What are some good nuclear war films?

What are some good nuclear war films?

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america was a mistake

O bi O ba


Protect and Survive PSAs on loop

thought it was an egg mcmuffin 2bh

War Games

We got legal weed now so suck it.


it's also the only bearable capeshit movie

I thought OP's image was eggs benedict at first.



So were you


there really aren't any, probably because when it would've been relevant everyone was being inundated with real nuclear anxiety and non-allegorical films about it would have just been trite. threads is passable i guess? special bulletin and countdown to looking glass aren't good but i like the presenting as real news broadcast angle


Dr Strangelove > Threads > Testament > By Dawns Early Light > Fail Safe > The Day After

>all those nuclear bombs exploding on the ground

Why did they nuke all those spooky skeletons?

>anti-nuke propaganda

Just watch all 50 minutes of these. You're gonna be anxious af by the time you're done.

The one that doesn't get much attention is By Dawn's early Lights.

The ones that shown ground detonations were from the terminator movies (aside from the sum of all fears which doesn't really count since that was a terrorist attack) so correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't that be better for spreading as much fallout as possible in order if the machines goal is to basically kill as many people as possible?



I really enjoyed the ending of Fail-Safe

So it's a trade off, more damage but less fallout

Explain how nukes are good for you


That one was a little too soap-opera for my liking, the crew of the B-51 were way too dramatic and whats her name kept annoying me.

Pretty much insults the air force and the navy, practically everybody just ends up refusing to follow orders

The quiet earth

>The quiet earth
Wasn't that some kind of experiment gone wrong?

They keep Russians in their shithole of a country

I recommend this one. Its cast is all children and they aren't all great but it's an affecting film about the fears and anxieties of the bomb, not so much about geopolitics or fallout. I remember being a kid and having the same fears amplified by nobody having constant access to news and the world back then. I remember a few times I was walking home and a jet flew over and I felt sick, biting down anticipating the siren and having no fucking clue if the world is about to end because I wasn't by a radio or TV. This movie's like that so I might be biased.

Fail-Safe is a better film than all of them fuck off.


WW3 Tv movie was actually pretty good.

Miracle Mile is kino.

Then they're doing a shitty job of it

testament is flat out an embarrassing lifetime movie and this retard thinks its better than fail safe lmfao

Notice how they've done this to a country that gave up their nukes?

>her feet in that scene

They're what made me a footfag

yes but I think the ending is suppose to be nukes going off?

one of those mockumentaries and brety gud, obscure but its on youtube

Link please?

The War Game and Threads.

That BBC documentary that was banned? True kino

Fuck this horrifying creation.

Strange love is the ultimate pleb filter.. Those who like it are universally plebs


the twilight zone episode about a fallout shelter is a good mood piece to whet the nukepptite

Seven Days in May is in the vain of Fail-Safe and not bad. Penned by Rod Serling and apparently considered worryingly plausible by JFK.

pic related + threads

Miracle Mile