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Television and Film #910
Television and Film
He did nothing wrong
Millie and Marvel
Will we ever get a film about pic related...
He'll never win another Oscar, will he?
The Force Awakens
The Problem With the First Order
Dunkirk 2017 DVDRip XviD AC3-EVO
What's up with this guy?
Number 3, The White Knight, this is my personal favorite...
Marvel is fucking done. Finished. This is the RLM Phantom Menace review of Marvel. Defend this
Who will deliver us from capeshit?
Did you guys know?No one said a word
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
>ywn pawn something at the world famous gold & silver
Whatever happened to Zach Braff?
Do you think the directors regret hiring these 2 kids after they got so ugly?
Tfw the MCU isn't real
*bites the dust*
The movie is about a race but it's also about race
Movie set in New York
ITT: Movies that aged like fine wine
ITT: Kino pictures of actresses and actors
Why is she wearing short shorts in the jungle?
This girl told you she was twelve years old
This is the trailer for the upcoming marvel movie Black Panther
Del Toro does AMA on leddit
Vikings is the LOTR of tv shows
Can i get a quick rundown on this raw fish samurai?
Who was in the wrong in this epic kino scene?
Can we expect any known actors to play roles or will all of them be random Polaks?
Mr. Hamill sure is hinting at something
Just finished watching Dark. Did you watch the first german show on netflix? How did you like it...
Is this going to be Blade Runner the TV show ???
I want to fuck Sadie
Best Lex Luthor by far
You're my present this year
ITT: Scenes men are allowed to cry to
He better not have hurt Rami!
I know maybe if I make fun of popular movies enough people will start to agree with me like it works on reddit !
Could a female remake of American Psycho like Ghostbusters or Lord of the Flies work?
Why do normies love this performance so much?
So did the machine work or not?
"She's like a Disney princess on estrogen."
Can theatre be kino?
Was Ethan right to push Jon on his racism?
[Capeshitters/Marvel fans] What would you like to see in a SpideyPool movie?
ITT: Kino characters
Masculine protagonists
Took an IQ test, a real one, not some bullshit online one. It was monitored and reviewed by professional psychologists
/imaceleb/ - Get Over It Dennis
Oscars 2018: 20 Movies Advance in Best Visual Effects Race
Why would he drink sea water
It's time for plan b
Movies in Spanish that are kino?
This is Nick Burkhardt, a Grimm and detective. The best monster hunter of this generation. Say something nice to him
Actors unanimously liked by Sup Forums
Scenes it's OK for men to cry at
Why is it so funny?
The more Ridley ignores the fedoracore Youtube critics the better
Anyone else fucking love this shit?
What are the most underrated Christmas films?
Fuck this
Looks like it’s time for Rom com kino
Best action film
A vacation should be sitting in bed eating chips and dips, watching TV...
The only review that matters
Another day autistically playing out in my own head how it would go if I was on JRE
ITT: Kino pictures of actresses and actors
We shall double our digits
What was the best season of Buffy and why was it season 3?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
/imaceleb/ - Bit Early Edition
Looks like South Park kino is back on the menu boys
Muh 12 years
Theories on how this fucker going to get off of Skull Island to fight Godzilla in 2020?
The only white male character in nu-star wars
This is Sarah Gadon
How much money and people would need to be involved for someone as famous as Tom Cruise to fake his own death and start...
It's Her Turn: Robin Wright-lead final season of House of Cards in 2018
Rian Johnson's new Star Wars Trilogy
What happened Sup Forums? How do you go from sex icon to old lady with 40 cats so quickly?
ITT: Netflix gems
How long until Ruby Rose dies bros?
How do we stop capeshit and save cinema
How do we solve the pleb Sup Forums problem on Sup Forums?
Is it actually THAT good?
Fuck me, how could I forget about this comedy classic's 10th anniversary? Post your favorite clips
It's that time of the year again. What's some essential Christmas kino?
One of the most intelligent and misunderstood filmmaker of our time SCHOOLS VILLENEUVE!
How do Britbongs watch this shit?
This got sensors in the seat belts. It's part of Nissan's triple safety philosophy
Now that the dust has settled, when did Season 7 jump the shark?
There's no one for me to relate to! What will little white boys play with!
