There is literally no reason for this woman to be depressed. Fuck her

There is literally no reason for this woman to be depressed. Fuck her.

That's kinda the point, way to miss it...

LA is a really depressing place, especially if you're from MA.

>t. doesn't understand depression
You can have everything and be depressed but I do agree she doesn't seem genuinely sad more just pretentious and artsy

This, OP. Sometimes having what seems to be an ideal life makes you very depressed. I don't have a logical explanation for it but it just happens.

the world is inadequate

I mean... I hate myself and think about suicide every day, so i think I've got a firm grasp of the basics.

No, fuck that. If you have the ideal life own up to it and be happy. You must be one of those "money doesn't buy happiness" kind of guys.

you're not indicating that you understand depression.

Ate you literally 12 or just mentally

Depression can be a chemical inbalance, literally out of your control without medication.

false. liberals are naturally depressed

>believing in materialism like liberals have taught me

Do you?

Oh hey Daria

Yeah, brain chemistry is a bitch like that.

>aborted the last baby she was probably physically capable of bearing from her graveyard of a womb
>no reason to be depressed

If she cared so much about being childless at 33 why would she abort in the first place?

>chronically bullied by her family and never came to terms with it

She has no reason "not" to be depressed.

She has the self-awareness to realize she's done nothing worthwhile in her entire life and is a total bitch to everyone else, including her own husband, yet lacks the resolve and gumption to change herself, instead falling back into the "someone else fix me" victim mentality.

there's literally no reason to have cancer

>why did a depressed person do something pathological and self defeating

you answered your own question

ITT: Armchair psychiatrist telling you how to think and feels

this. she feels guilty because she has everything that *should* give her happiness yet she still doesn't feel happy. she literally asks if she's a pit of negativity in the last episode

No, if you do have what you need then there is a logical explanation for it: you are not satisfied with what should satisfy you. Your depression is your own fault, and the reason you remain depressed is because you refuse to face that basic fact and strive to learn to become satisfied with what should satisfy you, through any combination of talking to friends, therapy, religion, etc.

If you have a way out, then take it. Otherwise you're just being retarded.
>thing might make me happy
>let's not do thing

t. 18 years old

Living the "perfect" life can actually be a major cause for depression because there's nothing to strive for. Humans crave what they can't reach. Probably why religious people are as a whole less depressed, because you can always be doing a little better - being more charitable, praying more often, forgiving others more readily, etc.

This here

Uncle Ted taught us that the liberal psyche is one of constant feelings of inferiority, weakness, and bitterness, they feel this way because they don't properly experience the power process and therefore have no control over their lives

The key to being happy is to always be struggling and striving to reach a goal, in the past this need was satisfied with basic everyday survival but now that the essential things are freely provided to us people live empty unfulfilled lives and end up depressed

Diane's character has everything and nothing to struggle for, therefore she's a depressed cunt

Yeah, I'm sure you wouldn't take the perfect life because you're so scared it might make you sad. Let's just keep on shitposting on a Cambodian imageboard.

female writing staff self insert
>>t. doesn't understand depression
Depressed fag here there is nothign to understand.

Some people are just unhappy mayne doesnt mean we should understand their bullshit.

I can guarantee you that if took on a hands on hobby like carpentry, lifting, or gardening, your depression would flitter away

If your a woman however you should get yourself pregnant because babies send a woman's oxytocin receptors into a frenzy

eh im always depressed even if im fit and healthy with friends and money

>I can guarantee you that if took on a hands on hobby like carpentry, lifting, or gardening, your depression would flitter away
yes the more brainlets think ,the sadder they get, the less they think, the happier they become

lol brainlet here

how did u come up with this hypothesis?

She has an amazing husband who loves her and desperately tries to express this, but he expresses it in ways that show her that he either doesn't really understand her, or worse, could be interpreted as self serving rather than generous. Both possibilities are horrifying to her. On the other hand, the only person she thinks does understand her is the biggest asshole she's ever met. She wants to be a hard hitting journalist, but find that she's not capable of handling the subject material. She's successful as a tabloid journalist and social media manager, but hates that line of work.

And the only reason any of this is a problem is because she can't let go of her own ego. She's the living embodiment of good being the enemy of perfect, and she's aware of that, but she can't seem to stop it.

That's why she's depressed.

As long as the intention is there I could appreciate that someone is at least TRYING to make me happy. If that's not a proof for love, I don't know what is.

You don't seem to get it

Years ago nobleman would go out on grand hunting parties although the meat was not needed, a Chinese emperor studied marine biology and made breakthroughs in that field, Egyptian pharoshs spent centuries and thousands of resources to create the pyramids

Now ask yourself why did theese people do theese things?


See this my soyboy

Do you think the people described in this post were brainlets? they were better than you and even they knew the importance of surrogate activities. Your depression stems from your listless lifestyle. Stay on this path and wither away or change your habits and become a better person for it

Something of a dumb cunt, aren't you?

>I mean... I hate myself and think about suicide every day, so i think I've got a firm grasp of the basics.
t. suburban dwelling weed smoking gen z/millenial fag

anyone that claims to be depressed while living a comfortable life is a guaranteed vain douchebag. every. single. time.

Weed is for plebs, what is your point?

>Now ask yourself why did theese people do theese things?
who gives a shit?

Nothing matters anymore.

Stupid cheap Chinese crap and blandness everywhere