So this Rex is supposed to be the original from the first film, right...

So this Rex is supposed to be the original from the first film, right? How did it survive 24 hours on its own without its L-Argenine tablets?

> So this Rex is supposed to be the original from the first film, right?
No. Why would you think that?

Because the film clearly said so idiot
Plot hole

Maybe I should rewatch it, because I don't remember anyone mentioning this.

Because it's a pretty big plot point mentioned several times that the lysine contingency doesn't work and that INGEN was in over their heads not knowing that they were doing.

Jurassic World is a bad movie

it survived on the chili and sea bass reserves left behind by alejandro

With all the dinos why did they had to make one up

The flare should have been a clue.

It learned to associate chasing a flare with getting to eat in the first movie. They drop one next to the goat when they're feeding it in Jurassic World, and then later what's her face uses one to lure it out to attack the super dino.

The movie doesn't, it was made more obvious by the website of the movie pre-release. The only real hint in the movie itself is that it has a scar on it's neck where the raptor should have attacked at the end of the first movie. But it's not the most obvious detail ever.

Been a while since I watched anything of the franchise, but don't they say in the second one that dinosaurs didn't need those anymore because they could find what they needed naturally? Or you could just tell yourself that when the army or whatever went on the island to secure it/make sure no one was there anymore, they captured the T-Rex because it was just too valuable.

INGEN being incompetent and vastly underestimating what they're doing is a pretty consistent theme throughout the JP movies.

>How did it survive 24 hours on its own without its L-Argenine tablets?
life finds a way, you dumbass

Literally established in the first fucking film that life finds a way.
JW is utter dogshit regardless

The T-rex in JP1 looks alot more realistic.

maybe because it was literally real?

why the fuck did he deliberately walk all the way up there, stop, and then roar for no apparent reason?

She was establishing her territory

>How did it survive 24 hours on its own without its L-Argenine tablets?


Modern CGI movie bullshit. Every time a fake as shit beast is presented to the viewer they have to stop, sound off and strike a pose to introduce itself. I just want to see one giant monster bumrush the protagonist without any of this shit.

The t rex got lysine from the herbavores it hunted. They got it from the plants they ate.

what are the tangerine tablets?

what makes you think this is the same t rex from the first movie?

It ate the other dinosaurs that were high dosed up on the Lysine. Sarah Harding has a throw away line in TLW where Ian ask how they were able to survive because of the lysine contingency and she says the island naturally grows an abundance of plants with lysine so the dinosaurs are eating things like agma beans and soy. Like says they found natural sources. This is also mentioned at the end of the first book thatarge creatures have been spotted on other island eating these exact plants.

To everyone discussing whether it was the Rex scene in the first JP. It is. It was discussed by the director and also stated on the website. It would have been a lot more clear to THE AUDIENCE if they had an intro scene where they showed Ingen sending in Teams to secure the island capturing loose assets and one of the assets is the Rex. We see it emerge from some growth or hear the distant roar as the team is approaching then it cuts to the title screen and says ten years later or some shit.

They producers said so. They even added the scars from the injuries she sustained from fighting the raptors in JP1.


It's a movie for two year olds and nostalgic 30 year olds, don't worry about it.

Regardless of the movie's quality, this issue is addressed in TLW. The L contingency sucks, just assume is not used anymore.