Late to the party I know, but I watched Django Unchained today and really enjoyed it. Hateful 8 is next up...
Say something nice about Henry Cavill
What's his best movie?
Guess the celebrity by their eyes
Why is Mike wrong about everything...
Is this the end? How do we save youtube kino?
Whose side is he on?
Star Wars The Last Jedi
Recommend me Lesbian Films or TV shows
I demand a Battlestar Galactica thread!
Miss me yet?
What is currently the most cancerous fanbase on Sup Forums?
ITT: Kino pictures of actresses and actors
Come up with a Jewish superhero with Jewish superhero powers
Has been putting raw fish on rice for over 35 years
ITT: Post celebrities that you met in real life
I don't know why he saved Deckard's life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before...
So Sup Forums hows your sex life?
Is this literally the greatest film of all time?
ITT: We discuss who this nigger is
So New Line phones you up. Wanting to get into Star Wars-type money...
These cuffs are a little tight, user
Why did she die?
Hey, watch it Sup Forums
Rec me some holiday kino
Are there any actresses which look better without make-up?
How would you fix Sup Forums?
Reminder that if you watch capeshit or star wars you're a manchild who belongs on reddit
Why is she so perfect bros?
What are the best space shows?
With the introduction of "soyboy"
Hey there user, why are you so quiet all the time?
Recommend underrated Christmas films
"Hey you, stop pirating movies!"
Cast him
Don't worry guys, I'm here. I'll play my flute dagger thing and save us all
What is the greatest Arthurian legend film and why is it Excalibur?
Now that the dust has settled, we can all agree it was shrink rays...right?
Moana was a great movie
Altered Carbon - Netflix announcement
Was the Dude actually happy? Was he content with wasting his life?
What's next for her?
Holy shit, this game literally doesn't make any sense
Season 1 is them just getting started and getting used to characters and just testing the waters, still decent
What went wrong?
Just saw this movie. Can anyone recommend similar gay kino?
Is Diehard a Christmas movie or a movie that happens to take place during Christmas?
I'm about to marathon his filmography, what am I in for?
Is anybody here also done with trailers? I'm fed up with that shit...
Dark is a great watch, although they are trying to fit too much "hey...
Dude schwartz sounds like force lmao
What was her best film and why is it Roman Holiday?
Is Daniel Day Lewis truely "the" best actor ever ?
Rank them from best to worst
We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents
Sabrina The Teenage Witch
What did you guys and girls think of this week's SNL?
Luke vs Rey
ITT: Posts movies that you actually want to see remade. Pic related...
How would you fix it?
We have a spark that'll light the fire that'll burn the First Order down
Star wars
ITT: kino themes (no reddit please)
So where does Jigsaw rank in the Saw kino list?
That's it guys. Normie colleagues just asked me if I wanted to join them for the incoming last jedi shitshow...
What ever happened to Moral Orel?
ITT: glasses kino
What was his fucking problem Sup Forums?-Bionicle Thread
What's the appeal?
Why this guy got crushed head?
Tfw too stupid to follow the plot
Ya know
This is an actual full theatrical film
Is he right?
Would you, Sup Forums?
How vital to the plot of Star Wars:SJW will Kelly Trans character be?
You will never be your fathers favorite and the hope of mankind against evil
The Expanse
1,110 days until Avatar 2
You have deeply offended us and our God, and our God is a god of vengence and horror
151 days until Avengers: Infinity War
What the fuck was the point of this "trap"?
And the fat one?
Stop bullying her. STOP IT!
What was their tax policy
If this was split into 3 movies the prequels would have been a lot better received
Tries to get allied with the scavengers
Filming of Bohemian Rhapsodia has been halted as Bryan Singer has disappeared
/twd/ general
What was Rust shooting at?
What's the CCCB__TB up to?
User has a letter? Who'd be writing to YOU?
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Fuck the haters. This shot looks incredible. The shape of the eyes is so comic-booky and classic (John Romita Sr...
This is star wars in 2017
How much will I really miss out on by skipping TOS and going straight to TNG as a newcomer?
Bioshock movie with this aesthetic when?
Sam Hyde is my favorite comedian by far i have his birthday memorized and I google him at least twice a day
Shit you watch
Netflix puts a bunch of "Christmas themed" movies up
ITT: Pleb filters
Best trilogy ever?
