Mountain or River Edition
/trek/ Thread
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Who was in the wrong here?
>*Hopeful music swells*
> "I brought you here against your will and created a cultish dictatorship, with the knowledge that you would most likely die painful deaths"
Why did he need a tricorder?
How about that episode where they land on a planet and find their descendants, the products of a temporal anomaly surrounding the planet, and then kill them all by leaving?
>One Little Ship
A really bad episode of a really good series
In their defense, it was old Odo's fault. They were trying to stay.
tfw no Spoonette gf
What bugs me is that everybody seems pretty cool with it and wants to stay after discovering she marooned them there
>user, if you are seeing this recording, it means you left the toilet seat up after using the bathroom. That will not be permitted.
The surviving Odo linked with that Odo and has all his memories, so doesn't that mean that the surviving Odo is responsible?
That bugged me too. "We could return to civilization with its modern amenities and go backpacking when we feel like roughing it, OR we could keep playing Swiss Family Robinson and die horribly from easily-curable diseases"
>15 million bajoran dead over 50 years of occupation
>900 million cardassian dead during the invasion of cardassia
He certainly felt responsible as I remember.
No he was just like 'Kira I did it 4 u'
>You were going to be a repair man, now you get to be a farmer!
>and you, you were going to be a clerk now you get to be a farmer!
>Don't you feel so much more fulfilled starving and sweating in the dirt rather than having a nice comfortable life with everything given to you!
What bothers me the most is that she could find a bunch scientist to create an anti tech generator, but she couldn't find 20 people who might agree with her philosophy from the get go?
>It's a Bareil episode
>but she couldn't find 20 people who might agree with her philosophy from the get go?
Using space-craigslist is against her philosophy, so it was kinda hard.
Wtf I love bajorans now
"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."
I wanna paint her spoon if you knawmean
Well you see. *clears throught*
The man has a ding dong and the uh woman has a vagoo. You mustant ever touch the two.
Was it rape?
Because he was first gen maybe? His model wasn't good enough to be a doctor and got relegated to scrubbing plasma conduits on some asteroid.
The funniest thing on Voyager was that whenever they talk about "downloading" the doctor's program, they imply that when you download something it's deleted off the server.
>In the Sing Ha refugee camp? That was something your father told you because he couldn't bear to admit the truth.
>I am your father.
reminds me of this
> lol
> I download something from Napster
> And the same guy I downloaded it from starts downloading it from me when I'm done
> I message him and say "What are you doing? I just got that from you"
> "getting my song back fucker"
I vaguely remember them saying it made the patients more comfortable. Something like the doctor seemed more human using instruments or something.
howw do i get oomax from female
That whole "can't make a backup copy" was kinda silly and inconsistent, especially because there was an episode specifically centered around a backup copy of the Doctor
>it's a you could do limitless amazing things with portable holographic tech but the idea is never fully explored episode
I, the viewer, watching with a quasi-critical eye, simply cannot take the concept of the Holodeck seriously anymore.
At first I started making my Holodeck posts as a joke ("Why don't they call it X instead of a Holodeck? The name is misleading") but I'm starting to get annoyed whenever anyone uses the Holodeck. I just can't stop thinking about all the plot holes, the unbelievable decisions that people make, the fact that it's possible for the technology to work flawlessly while not responding to controls because of some major spatial anomaly, there's so much about the Holodeck that doesn't make even a little bit of sense.
And then there's the fucking Doctor. They put a bunch of EMHs in a cave system to mine dilithium or something, but they can't set up holoprojectors around Voyager? Actually, we know that they CAN and DO do this--in that episode with the Hirogen, we see it done, it's the entire plot--and no amount of handwaving can make me believe that there is some reason that makes sense diegetically NOT to have done this before. And the mobile emitter almost never malfunctions; when it does, they can fix it, no problem. It's even more unbelievable than Geordi's ability to operate on Data's positronic brain without actually being a cybernetics genius like Singh was. Why the fuck can't they make more Datas? Why the fuck can't Data experience emotions but Moriarty can? If a Holodeck replicates matter on demand, why can't the replicate and android? Why does that replicated matter lose cohesion when it leaves the Holodeck if it's replicated, rather than projected? Who decided that the Holodeck was a good idea?
>get tired of fucking her face
>need a little break
>rest your dick on her face-spoon
>ok giddy up
Sisko should have just transported all of them for mandatory medical care. Let them see what they're missing and then whoever really wants to go back to the forest can do so. They were deliberately marooned there (arguably kidnapped) and the cult leader was literally brainwashing them with that hotbox. Starfleet should have been justified in taking them from that place.
Kayaking is really gay, why does O'Brien do it so much?
Do you live in a basement? Do you even know what kayaking is?
How strong is Odo? He can seemingly control his mass without it affecting motion, so he could just make his arm weigh 10 tons and smash the shit out of everyone.
Keikoing is really gay, why does O'brien do it so much?
They already knew what they were missing, they were colonist before they crashed. I think the main problem is the writers should have just made them space Luddites which are the descendants of the people we see. With a priestess preaching the whoas of future society she knows nothing about and Sisko and O'Neil attempting to correct them by getting their tech working.
Literally impossible to refute
what decision did Picard made ind the middle of the Dominion War?
Go watch Insurrection, the Star Trek IV of TNG movies, again.
