The Alpha Chad Grimm Nick vs the Virgin Winchester brothers

The Alpha Chad Grimm Nick vs the Virgin Winchester brothers

Vote ya pussies

Vote for Nick. Exhibit A

I mean what beta pussy soyboys would vote for these?

Pictured: an alpha male hunting his would-be cum dumps

A soyboy came in and voted for the Losechesters?

A reminder that these are who you voted for. He crying because he knows he's beta pussy and he longs for Nick's dick inside him

Please. The Winchester bros are total chads that come through towns, slay your monsters and fuck your local qts. They get emotional and share a strong brotherly bond because they aren't insecure about their feelings. Beta virgins need not understand

i gave up in this shit about 10 years ago did it get any better?

>10 years ago
Season 4-5 are kino as fuck and most of Sup Forums will agree with you

Some of those who stuck with the show swear on their lives that 10-13 are marked improvements

Nick's superstrength will wipe the floor with those two fagchesters

The bros took down literal gods. Who cares about superstrength

I think i gave up aroudn season 6? Not sure

>needing muh super strength to get the job done
Even more power to the bros. The most alpha moment superman had in the DCAU was when he lost his powers and had to survive and fight off wolves.

Modern day Vikings user, how can Grimm even compete.

Nick is number one

>this much hardcore samefagging about this Nick faggot


Nick actually looks like a preppy gay guy. The winchesters always end up winning.

What is with the sudden Grimm vs Supernatural threads recently?

As someone who has watched all seasons of Supernatural and currently at Grimm 1, the similarities between the two shows end at the main character(s) being guys that wear plaids and use guns to fight supernatural creatures.

The Winchesters have fought stronger enemies that are cosmic tier and they actively seek and hunt monsters while Nick, despite being blessed with super strength and reflexes, only deals with creatures if they are coincidentally involved with a criminal case in his home town. Nick's opponents are also, by far, very mundane and small game. The two are not comparable at all.

Supernatural and the Winchesters win. Whoever voted for Nick probably just has a hate boner for Supernatural because of heavy misconceptions about the show.

They're officially immortal now. New Death said they're not allowed to die yet.

i'd let all 3 run a train on me

Show's on 13 by now so i took your 10 years ago comment literally

6 is still one of the decent post-Kripke seasons

The rest of my comment earlier stands

I think it's the same guy from that thread a couple days back. Same file names too

10 ppl voted for him

Stop trying to make Grimm happen. It's finished and everything after the second season sucked donkey testicles. Or is this an attempt to do syndication advertising?

It doesnt take away the samefagging in the comments. This thread had like 3 posters 10 posts in

Honestly I can enjoy two shows for what they are but they are in separate lanes. This comparison is stupid

>sucked donkey balls
And Supernatural?

It went downhill after the fifth season.

It still has good moments too. Nick has been boring from the start to finish. The main bad thing about Supernatural is 1. Lack of direction post S5 2. Obnoxious fanbase.

Where is the gypsy gasser himself in this?

>Lack of direction post S5
I really don't agree. I like the different big bads and new missions. It's not lacking direction just because there's no dad/demon/angel/satan story that continues season after season.

Canceled. Shame because it was great

And uphill again around the 10th. Grimm on the other hand never peaked great.

It hurts every day.


Admittedly, I really liked S12 and like S13 so far, I liked the Brits and it's a shame they killed that arc early by turning them into villains.

Supernatural still had direction post s5

Heaven vs Hell Apocalypse
Demons > stronger demons > angels > archangels
Unorthodox monster behavior/patterns > pack leaders > alphas, ancient monsters + new monsters > hybrid monsters > Eve Mother of All Monsters > The Old Ones/Leviathans a.k.a. the First Beasts

Only in 8-10 did the direction of the story really stumble and that's because the showrunner hated having bigger big bads every season

Ironically, he came up with his most cohesive season and the one with the best direction when he came up with the biggest bad the series had yet with 11's the Darkness

Grimm is great. Then again, I like cheesy fantasy stuff like Legend of the Seeker so this was right up my alley. Never seen Supernatural, just not interested.

Supernatural has done Grimm-based stories even better than Grimm.

Supernatural 3's Bedtime Stories did Red Riding Hood better than Grimm's Pilot, for example.

Nick wins. Give it up, Loserchesters

Is he the king of nu males

Yeah and his oppositions are the queens of nu males

I watched Grimm the first few seasons, but after his partner (Hank?) found out, they changed the team dynamics from Nick and Monroe to include him and it was shit. Also, that dumb baby plot.

>Nick winning as he should

Looks like Winchesters get bottom bunk if you get what I mean

I'm shocked and so happy to see my boy Nick winning

Does Hank get any action?

What the fuck is this poll and what is with the obsession on sexual innuendos? Projection of insecurity? Supernatural fans still have new episodes to look forward to so really who's losing here?

Still watchable. Grimm went so far off the rails I just read a summery of the last couple episodes.



Pick one.

>a manlet ever topping sam winchester
>a manlet having a huge dick


Is on its 13th season. When will Grimm?

His prizes are Winchester dicks inside his holes



>the Winchesters when Nick unzips his dick

Has this limp dick Nick come back to life yet

gayest thread on Sup Forums right now
why are you people such fags?


>inb4 it's OP assmad he picked up the fight and then lost anyway
What a fag

>The widening gap


it's coming back on CW next year

Fuck well, at least it looks good and they still have matt ryan.

Lol u wish, fag. Give it up grimmfags

these look so, so bad. fucking americans

This is horrendous. Never make this thread and never try to come after Supernatural again

The Brits were pretty cool. And Lucifer being back has been a real boon for the show. Didn't really like the whole billie turning into death thing though, that's admittedly because I don't like billie.

Supernatural bros let's just have a thread of our own

>26 posters
>25 superCHADurals
>1 faggot OP btfo because his gay thread and his even gayer tv series failed so hard that he had to samefag 80% of the posts and use proxies to fake his faggot poll and still lost

But user, this IS our thread now

Yeah but i dont want to see anymore of the Grimm crap polluting our discussions

Okay bro, I make.

For a guy who was just a detective before learning about Grimm stuff he's surprisingly good at combat and okay with killing people.

I would hope a cop knows how to fucking fight and shoot. How is this a point for Grimm?

59%/41%, huh, that many people here watched Grimm?

Are american cops given sword training?

yes, they're required to carry one whenever they don't have their gun

>calling fairy tale monsters people

They're not. As evidenced by the fact that only the one werewolf thing main character can manage to ignore his nature for more than 3 seconds.

Some grimmfags are probably samefagging while the others are just voting against Supernatural more than voting for Grimm

Ive never seen a Grimm thread reach 100 responses here


What a waste of story telling


The Winchesters defeated Lucifer and God's sister. Step up, nigga.


This one is about to