The Death Knell of Western Cinema

In 2 weeks, the next Star Wars comes out. You're fucking HOIYPED. You loved Force Awakens, at least for a week or so. And then you realized how similar it was to A New Hope. Rogue One? Could have been a good movie, but CGI Tarkin? Please. But you're confident they won't mess this up. You can't wait to see what they do with the characters.
"I can't wait to see Kylo fall in love with Rey!"
"I can't wait to see them elaborate upon Grey Jedi as a concept!"
But they won't do anything. You might like the movie, for about a week or a month or so. Just as good as Empire! You say. But it's not. The hype has betrayed you. It's another Disney product. You talk about how disappointed and let down you are on forums, about how George Lucas and Mark Hamill are "our guys" for expressing their distaste for the new trilogy.
But you'll do nothing to stop it. You'll be seeing it day one in theaters, you'd even watch an Unkar Plutt spinoff movie. They own you. The Mouse has won.

>when you realize TJL actually is just going to be a rehash of ESB

I'm going to see it because I'm a whore but if it isn't good, and I don't think it will be, then I am done with star wars.

>best friends want me to see it with them
>one of them loves nu-star wars
how do i get out?

Pay for a different movie and sneak in

how easy even is this? dont they check?

>he's never put his arm around some random chick to avoid the kill on sight no singles policy

>"It's over, Star Wars is finished" says increasingly assblasted autist on Sup Forums for the 978th time this year

Star Wars will never die at this point. Can't wait for the Jabba the Hutt solo movie

I'm going to see it because my girlfriend pre ordered tickets for us and is excited as hell. I hate Star Wars, Disney, the inane and endless rollout of shitty Marvel movies, and other absurd shit that currently holds reign over modern society. But I love her, and will hold her hand, kiss her eyes, and sit thru endless shitty Star Wars movies if it makes her smile. Love is a good balance to cynicism, anons. You want to not feel so irked by the onslaught of stupid shit around you? Find someone with whom to share your heart. Dumb entertainment will exist forever. We're lucky if love only comes even once.

She also called Rogue One a piece of horse shit, so she mostly knows what's up.

She sounds like a pleb.
>She also called Rogue One a piece of horse shit
Complete pleb

>I'm going to see it because my girlfriend pre ordered tickets


>kiss her eyes

She is a pleb. She knows it and doesn't care. And Rogue One is by far among the worst of middling shit this series has ever produced, like what the fuck are you even on about, faggot.

I got faggy and poetic. I'm a night owl, she goes to bed earlier than I do, and I like to tuck her in. I kiss her goodnight beforehand and will sometimes kiss her on her closed eyelids before shutting the door.

>kiss her eyes
Is that a figure of speech I've not heard?

It's dying out remarkably quickly though. TFA had enough hype that it should have beaten Avatar but it didn't even beat Titanic. Rogue One barely cracked $1b, TLJ will be lucky to pass $1.5b. Han Solo has far less interest than RO. In a few short years we'll be looking at capeshit numbers.

Because she's 8?

I like the new movies

Sorry bruv, but looks like Rogue One pleb filtered both of yous.

Hey, how are you. See you again in the 'In 2 weeks episode 9 comes out' thread.

29. Don't project your lust for children onto me you pedo fuck.

>everything western is dying at the same time as everything china is rising
well thats convenient

>better make another thread about how star wars is dying, and another, and another

Way to take a joke, friend.

t. bought day one tickets

Thanks, Kevin Spacey.

This is how rabidly delusional prequel apologists are. Note the escalation from praising absolute cinematic twaddle because hipster points and free attention, to actually doing it ironically, to complete rage and explosive diarrhea because nobody agrees with you, to signalling doom to the entirety of cinema because the world doesn't fit your askew views. It's what happens when a spoiled brat doesn't get their way and it's so fucking hilarious.

What the fuck are you talking about? Nothing in the original post is calling the prequel trilogy good.


It's very obvious where all this melodrama is coming from.

well its not JJ Abrams so it might be good?

See you at the next premier

>grey jedi

>In a few short years we'll be looking at capeshit numbers.

So good numbers?

I'd share my bbc with her if you don't mind

Hope you rot in jail you fucking FREAK

They should have just used CGI Tarkin from The Clone Wars.

>kiss her eyes
let me guess. you've never squozen a lime, user?

You're aware that there are people that only like the original trilogy and hate the prequel trilogy and new trilogy, right? Or does that not fit your paranoid narrative?

Doesn't matter. The collapse of Hollywood has already begun.




Grey Jedi is for edgy tweenagers/manchildren trying to get mileage out of a story made for kids.

Your personal preferences have no bearing in this conversation.

star wars will never die, thanks to disney they will just keep making new ones

The new James Bond. Marvel movies as well will never die, it will just be a constant stream of movies

>watching guardians of the galaxy meets star wars playing in the hospital on your deathbed


>kiss her eyes

this user is kino

Sup Forums will not accept him

Gee I dunno user, having a literal monopoly in charge of all these movies that don't take any risks that are made with the same cookie cutter precision sounds fucking boring.

no he sounds like a huge fag

I saw force awakens though I tried to ‘boycott’ it out of anger before coming out (red flags were there), but eventually saw it

Completely skipped rogue one in theaters, and didnt even bother watching it on Netflix. Only saw the Vader scene on YouTube

I’ll skip last Jedi, or maybe buy a ticket to a diff movie and sneak in

Like the other autists said, this franchise will never die. Of course you will have some flops here and there but they just need to wait for a few years to repeat the cycle again.
Unless, the whole hollywood current business model collapse somehow, which is possible with the uncontrollable raise of blockbuster funds to hundreds millions dollars each, making getting profit back came closer to an impossible task. And the constant rehash, reboot of ideas, plots because of course you can't risk shit anymore with such amount of money so you gotta play it safe. It's like a spiral of unavoidable downfall.
I guess that's what you get for seeking profit for the sake of seeking profit, so fuck capitalism.

Don't reply to him. He's either fishing for (You)s or genuinely delusional enough to defend TFA.

not really, the chink in chinkywood are even more jewish and actual jew with their business practice. You will know if you saw Journey to the West featuring Songoku for the 1957th time being marketed as the most fresh shit in the theater,

>it will just be a constant stream of movies
Eventually even the normies will grow sick of it.

Posting a superior version of Daisy Ridley

>this franchise will never die
Game of thrones was hot shit with the normies but they've already begun turning on it. Nothing lasts with the fickle masses, rightly or wrongly

They better wise up soon, god the Marvel formula fucking sucks.

The trick is whether or not the producers figure out that their core market is getting old, and the older people get, the more they want things that are familiar. But that doesn't tally with muh currant year, which is what the producers THINK they should be catering to.

The only thing that can save them now is the Chinese market. If that fails, then they're done.

really very pretty

Daisy a CUTE!