How do I "get" this movie?

How do I "get" this movie?

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It's just nonsense to make dumb people feel smart.

I might be called a massive pleb for this, but watch youtube analysis videos of Lynch movies BEFORE and AFTER watching them, or else you'll need a fucking notebook and a wall of pictures with redlines connecting everything to understand what symbolism means and what connects to what

i don't think dumb people would have the patience for it. Not saying its good or bad, but only patient and somewhat smart people would watch it all the way through and half of them would only pay attention to around 80% at best. You can be autistic though and obsessively memorize every scene, but even this implies a slightly better than average intelligence.

No body 'gets' it, though. Exceptional people might be willing to admit they don't understand it or that the film is obviously not meant to be understood but intelligence doesn't make a person happy or fulfilled, only more likely to exploit situations for themselves that have a chance at it.


why can't people just watch a film and just decide "yes i enjoyed watching that" or " no i did not enjoy that"

Just listen to this whore.

I remember enjoying going over the explanations and theories on this site. Probably more than I liked the actual movie

I don't get how there's so many theories around this movie. It seemed pretty straightforward to me.

>i don't think dumb people would have the patience for it
It's the type of movie that slightly above average IQ people like. Smarter people don't have the patience for it and dumber people don't have the patience for it.

the aesthetics are perfect for this situation.
although i would obviously skip the jumpscare.

this flick is a discount lost highway

what's the point of having a woman narrate your shit if you're not even going to show her body. It's like wanting bloody diarrhea but skipping the chipotle.

Stop being a smart alec.

This is true and Mulholland Dr. is my favorite movie.
A lot of scenes were most likely Lynch being intentionally cryptic. You can interpret the movie as being a critic of Hollywood but I really just like it for the aesthetic and atmosphere. If I want to watch a movie with 'deep' implications, I'd watch something else

Go to bed owen

buy the DVD :^)

quit being such a smart aleck

It is. Like 80% of the movie is a dream, then there's some flashbacks of what really happened so we see what the dream was based on, and then she kills herself because her life was depressing shit compared to the fun, happy and exciting hollywood life she dreamed of.

The second half happens before the first half.

That's all you need to know to start decoding it.

right and the blue box = pandora's box. she opened it up when she set the plan in motion to kill Betty.

You have to "get" a brain.

>Exceptional people might be willing to admit they don't understand it or that the film is obviously not meant to be understood
What the fuck are you talking about. It has a straightforward explanation, with some smaller things left ambiguous, like what exactly the bum or the cube were

ok, large parts of the film are not meant to be understood, happy?

>How do I "get" this movie?

lynch wanted to make yet another lipstick lesbian movie

now it's considered one of the best films of the 21st century

the industry is a fucking joke.

Stop making this thread

I torrented it


You jack it to the lesbian sex scene and then move on with your day

there's really not much to "get"

Lynch isn't trying to be impenetrable, he just has idiosyncratic symbolism and cares more about emotions than narrative "facts". The stories he tells are quite straightforward and not difficult to summarize in a few sentences. Analyzing Lynch is only for people who want to know how the magic trick is done rather than just enjoying it.

I wonder how this movie would have worked as an ongoing series (like it was originally planned)

>Dabid Lunch moofies are too derb fah me