Le every man that hates gays is secretly gay himself propaganda

>le every man that hates gays is secretly gay himself propaganda

What did liberals mean by this?

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It's basically a gay man's fantasy


>its a soyboy pretends he isn't a soyboy episode
I don't know OP, thats basically your life right there.

you are now aware that homos fantasize about turning straight men gay

It's not so much hating guys, but specifically the 'being gay is a choice' crowd.
If the only thing stopping a guy from sucking dick is him choosing to not suck dicks then that guy is a faggot.

>Gay men want to get fucked by homophobes

Not all gays are self-hating, y'know.

I dunno. Every man I’ve ever met who hates people for something that has nothing to do with them has been a faggot

Any modern meme word that ends with "phobia" is just another playbook example of liberal shaming and deflecting arguments.

>being a brainlet so you think he was actually gay
Oh dear.

>portrays one homophobe as an in-the-closet gay
>"hurrr dumb kike probagahda tryna say that errbady who h8s fags iz a fag demselves nice try juuz i am smart and redpelld and i don't like dick i sweer"

Seventh post best post

straight guys fantasize about making lesbians love dick, so that makes sense

I don't understand that argument, or why it's even seen as a bad thing. Homosexuality is the result of a mental imbalance, the only choice involved is to act on it. Why would white religious conservatives deny that it's the result of a brain problem? It doesn't resolve them of responsibility, if that's their problem with it. You can have a mental imbalance and not immediately take it to ten like the pride parade faggots do.

aren't they by nature?

>Hating gays
Why tho?


Why would they be? Not all gays come from upbringings that teach them homosexuality is wrong, and even of the ones that do, if they don't kill themselves or fall into depression/drugs they learn to accept themselves.

Yeah I resent being called an arachnophobe, fuck spiders man git dem libruls out, freedom and my american patriotism means anyone who doesnt think & vote like I do is defective.

Btw I'm being sarcastic

>Not all gays come from upbringings that teach them homosexuality is wrong

>People who are attracted to men want to have sex with attractive men
Weird though how the only guys worried about gay men objectifying them are ugly people who would never actually be the object of a gay man's desire.

Because all males gays are victims of pedophiles? Faggotry is just their unhealthy way of indulging in the vicious cycle and none of that lifestyle is healthy.


Why are you doing this to me user, i just fapped.

It's really only third world shitholes like burgerland

I'm not quite sure what part of that sentence you object to.

Phobia added to things that people don't fear, but rather dislike

I suck dick and was never molested. What now?

Why do you dislike gays if you don't fear them? Even if it's an abstract (I fear what they're doing to my society) sort of thing.

>Because all males gays are victims of pedophiles?
Then where did the original gay come from? Checkmate Agayists!

Oh you mean that one beacon of world power that every other country is literally obsessed over, the place with a higher quality of life then 99% of the planet, that third world shithole?

>mcdonalds actually believes this

When guys look at a fuckboi and get hard it angers them to the core because they hate that a boy can make their beautiful Christian dick hard and it contradicts their “muh natural state” arguments and so they go crazy with self hate and project it on the twinks they themselves wanna fuck.

Wow I don't like how mushrooms taste or feel I guess that means I'm mushroomphobic?

Basically this.

t. Straight-acting faggot that used to pick on effeminate kids in high school

Just wanna point out that this is exactly what Best Korean's think about their country too DESU.

So you just dislike a group of people for no reason that you can actually explain? Doesn't that seem like a waste of energy?

From the original pedophile.

Never said that, I'm pointing out that your logic was flawed.

Do you also get pissed off that hydrophobic is used by scientists and engineers to describe molecules that repel water?

Except you didn't. My logic was that the root cause of homophobes hatred of gays usually stems from some fear of the implication of accepted homosexuality.

Perhaps not always, but more often than not .

fucking (((scientists))) pushing their gay agenda into the water supply

Yes, absolutely livid.
That isn't true, you're wrong.

Tb.h let me explain this to you:
Having very strong feelings against someone that doesn't affect your life in any way is the oft quoted "projection". You are so afraid of your own homolust, and it's so hurtful to your ego, that you externally (consciously) hate homos. That way you convince yourself that you aren't a homo, because how can you hate something that you yourself is?
It's a clever little trick. But it's 2017 you dont have to feel bad if you want to suck dick.

>What did liberals mean by this?
Sam Mendes has no idea how humans work. Which was the problem in Skyfall and Spectre

ITT closeted faggots


So then why do most people who hate gay people fucking hate gay people?

Because if it's not from a fear of being fucked by a dude or fear of the collapse of society or whatever, I honestly don't know how they can justify hating a group of human beings that have done nothing to them.