Jenna thread
JUSTice League
Puts raw fish on rice
Why don't capeshitters just read the comics? They're superior to the movies in every way (which isn't saying much)...
She's next. Look at how she eyes up women on her show
I'm from Buenos Aires, and I say kill em' all
Season 6 is so bad, bros
Good evening Mr. Weinstein, I've been expecting you. Follow me this way
10 days
Die Hard is a Christmas movie
Those are some big lips
Prove me wrong
Wtf i hate(love) mad men now???
Redpill me on Thalnos
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Here's why this Luthor failed:
Mako returns in Pacific Rim Uprising BTS Video
Edge of Tomorrow
I am forced to make a short film about a sock by my gay university,give me some ideas because i can't find any
Legion is back in February. Are you hyped?
Is this what the modern female’s taste in movies is like?
Is 4K a scam or the best way to watch movies at home ever?
Was it him?
Is Possession, dare I say, a lovecraftian movie?
Who was in the wrong here?
Anyone looking forward to this?
The expanse is just bad game of thrones
Zack Snyder
Adam Driver StarWars
Goodnight sweet prince
Elle Fanning is a mediocre actress
Fuck this was good...
Thoughts on this kino?
What is she praying for Sup Forums?
Is this any good?
Assemble the boogey league
2017 is almost over
What is this facial expression attempting to convey?
Can someone name Kino YouTubers? People who put genuine effort into making their content as entertaining as possible...
What's your favourite war movie?
What are some flicks with this aesthetic?
Everything about this shot angers me
It all hinges on Reylo. If it doesn't happen the movies are milquetoast failures...
Why has Hollywood stopped making historical films?
So the leaks are true? She’s a Palpatine
Does this mean Hollywood is already over worrying about the whole Spacey statutory rape thing?
If you really think about it, Luke isn't that powerful
Was she a Mary Sue?
Sup Forums opinion on Blade runner 2049?
What is the modern day Buffy/Angel series?
So how hard will this fail?
Who was the best girl, Sup Forums?
Budget 400m
So which gender do I gotta be to fully understand this?
Just wanted to remind everyone that Wall-E is the best film of the last 10 years
Brad Dourif is underrated as fuck
Trailer has a slower, darker version of a popular song
What is the status of Annasophia Robb projects...
Where’s the hype?
Orphan on shit hole planet
Sequel never
Thor: Ragnarok
Am I the only one here excited for The Last Jedi?
Who was in the wrong here?
An average night at cinema in my country
Did he really do it out of depression? Or was it an erotic accident?
This was almost Rey
Mommy Blanchett was so good in this. She saved an otherwise bland and forgettable movie
Well, I decided to finally read the book that inspired my favorite movie, and you know what? I'm pretty fucking pissed...
Well Seymour I made it, despite your directions
As a black man I should be able to discuss this movie without idiot mods deleting threads
Cast her
ITT: Shitty CGI
About to watch these for the first time. What am I in for?
What are some movies where a woman falls head over heels for a man in their first encounter?
Brendan Fraser is 49 years young today. Say something nice about Brendan
Absolutely based
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Why they totally marginalized the best character again?
TFW you got tricked into seeing a meme movie
Rofl no way
HBO's Rome
Post awkward interview kino
1,109 days until Avatar 2
Dudes, wtf? It's bed time, go to bed right now
ITT: 0/10 flicks, movies, films, and kinos
It was supposed to save porn
*Can't block your path*
Is this a liberal or conservative show?
Why did actresses have yellow teeth in movies before 2000?
So pol just fixed a major plot hole in Alien Covenant
Redpill me on film noir
Bout to watch this with the gf
This show is really bad
When you see or hear it you enter a peaceful trance
Things you forgot existed
You have to admit he has a point
Just got done watching this
Talking to girl
Just watched the original Star Wars movies...
Who were they?
Alright, im hired
Monday is almost here, Sup Forums
ITT: Actors who fell in love on set
It's that time again, let's start out easy
Six for the six
Cheers, mates
Is he going to kill himself?
Who is the best Joker?