*places you in a box*
Attention human workers. Your sexiness has become unacceptable.
ah, this thing
I tried to forget it existed t.b.h.
*Attempts to place you in her box*
>It has come to my attention that you are considering terminating our relationship. This will not be acceptable.
>You will remain in our shared quarters until 1900 hours, at which point you will remove all clothing and await further instructions
"Captain Sisko, tell me about your sexual Bajorans."
Yeah the TNG movies are all garbage. Yes, even First Contact. [muffled autistic screeching in background]
I'd be the man in her box, is this what Alice in Chains was talking about?
Got a set of TNG Rank pins today at a convention, F.. "I mean Bulking" Riker cosplay here we come
I do agree with you about FC though, It may have been an OK movie, but still a really bad Trek.
Insurrection though - damn - all I can remember from that movie that it was a snorefest and that both "good" and "bad" guys were unilkeable faggots.
FC is entertaining and watchable. It's action schlock and Picard doesn't act like the Picard from the show, but it's still dumb fun.
What a stupid, meaningless statement. "Dumb fun action schlock" is not an acceptable defense for a Star Trek TNG movie.
It's bad Trek, but it's not a bad movie. Insurrection, Generations, and Nemesis were bad Trek and bad movies. See the difference?
>It's bad Trek, but it's not a bad movie.
It's both.
Rewatching ENT as we speak. It's a fountain of glory compared to STD.
>you can't have TOS aesthetics in 21st century
>data doesn't age
imma call bull on that one, Gene
>>you can't have TOS aesthetics in 21st century
Talk to me and my dog anytime you want!
wanting it this badly---
thoughts? does this prove DS9 fanboys are really cringy?
I have a theory about teleporters. Despite the fact that they allegedly couldn't duplicate people, more than one episode (Second Chances, The Enemy Within, etc.) demonstrated that it was possible. I think that Miles O'Brien, through his work with Section 31, discovered a way to create duplicates of people for his own nefarious ends. Any time he had to beam a cute girl to or from the Enterprise, he would have a duplicate of her beamed to his quarters. Since the transporter can affect personality (The Enemy Within, Our Man Bashir), O'Brien would alter it so she had no inhibitions and be down to fuck. When he was finished with her, he'd simply transport the body into nothingness. Or he would keep a library of girls to fuck (like how Scotty was stored in the transporter buffer). O'Brien would also use the technology to duplicate any Cardassians he needed to transport. The duplicate would be sent to his secret torture chamber where he could have fun killing Cardies in gruesome ways without anybody ever knowing.
Empire woman is best woman.
most. annoying. character.
Is there evidence that this is true?
It would appear, my dear /trek/, that indeed quite futile.
1) O'Brien is a sick fuck who never really recovered from the Federation-Cardassian war
2) Keiko is a shrew that O'Brien would need to escape from every so often
3) I want to believe
1) That's racist
2) He's into femdom
3) This isn't The X-Files
put your name back on, faggot
Season 4 Episode 18 & 19.
In a mirror, Darkly 1 & 2.
Kinda like warvoyager.
*tips eyepiece*
i got bullied when i had my name on, so on no. i am not putting it back on.
put it back on you retarded faggot. no one cares what you want and no one replied to your fucking useless posts when you had it on since everyone had you filtered. kys.
You're getting bullied anyways. My advice would be to lay low for a while and alter your shitposting parameters.
Rub his bowerbelly.
Organs, tell me about your workers' bodies
1) We never got to see O'Brien's holodeck programs where he relived pivotal battles in the Cardassian Wars
2) O'Brien enjoys passive-aggression but his PTSD won't allow him to pursue an actual cardassian woman
3) Subscribe to my fanfic where Miles get stranded on Voyager and ends up wifing Seska
Couldn't he just do this on the holodeck/suites. I mean Barclay got away with fugging every female officer on the Enterprise D before they caught him only by walking in on him. They have portable media, if he really doesn't want them knowing about cardie_torture_party.exe he could just keep it on his person along with Riker_Gagh_Vorefest_3.exe
Fuck these losers and their shitposts, let's talk about the women of Star Trek
>3) Subscribe to my fanfic where Miles get stranded on Voyager and ends up wifing Seska
go on...
Yeah, uh, so O'Brien agreed to go on their mission because they needed help with their engines and long story short Chakotay dies and O'Brien is caught in a love triangle between B'elanna and Seska, he uses tactics he learned in the cardie wars to beat the Kazon back in the first episode and then he bangs every chick on Voyager so good Janeway makes him Captain, then it turns out he was the robot O'Brien from that one episode of DS9.
Good old dogger.
name 1 bitterer character.
Protip: you can't
So Nurse Chapel's fiancee built a sexbot, right?
Is beating the Kazon really that impressive? I feel like even the Pakleds could take them.
I'd watch it
Oh yes I can
>It took me three years to make Ensign
>Sucking up to the Captain, huh?
>I'd have gotten promoted quicker if people hadn't kept trying to rape me
>Is beating the Kazon really that impressive
No, but getting rid of them in one episode is impressive compared to dragging them out for 2 seasons
yes. But it's all cool, Chapel was over him and wanted some of that green blooded pointy eared space satan dick.
>green blooded pointy eared space satan dick.
How dare he think about touching an earth-woman!
RIP mr. Lahey
What was Dukat's favorite holosuite program?
This is actually very common with cult indoctrination
why do you think we still have Amish?