/twd/ general

Negan spelled backwards is Eugene

Eugene is now my favorite

no its not

I hope they tagteam this fine lassie

>this is what twd plebs actually beleive

>he actually checked to see if it was
absolutely FACED

good episode to be quite honest brethren

I enjoy any episode that contains the saviors.
there's no way this story line is ending this season right?

I googled it and it's not

Do you think it's just the poor writing for Rick's group or it's fatigue from seeing them so much that the Saviors are a breath of fresh air?

I think everyone must be sick of their Do-gooder attitudes by now.

>every episode contains a 5 minute speech about how they are the good guys and doings whats right blah blah blah blah


The saviors have all the good characters

Does carl die in the epi?


Durl fucking shot a teenager who was surrendering after he was promised safe passage for cooperation

>tfw simon wasnt in this episode

No but it's super Savior-heavy. Hardly any Alexandrian screentime besides Daryl and token lesbian's hairbrained scheme and trash queen trying to hop on Rick's putrid, sweaty cock.
Overall the best episode of the season. Not saying much, but it is.

Nah. He dies this Sunday.

If Negan broke ricks hands would he be a sex slave to garbage woman?

next week

did negan lean in this episode?

by his new "friend"

>15 million people still tune into this piece of garbage


did I miss an episode or did they just give black priest TB out of nowhere?

he got sick after rubing zombie guts on himself

I was confused to

he leaned into eugenes good favor this episode.

why was the broadcast cap of this so late to be out?

I was wishing death on them since The Governor.

>I suck no man's dick but yours Eugene, you're my bff with benefits
What did he mean by this Sup Forums?

>rick and the gang keep fucking up perfectly good communities

they are fucking cancer


Seeing as how the fisherman's wives community has no dudes in it, why hasn't ANYONE decided to sneak in and just bang them all

this is a rare opportunity for a beta to really increase his genetic footprint

What the fuck were they thinking when they wrote this fucking season. Why are saviors suddenly retarded? Why do they have no lookouts, why do they have no spies and intelligence? How the fuck did Rick caught them with ther pants down? And how is the herd no attracted to the guns firing or the truck driving but instead flood the building?

They've actually realized CIS males are the problem and have thus banished them from their lives forever.

Is it true that the garbage slut made Rick her nude slave? Any screencaps of lewd Rick?

he covers his dick shape the entire time

if he had a big dick he would be flaunting it
>make them tie my hands in the back instead