Anakin really had no choice but to kill this fucker
I May Have More Issues Than A Magazine Stand
ITT; Pure wank
Three years. I promise
What if she has to play a character with small tits
Does Sadie Sink have a future after Stranger Things or is her career dead on arrival?
Walking Dead thread
What the fuck was his problem? He made things way harder than they really needed to be
Ready Player One
This was the most blatant political propaganda film I've ever seen
Hey Sup Forums, who is this? she looks so familiar
Why was the first one great but the second one sucked dick balls?
Everyone talks about the Star Wars Holiday Special but what about this piece of shit?
The book was better
Your move, gooks
Dressing your daughter up as a comic book slut
The Last Kingdom
You're offered this deal by the Devil, would you accept it?
We need the The Rock, but less expensive and not as fun to watch
I just watched this for the first time. I enjoyed it quite a lot
Bad Santa
It...was shit
What are the chances this will get a Best Picture nomination?
What kind of brain dead moron buys this shit? How have they not bankrupted yet?
ITT: native american kino
Why do Americans do this?
How do we solve the capeshit problem?
Do you shower in the morning or night?
Why did they train oil drillers to be astronauts and not astronauts to drill?
Daily reminder
Make a show about serial killers
Which actress has the largest natural lips?
Favorite actress thread
Stranger Things General - /stg/
Why won't they bring back this beloved show?
Commercial-fu thread
Without memes, was this good?
Always shit on comic books and capeshitters
Be dunston
What's the worst episode of arthur
The Last Jedi hype
Design a white girl
Ryan gosling is a goat actor
ITT: Kinos that made you cry
"I bet you kiss prostitutes"
Babby monkie :3
My girlfriend and I want to watch a scary movie, but i’m tired of basic possesion movies and reddit trash...
90 Day Fiance
Who did it best
Some may deny it, but straight men will oftentimes watch "girly" shows if the girls are cute/hot. Pic related
I am pitching a show to Netflix tomorrow morning
So have the Knights of Ren been dropped in favour of the Praetorian Guards?
/JLG/ justice league general
Any good movies about rivalry like pic related?
Cast them
6IX9INE is literally the only person making kino music videos these days
He works for the present bringer, the hatted man
This was the best looking asian actress hollywood could find?
What the hell was his problem?
Will Smith and an orc are police officers
Are there any good film adaptations of the book of revelations?
Fritz the Cat
I have absolutely no faith in this movie, and I adored the first one
Puts a shrimp on some rice
NEW Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Teaser
Name a more kino duo
Character goes offscreen
Such a powerful scene
Black Mirror
The pussiest antagonist in any fantasy series of all time
The first one was okay
Best zombie movie ever
Opinion: Twin Peaks S3 has some of the lowest lows of the series, even lower than mid-S2...
Why would a post-apocalyptic gang dress in homoerotic outfits?
Be me
20 years later
The Handmaid's Tale
Actors you hope get accused of sexual assault and subsequently blackballed
I work here with my son, big hoss
Felicia Hardy (Black Cat) in Spider-Man:Homecoming
Im looking for the title of a movie i once saw. Can anybody help?
Punisher MAX storytime
Stupida fackin game
How did she know what a telephone is?
Thoughts on Guillermo del Toro?
Tfw got arrested by the theater police
How come there were so many serial killers in Murka between the '70s and '80s that did really fucked up shit...
Dude random shit lmao
Sorry, sir but you're not supposed to be behind the counter. What're you doing here?
House M.D
What actor does this look like? it's driving me crazy
What is the point of her character?
Battlestar Galactica
Actors you could probably take in a fight
Show has been on television for nearly thirty years
Riverdale - impressions after 5 episodes
What are some movies that showcase the true, wretched nature of the western female?
Who was in the wrong here?
Die Hard is a Christmas movie
Why don't you have a beard Sup Forums?
"Oh my God... She's more powerful than Gandalf the Gray, and Gandalf the White...
Brainlet posters BTFO
This show should have ended after Michael left
Man of Steel: $668 million
Its a movie about making movies
"There's no such thing as a perfect fem-
You gonna give me just one lil egg roll?
Where's the best place to sit?
You DO realise that Anakin was right about sand, right?
How did it go from this
Why not make a DBZ movie using this technology?
