What's the point in pretending they aren't paid by studios?

What's the point in pretending they aren't paid by studios?

Other urls found in this thread:


>getting paid

My checks from DC have been slowing down recently

Jesus, DCucks are truly fucking braindead.

>implying swaglord isn't washing dishes in the house of mouse

Studios don't need to give mods a little under the table action because the conversation in general is easily shifted towards large commercial properties.


I moderate /r/movies and have never received any credible offer of money despite it being easy to contact me personally.


I'll give you 50 bucks to kill yourself.

ok, deal

100, half now and half after I'm done

I can't wait when this place becomes unlurkable all of December when that shitty star wars movie drops.


the site makes money through ads. without ads, no revenue. i'm not sure what the deal is with captcha but i'm guessing it's free both ways.

if a capeshit thread gets 400 replies that's 400 people who've looked at that ad and completed a captcha. more clicks = more ad revenue obviously. mods won't delete a busy thread. Sup Forums doesn't make money through sponsors it makes money using ads. all fucking sites do jesus lrn2internet

most non-faggots use adblock and legacy captcha anyway so your post is pointless. Sup Forums gains my bump and my bump alone.

ads? i dont see any ads

>captial S in swaglord

You messed it up

>"and you're other $50"

Well what are you gonna do about it?

if you turn off adblock you get this... above the page

he's a janitor on the internet



>mfw when hiro stopped giving them hotpockets

.... i was looking at porn earlier so my recommended ads might've been slightly tainted

>companies giving a shit about our malaysian looming board

Rotten Tomatoes has more of an impact on box office or profit than anything we can say or post. They're paying them.

Sup Forums is mainstream right now. There are BILLIONS of normies browsing this site

Nigga Sup Forums is like the 2nd biggest site next to reddit.


kek, Reddit is the eighth biggest site, and Sup Forums isnt even on the list.

You guys are delusional

that's how they get paid retard

There are also advertisement threads. swaglord (Jay Irwin) works at Taykey Advertising, who specialise in digitial advertising and datamining. You'll come to notice that threads about upcoming movies or TV series follow the same format and are made multiple times before others start making their own versions of the threads because they love getting replies

They literally do it for free. They volunteer because they think they're contributing to something worthwhile. IF! anyone is getting paid is Hiro but it's really unlikely. This site is getting it's revenue however small through ads.

mods get paid by studios to push their shit. look at pickle rick. that was a meme bought and paid for that even swaglord was in on

Lad, they do it free of charge.


plausible deniability

All your Sup Forums are belong to us.


>the site makes money through ads. without ads, no revenue.
So ur saying moot didnt make any money?

Reddit is number 8, Sup Forums is 199 which really isn't too shabby.

In before thread purged for exposing jewish tricks
Not only this, but about 20% of all users are redirected from Facebook and youtube. Sup Forums has become a mainstream site, the most popular English speaking imageboard in the world and is a prime datamining pit

I can buy Hiro and maybe a couple of guys making money and even at that mainly through selling data like most. But most mods and janitors really do do it for free.

seeif they do it for free they are stupid


Let us not forget the ekansovi cookie that was implemented last year that took advantage of certain browser features to be a sticky cookie, that tracked users posts across multiple boards for easier datamining. Sounds like something an (((ad-tech))) named (((Jay Irwin))) would be responsible for

I'm not saying there aren't blatant shill threads, the "Wheels of Time" one keeps coming up lately and the show isn't even made yet. It's obviously a bot or someone related to the show

>swaglord's a shill
swaglord ain't got fuckall to shill wtf is he shilling? his ass? lel you can't shill if you aiin't got nuthin to shill, son.

It's all ad revenue. Last week we had 48 capeshit threads at one point. It was 20+ threads minimum for 5 days straight. It had nothing to do with paid shills, it was just retards like me posting pic related

Reminder that mods favour Sup Forumstards invading and spreading their cancer to other boards

>swaglord ain't got fuckall to shill wtf is he shilling? his ass? lel you can't shill if you aiin't got nuthin to shill, son.
Don't ever reply to me again you cancerous retard

You are a Sup Forumstard though, brazil monkey

Changing your FN isn't going to hide you :^)

mods are comped not paid. they get thousands in free sushi. it's just how it is with them

I'm not a Sup Forumstard though

he's literally a fucking cuck
yup, Sup Forums is a place right for him

There are at least 200,000 people on at any one time, Sup Forums is massive

Nope, mine are the same and I don’t watch porn

mods really don't give a shit who browses Sup Forums, board culture and any kind of rules have died a long time ago. The more people that browse the better for hiro nagasaki even if it's cocksucking r/t_d 12 year olds

I would fug his wife daughter desu

Now that you mention the quality of the site as a whole really went to shit after moot left. Each board had its own unique culture but as of last year the site became a single conglomerate of shitposts and forced memes.