all just standing like that in a big white room
Sup with Chris hemsworth right eyebrow
pre-ragnarok shot hiding spoilers about his eye and hammer
Did someone ask you retard? Everyone knows
And why in Infinity trailers he has both eyes?
Because the trailer they showed at SDCC was before Ragnarok came out. They either edited it, shot a seperate scene or the eyepatch is done in post and they just didn't add it in.
They were literally there together at once tho retard. There was a big story on the photo shoot a month ago. Stop talking about shit you don't know
Tony makes him a new eye
She's 100 years old and dead user
>Every single Marvel star comes together for a huge photoshoot
>DC had to shop the JL poster because they couldn't be bothered getting 5 people into one room for a photo
Fuck you.
This is some incredibly gay shit. You faggots like this?
mark is an italian, and he was a bartender in LA for years before he became popular.
Because his dad sure as shit won’t be in it
>Pepper Potts
>Hawkeye's wife
>Black Panthers Mom
Some of these choices are fuckin weird, did they have a gender quota or something?
She ruined the first Cap film too, muffsplaining and monkey face.
Not all of us can be a walking tank fueled by testosterone like yourself user
>oh shit, the entire shoot is a whole bunch of white males, 3 chicks and a black
>Fuck it, throw in some side characters. Just keep going until we have one of everything
Thor x Cap x Bucky need to happen
I like this cover
Nah man, it needs to be a triple decker Chris sandwich. It's their destiny.
He can keep his family alive and together.
>h-eh being Chad must suck, right user?
Holy fuck, just admit that you're a worthless manchild
you shut up about asian librarian, he was the only guy i liked in that visual effects demo of a movie
Whoa dude relax, all that manliness is making me feel insecure!
scarjo looks like a poor man's milla Jovovich in this one
Only if Cap grows into Snake and Bucky cuts his hair and shaves his face. He looks better that way.
Really? Pratt? I mean, if it was Pine then we'll have something.
>hulk hands
Fucking hilarious.
>when you almost done with No-Nut November
Wouldn't that make your hands weaker, not stronger?
You just know
He's one of the best actors in MCU.
what's up with that batman suit?
Looks like Thor has a skull on his chest from the thumbnail.
No-fap gives you super powers, so no.
>the guy can't act
Try watching a film sometimes you fucking mongoloid
user it's not right to be homo