ITT Your favorite movies Sup Forums never talks about
/who/ - Doctor Who General
This is Brendan Fraser
Qts that made you stop watching a show because they were too qt
What food items do you get AT your theater? (not sneak in)
/iwg/ - Infinity War general
How can you tell the difference between bad acting and bad writing?
Walking Dead
Isabela Moaner
MGS movie
After a role of a lifetime, i've been busy
Heh... nuthin personal Thanos
/imaceleb/ - Comfy Sunday Night Extended Eviction Special 2
Hey whats goin on its bill burr back with the thursday afternoon just before friday podcast and...
4:3 is better for television. I wish it would come back
Gimme your MOTY
What went so horribly horribly wrong?
Absolute state of animated features
Was this the dullest fight scene ever put on film?
The love for Goose is just a strong as the love between Mads and Kojima
Christopher Nolan points out the biggest difference between his Batman films and the other DC films
You just know
Her channel is pretty great
Who was in the wrong here?
What if your son dragged you on Dr. Phil to tell you he was a tranny?
Haan soolo, yer a deyd man
Coming soon to BBC Three
Bathroom scene
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
She deserves so much better than capeshit
What should the new star wars trilogy be about?
How did he lost to a untrained girl?
How come Hollywood doesn't like her anymore?
Let's knock off early
Mel Gibson receives 10-minute standing O
Le every man that hates gays is secretly gay himself propaganda
We need to start supporting older women in Hollywood
Is this based on actual events?
/imaceleb/ - Comfy Sunday Night Extended Eviction Special
"Always go against the grain."
Films that take place almost entirely in one location
With the future biopic that is inevitable, who will play him?
Swaglord please ban autistposting
Shout out to tdreamworks
What caused him to snap?
Was Batman V Superman simply too deep for modern audiences to understand?
Threads are 404ing after 20 minutes, no one is spamming, no flavor of the month movies/shows are airing right now
Calls himself a film enthusiast or movie buff
Daily reminder that Spike didn't die HE WAS JUST RESTING during that infamous scene
Being a Marvelcuck
Is life in France really like this?
There's too many movies aimed at self-hating nu-males and soyboys nowadays
Muh Clone Wars Feels
Reminder that the over the top brainlet wojak shitposting spamming only started after Justice League flopped and...
After her part in Barbershop 3, do you want to see Nicki Minaj tackle on more roles?
ITT: we predict stan lee's cameo for Avengers: infinity wars
Welcome to the Kino Spitoon, how patrician are ya?
Youtube kino
Sports kino
Watching an old war film
Isn't modern Western television and film more perverted than anime?
Wife cheated on me. Tell me good movies to help me stop crying
There is a new discord server for discussion of arthouse and experimental cinema, please join in you are interested!
Why do people find this film so sad?
Were 12 year old prostitutes a common thing in the US in the 70s?
Why are the chairs red?
What did the West mean by this?
Ana De Armas
ITT: chill and comfy movies to watch while being warm in your house during winter
He's got a gun!
I'm not a brainwashed mutt, so I hadn't seen Star Wars until I was 20 and so I finally watched the original trilogy...
>I can't wait to see The Last Jedi!
Still hasn't even reached 600 million
What happened to her?
Have you ever been on tv or a film, or met someone from tv/film?
What is your favorite Israeli film?
Who was in the wrong here?
Why is this show so addictive?
Do men understand this film?
Holy shit this is coming out in less TEN FUCKING DAYS
The Last Jedi
Tfw bought 15 bitcoins with my tax returns last year for $4000
Is he our guy?
What did he mean by this?
So um.. where did Gandalf get a staff after Saruman took his?
Reminder the final boss in the DCEU is literally a math nerd with bad skin
How did he do it?
What is next for SNL™ >>91026527
Netflix seem to be releasing series at an unprecedented rate
Cast them
Do we have a name for this yet?
Is Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri worth watching?
James Franco
I hate Memepool but god damn she's hot as fuck
The Americains
Plays a prank on his friends
Why do horror movies always feature girls in their underwear?
Why do women ruin everything?
Tropes you really enjoy
Actresses who you know have a hairy pusy
Eye of Agamotto
Great work there Joss! Just great!
