Thoughts on these shitskin honorary reddotors?

Thoughts on these shitskin honorary reddotors?

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Speaking of speedrunners, how are there so many trannies in that community?
It makes absolutely no sense

this is more reddit

so were they all being rude to the brown guy in the back right?
how do these people function in real life without >meme arrows and images?

wonder what that room smells like

>the average breath of the wild shill

How does it not make sense? Who but the mentally ill would play the same video game over and over to get a slightly faster time

gorgonzola cheese, morning breath and dry semen

fucking BASED black man

>17/28 (60%) are wearing glasses

What's the explanation for this?

Like Mordor

soy beans weaken the eyeball's cornea


It's probably more since a couple of the guys without glasses probably still have glasses for driving or reading. They just don't need to have them on all the time.

Big guy fucks hooded glasses twink in the ass at night.

>these are the people calling you a degenerate
Oh my sweet lord

Soy Team Six

I’m goin’ down to South Park, gonna have myself a time.

Humble folks without temptations

It's a Sup Forums meetup.

It's always a fucking fedora. Where do they even sell those things anymore


I'd honestly watch a TV show about these guys

And somebody's probably wearing contacts, sure. I know that people perceive guys wearing glasses as being less attractive and more intelligent, less suited for strong leadership roles and more dependable and trustworthy.

Weirdly enough, when I Googled to see the percentage of the population that wears glasses, it came up with 61%. So I guess the population in the OP isn't so far off from the general. Maybe they're just more likely to choose glasses over contacts?

Cast them

They look like a monthly meeting of my local autism spectrum support network
Except we usually have 1 or 2 girls
Who everyone hits and they quickly stop coming :(

No way dude. They don't look like THAT do they?

It's really not. It's a pic of everyone who went to NASA 2017.



Is that a girl wearing the hoodie? Sure is a qt

Oh the irony

So I guess my takeaway is that everyone who even partakes in this squabbling is mentally challenged and ugly as fuck. Or elderly?
Feels good to be "on the fence" now.

>go to autism support meeting
>autists gang up on me and start punching and kicking my shit in

>MAGA caps
>getting the WP gang sign wrong
Its Sup Forums admit it

Gentle reminder to you retards that estrogen actually stops balding. More test means more hair loss if you suffer from MPHL



No shit. Anyone who unironically uses that term looks just like that. Anyone from Sup Forums looks like a loser. See the /fa/ meet up and the other Sup Forums meet up photos. They're all insecure ugly fucks lol.

/srg/ are our boys faggot, kys.

Me in the bottom right

I meant hits on

say that to our faces, faggot

It makes it all the more embarrassing when they talk like they know how things are. Granted, the world is fucked up and there's no such thing as truth anymore. But to act like you're part of a collective Messianic force? On Sup Forums of all places?

What the fuck is that? A goblin?

Is dressing like Neo /fa/?

I've never encountered a word as powerful as soyboy in my entire life. It's a magic bullet for redditors, shills, muhpols and newfags.

I'd watch it


It even pisses scientific minded people off.

>these are the people calling you soyboys
man the fucking irony

i think they look pretty fun to be around

Is crashing and burning
It causes confusion and arguments as to its meaning, the users are getting it thrown back at them

This was your master plan?

>uhh guys we're still being ironic right? right?



What is the average test level of this group? Like 800?

Over 9000


everything I do is ironic. even my love for my mother. even the irony


>not making their names into food puns

just remember folks, when someone claims to be white and calls you a shitskin, this is what he looks like.


>hey! Michael here

or this

Hahahaha. Literally soyboys


Are those what real 56% faces look like?

this, but unironically

>that long neck

Those are Aryan Gods you mong.

That's a girl in the middle with the bag, right?

>when your goblin spawn is less than 56%

The intended target is whoever reads "soyboy" and absolutely cannot ignore it. It stings them in some way they can not ignore. It bores into their sanity. You aren't here to have fun or make jokes, you're here to get mad; and you feel like you have to get mad at "soyboy".

s o y b o y

They do look a bit Iranian, true.

Absolutely terrible breasts. You'd be better off completely flat than that weirdly placed lump. It looks like a midget's boob on a regular person's body.

Jesus Christ. The absolute state of Sup Forums. They are just roleplaying as white alpha chads. What an embarrassment.

>lorica segmentata

Saruman is crossing soy boys with orcs to create a new breed.

Well the kid does look deplorable
