Assemble the boogey league

boogey bros unites

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>friend is dating girl with septum piercing
>tell him that all crazy women have this
>he gets mad at me

why do girls always make the same stupid videos?

the ultimate wonder woman to go with the Brendan/Jake Lloyd/Furlong JUST league

they do it for instagram (Yous)

heh.. i finally understand roasties now

getting (yous) feel good

don't forget drake bell

well here is another (You)


That's really all it is. A lot of us think that women slut it up online for male attention, but they actually post those pictures so other girls will tell them how good they look.

At least she still gets roles.

There's a video of Bella at some Halloween Party and she's almost topless. It's incredibly obvious she has terrible bolt-ons.

Can't wet for her big breakthrough with a lead role in Cum Farting Anal Whore #7

just leave her bra on while you fuck her


pubic hair?


she used to be so pretty. even the bella namefags gave up

It must suck to be a female, you'll go insane as an adult if you had issues with your father

this is why feminism is bad. they forced men out of their lives leaving a bunch of single "don't need no man" mothers, and women just went nuts.

and dani used to always get her tits out

no shit sherlock you see how skinny she is?

Bella's friend in the blue bikini trades stocks now.

>this is why feminism is bad. they forced men out of their lives leaving a bunch of single "don't need no man" mothers, and women just went nuts.
Remember the line "we're a generation of men raised by women" from Fight Club? I wonder if neo-feminists will ever become self-aware enough and have their own Fight Club eventually.


i dont reckon she would actually trade though right, she probably just reads off a sheet

omg Bella's body was ridiculous. why do girls have to age?

I don't know, but this shit's over my head.



~*~ only god can judge me ~*~

Severe daddy issues because she was raised without one. Mother doesn't seem to give a shit either, nor does her sister. Sad really.

Hope she shows her anus before she cleans up/dies in the next 5 years.

Women go nuts if they dont have two kids by 25
Thats the ugly truth

they go nuts if they do not have regular orgasms

I'm just here for the young bella pics/

He will, you whore.

i fite u

damn how did she travel back in time to a 1996 rave

its easy when you dress every day like it's a 1996 rave

Dani used to be so hot

crack: not even once


fuk yea

she could still look as hot as she used to. wtf. she didn't need the fake tits, or to be extra slutty, or the wear these wack costumes, or be an edgy"bisexual".

why can't she just be this girl again?

cocaine and emotional baggage is a potent combination sadly

girls don't know what makes them attractive, they only know what makes them "peacock". but you better not notice they're showing off, or else you're a chauvinist pig with only one thing on your mind. fuck all women, hypocrite reality-denying cunts

i blame her sister. bad influence.

cry with me user ;__;

she's like a female me. look at that awkward stance and expression

definitely, although for a child actor with any reasonable amount of success there's probably no shortage of potential bad influences waiting in the wings

she seemed awkward as an adult.. though this is a much better look for her than whatever the fuck shes doing now.

unfortunately she'll realize this after her 30's.

Is Kiernan the only classy waifu?


true. I'm sure somebody got their lucky grimy hands on her when she was young.

Their whole life is pathetic.
They take photos of themselves shitposing with sexual suggestive bodily positions, constantly, not because they are being photoed in a memorable life scenario, like a birthday party or a wedding, but just for attention.
Every photo they take, has to be sexualized, pouting lips, touching hair, protruding breasts ect. They even frequently take pictures of themselves in a strang position of facing awaf from the camera but with their head turned 180 degrees.
It is just pathetic at this point.
I hope the meme ends and women just going back to being regular old cunts, not duckface cunts like they are now.

and you...
a cunt

This isn't exclusive to women at all. Even as a man, issues with parents can fuck you up.

Yep. If you want to see what happens to guys with no dad or divorced parents, just go to /r9k/ or Sup Forums and look at the soyboys there. So much eternal buttmad. Never had a real childhood or strong figure to emulate.

because they lead empty lives

I never had a father, was raised by a physically abusive mother, went in foster care, children homes in my teens and I didnt turn out to be a soy boy.
Though I can tell you the fucked up childhood is a foundation for a fucked up future life.
If I had a dad maybe he would have done the decent thing and slap the shit out of my bitch mother to put her in place.

Women imo, just turn out to be loose sluts without a father figure. Well more of a loose slut that if they had a dad.

This is what a soyboy thinks a man is. He thinks beating up his mom would have made him whole.

Sorry faggot. You're a broken retard. You'd be better off dead and the world would never miss you when you're gone. Now go back to r9gay, you fucking Sup Forumstard and tell me how Trump's your new daddy. Then you can KYS

>all these memes in one post
>trying this hard

I'm not meming, Soyboy. I'm legit telling you to end your pathetic life. You already admitted that your foundation is fucked up for your future life. Why bother? You'll never get it together. Just sleep forever. Way more painless than being an edgy virgin.


I guess you have no response or backbone. Sorry, I expected too much out of a fucking soyboy. Your daddy never was there to make you able to stand up for yourself. Go cry on reddit or whatever the fuck you soyboy faggots do.


>He thinks slapping woman who forgot her place and does too much retarded shit is bad

West is truly dead

Forget him, that faggot is just fishing for (you)s the irony that his life is that sad he needs (you)s to validate himself..... Soyboy is evident

She was ruined poor girl


saved this vid as skeletondance.mp4

Why do you do this to me, user?


Word. The increasing prevalence of nonmarried parents is going to ruin the next generation of kids.

Already did. Just check out Sup Forums and /r9k/.

is she what ebonics refer to as a thot?

poor pupper


I unfortunately didnt have a dad growing up and it took me around a full 4 years or so to get my shit together unlike my friends from stable homes

Luckily my grandparents were pretty much around just as my mother so I was lucky enough to have my redpilled to fuck grandad show me shit


Literally the outcome from unparented children. They become nuts. Lots of guys know that girl who is absolutely madly in love with you at first, crazy in love, and then out of nowhere just turns off you. Thats the borderline in her natural element.

You should never cater to women who act like that and just ignore their existence until they come crawling back. Either way, it will drive them mad if you don't cater to them and just continue your life as if nothing changed.

fuck man, that's been every girl to me.


This is very real. Just happened to me.

he's not fooling anyone

Its an interesting thing, Id suggest reading up on it. I've dated 2 girls with it, maybe 3 or 4 really.

They literally revere you as a God at first, and it's the most intense worship from a girl. And then they "split" (this is a real term) and randomly for no reason absolutely hate you.

The latest girl I knew she had it so I was prepared for the splitting, but my unconscious mind still missed the constant adoration and praise for doing nothing in particular.

The first time I dated one I was so confused though. Now I'm not confused at all.

The reddit forums for borderline girls are very insightful.

my dad died 4 years ago i know that feel

who else going off the fucking rails here


chad masterace here having no dad still fucks you up even if you had a good relationship with both your parents

my dad left as soon as i turned 18 so he wouldn't have to pay child support


>having no dad
>good relationship with both your parents

Your reading comprehension is shit

mine was 70 when he died and i was 24, had a great relationship

fuck..,. you

really made me think

Is there even any music playing? Because no one seems to be dancing in the background?

Is this the STD thread?

READ my post

your writing ability is shit

>[muffled party rockers in the house tonight in the distance]

more like blunder woman

I think they "split" once the novelty wears off and you can't live up to the ideal they've built up in their fucked mind. She insisted I was the one who made her like that even though I was better to her than most guys would be. She's in for a rude awakening when she starts dating again.

I'd love to have all that money I put into the relationship back. Pump and dump, kids.