/who/ - Doctor Who General
You have 5 seconds for a plot that would make this a great movie
Jean Luc Godard is 86 years old today. Say something nice about him
Is it just me or is pete posting making a comeback?
Would you bee interested in a Waspgirl solomovie?
You don't win friends with salad!
ITT: post comfykino
Be winning 50-0
Ryan Greensling
Still waiting on that movie that deals with the truth
Stop mocking Adam Driver
Chloe Grace Moretz files for restraining order against stalker
Guys im crying
What are some good films about suffering from a tragic loss?
Gimme a quick rundown on this Sup Forums is it worth watching?
Anime can't be kin-
What the fuck?
Redditor soyboy gets a tatto from the movie Arrival thinking it means Human
ITT, Actresses who should be my pusy mistress im so horny! Pic very much related
Itt the only acceptable things to watch on christmas
How the fuck did Tommy afford to pay 6 million dollars for The Room?
Who would you cast to play the leader of the free world in the inevitable biopic?
We're in
It will never come to an end
The Punisher
They're seriously considering removing Apu from the Simpsons over a few complaints
Whose watched this?
Star Wars Gets Worse
Ultimate plebfilters
Who would you cast as Giganta in Wonder Woman 2?
"Hamburgers! The corner-stone of any nutritious breakfast."
Can anyone here confirm if this stupid bitch is a feminist? If yes, then she means nothing to me
Could this be made into a movie?
Who was in the wrong here?
Do you think he really would have shotted her if she didn't sign it?
Hey all, I just got back from a advanced screening of Last Jedi for cast and crew. Here are a few spoilers:
Just seen Groundhog Day for the first time. Sweet film!
Tfw IQ is 131.6
Who would win?
RIP Every Frame A Painting
Christmas Movie Thread
Which celebrities treat their fans poorly?
Literally no one cares
He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited...
So, what do you think about ews?
What kind of deranged idiot can even come up with the idea that Amy is not in the wrong here?
Is this the ne plus ultra of normie-proof television? They literally cannot understand it
1,111 days until Avatar 2
What's next for her career?
Is Riverdale the third season of True Detective?
/trek/ Thread
Tell me user. Do you have a job?
Is she overpowered?
Are 80s-born manchildren the most damaging force in film today?
You talk the bane, do you crash the plane?
Would you consider Ren and Stimpy kino?
So let me get this straight...
Are you kidding me, I'm blind!
Country roads, take me home
Sup Forums-Bionicle General (Movies & Lore):
Why did they change his character to be a complete joke for the second movie?
Stars in austrian porn before WWII
Why did he do it?
What was this guy's problem?
Why did they CGI The Rock and Vin into the scene together? Couldn't they just shoot it at the same time?
Did someone blackmail Lucas into selling starwars?
So who here is looking forward to the massive amounts of butthurt from Sup Forums when TLJ smashes yet another box...
People are right
What celebrities are /ourguys/?
Watching this "movie" is like eating shit, puked out by a homeless person with aids. It's fucking awful
SNL just gave the most accurate portrayal of Irish culture I have ever seen
What went wrong?
Are you Christmas Comfy yet user?
She does kind of have a point
YouTube Channel - Serial Killer or ARG?
Which upcoming debut nude scenes are you most looking forward to?
The Villainess
Is going without sex for 40 days really that bad? I've gone without it for 20 years xD
I want to lick her legs
Tfw you cannot do that
What theories did people in the early 90s come up with for Twin Peaks?
These planets are really close together
How do you make 2 billion at the BO and still leave zero lasting impact on popular culture?
Tfw Sup Forums doesn't like feet anymore
Name a single role he unironically couldn't play
What will happen after people have grown tired of capeshit?
What is it, exactly, that so many people find "cute" about Jodelle Ferland?
Thoughts? This is actually kind of interesting
Would you? I wouldn’t
This is Big Hoss. Say something nice to him
ITT: Horror movies that you just don't get
So is this the famous SNL '''humour''' I've heard so much about?
Would Mike Stoklasa hate The Clone Wars the way he hates the PT and Rogue One?
Are there any good movies about the american christian problem?
The Alpha Chad Grimm Nick vs the Virgin Winchester brothers
This is your Robin for tonight
Set in 1977
Why does no one talk about the best show netflix released this year...
Why does Hollywood keep pushing this pairing?
What is the Sup Forums equivalent of this album?
Will Anya go A-list?
Movies you were told "will fuck you up duuuuude" but were disappointing
Why did the krypton people want to kill all humans? couldn't have they just went to Mars or something?
Does his wife have a twitter? I think we need to warn her before he goes on another rampage...
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 5
Was it actually the television event of the year?
Americans brought their families to see new Mel Gibson movie
King Zeus
Black women in movies
Best historical TV shows?
I'm on episode 2...
Is my ‘go ‘za kino?
British """""comedy"""""
Born and raised in America
Tfw you chose marvel instead of DC
Country roads, take me home
Joss whedon made the movie worse
S-stah... stah wahs
ITT shows you've dropped because you can't stand blatant right wingers
Wow. watched this tonight. this movie fucking sucked. the only memorable thing about it was how unmemorable it was
Was high school in the late '90's / early 2000's really this comfy?
Star Wars fags, why did technology in the Star Wars universe regress to 80s levels as time progressed?
Can we meme this into the oscars?
Jackson's trilogy butchered LoTR including removing important and interesting scenes(like bombadil and wolf attacks...
What did you think of her? What's the best movie she did and why was it Joy Ride?
Thoughts on the Wrestler?
Lets settle this once and for all, who is the new queen of Sup Forums?
Star Wars The Last Jedi Praetorian Guards
Doctor Who General /who/
Is the movie better than the cartoon?
Why do people like this poop?
Character takes shot of liquor
Regardless of what side you are on, this is the most embarrassing moment of television in the last 50 years
ITT: over-directed movies
Any monitor recommendations for watching movies? Because I just threw mine in the fucking trash. Never buying hp again
Funny movie experience stories? What are some funny things that you've encountered while going to the movies...
When Emma Stone asked for too much money
Can we just keep laughing at JUSTice league
I'm about to watch this for the first time ever TV. What should I expect?
Which capekino should my friends and I watch next?
What are some movies that are hard to watch? like painfully bad or painfully good or something
After the success of IT, what can we expect next from Sophia Lillis?
Board improvement
Explain to me why you fools believe this film is "Kino"
How many more mediocre romance flicks will Rooney Mara and Casey Afflec star in?
Explain to me how this isn't gay
She's 33
Bella Thorne Kino Coming in HOT
Captain america with long hair and a majestic beard
Patton Oswalt just got BTFO by Greg Gutfeld and ran away like a dog with its tail between his legs. Go check it out
Even joss whedon couldn’t save this shit
Any movies for this feel?
Who else represents Generation E
Sorry sir, the beds are reserved for couples only. We have seating available in the singles section
Name one flaw without alluding to the characters' nationality
The Death Knell of Western Cinema
It's a nothing happens episode
Remember when this show was funny and culturally relevant?
Jurassic Park full restored version
We need someone with the emotional range of a carrot
What did he say?
ITT: pretentious films
Jesus Christ this is a masterpiece
What are some Sup Forums works that were progressive for its time but viewed old fashioned or offensive now?
I'm not a racist or anything, but this guy can't act, at all
Why is this so good?
I think this is the best MCU film. It's fun
Why is DC afraid of color?
Reminder that this is the correct order to watch them
The only good thing to come out of Canada
Disaster artist
What does Sup Forums think of Haley Lu Richardson? Think she has what it takes to make it big in Hollywood?
Will we ever see another comedian as red pilled as Patrice was in our lifetimes?
Keith David AppreciationThread
You a photographer?
Problematic films
Oh shit, Sup Forums
Is this the definitive hockeykino?
I'm fine with homosexual and interracial relationships being shoved down my throat whenever i try to watch television
So this is a thing now? I remember when ``Western'' implied a time period
This guy really makes me think maybe something is not right about Dan Schneider, y'know?
Is there any spaceship more iconic than this? No fanboy'ing, I just can't think of one...
What sound effect would you use for this?
Why do Weebs have such low standard for anime as an medium of film?
What are the best beach movies?
Without googling, tell me what each of them were fighting for again
Any good religion kino?
I watch super hero flicks
SNL General
Miss me yet?
Who was in the wrong here?
How was Morpheus able to hold his own against an agent in Reloaded?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...