Friendly reminder that you're just another "pseudo-educated" mutt that is too retarded to know that the word "arachnophobia" was invented in 1920s which is 50 years earlier than the first use of word "homophobia" - back when words actually had scientific meaning behind them and weren't simply used as a pseudo social-political buzzword to further push your retarded agendas.

>doesn't affect your life in any way
That would be true but most of these people do believe that gays will affect their life because of their religion.
The people who hate gays are exclusively religious nuts and if they don't do their best to convert everyone to the 'correct' way of life then they think they'll get burned in hell for the rest of time.

>fuck im from le wrong generation, wish i could have been born in the 20s when it was ok to hate those NIGGERS and FAGGOTS

t. closet faggot
If you think being gay is a choice to act on your gay thoughts or not, that’s because you have gay thoughts and are a gay. You can say you’re straight because you don’t do gay shit, but if you have to fight any kind of urge, you’re already a faggot .

Thank you for understanding.

I don't hate gays I just want them to stop hitting on me and also give back the rainbow and the word fag. Those are ours. You can keep queer even though I want that back too.

>Scientific meaning
What about ? What politically-motivated reason did the people who coined the phrase "hydrophobic" to refer to a molecular property have for doing so?

I kindly doubt there are any considerable amount of homophobes on this planet because I've yet to hear/see an irrational fear of gays.

I've seen people dislike gays, but that's not a phobia.

>Call a group of people a word
>Get mad when they use the word to describe themselves

The fuck?

>just want them to stop hitting on me
Get uglier then you motherfucker.

>I just want them to stop hitting on me
I can guarantee that has literally never happened to you

Well yeah accepted homosexuality leads legalizing murder by AIDS and tranny children.

fuck of you fucking retard
how do you explain all those guys at /gif/ who have ovetsimulated themselves with so much with porn they now watch tranny/sissy hypno por
of course it can also be a choice
overindulding in sexual deviant behaviour evetually desensitises to vannila sex
were they gay to begin with fuck no?

>Lipophobia: a chemical property of chemical compounds which means "fat rejection", literally "fear of fat".

>Oleophobic: the physical property of a molecule that is seemingly repelled from oil.

And the list goes on and on.

The word Economy is also based on two Greek words: Oikos, meaning 'House' and nomos, meaning 'Rules/Norms'. So literally "House Rules".
Having a Greek suffix does not mean it has to have the literal definition of that suffix.

While phobos has been used to describe actual fears, it has also been used simply to describe a repulsion or dislike of something. This isn't due to a political conspiracy, it's just how fucking language works.

Then there you go. You fear homosexuality. You are a homophobe by the literal definition of its Greek root words.

I miss the word gay.
I wonder if people nowadays when reading older texts and see gay they think the author meant homosexual?

>Eat, drink, and be gay,
Banish all worry and sorrow,
Laugh gaily today,
Weep, if you're sorry, tomorrow!


Just come out already.

>that doesn't affect your life
Still trying to push this propaganda?
Dude, we're in the "BAKE THAT CAKE" era, you can stop, it's clear to everyone you're telling nothing but lies.

>were they gay to begin with fuck no?
Just because you don't discover you like dick until later in life doesn't mean you weren't previously capable of liking dick. There are plenty of people who watch thousands of hours of porn and never once venture over to traps and gay shit.

yeah am i the only one who though he only did that to distract him from his son and realised it didn`t work because he "supposedly" likes young guys

>I miss the word gay.
No you don't. You were never alive when it was fucking used in that way. Gay has meant homosexual since the fucking 70s.

Word hydrophobia was literally invented in late middle English circa XVII century. Again nothing to do with the modern trend of adopting smart sounding Latin and Greek words and attaching them to idiotic terms like "transphobia". I have nothing against the word "phobos" itself but I roll my eyes when some triggered minority attaches it to anything and everything just for the sake of adding some sort of credibility to their pseud-scientific argumentation.

I'll just leave this here


I'm sorry, but any baker who won't bake a cake because their customers happen to be gay is a fucking retard.

We could force everyone in the world to use the word 'Gayist' and 'Transist' if that's what you really want. I don't see what difference it would make. You'd still be just as much of an insecure faggot

So what alternative word that is easy, concise, and instantly recognizable by most English speakers would you use to describe someone who hates gay people but has no fear of them?

I just think it's pretty comical that you legitimately believe language has developed this way due to some ulterior motive.

You moron you devalue yourself when you are claiming that you are that susceptible to imbecilic 'propaganda'.
>B-but think of the kids!!

Yes user, everyone who despises gays is secretly gay too. 90% of male population of Eastern Europe are secretly gay. It's almost a miracle that they're still among us!

ah c`mon dont give me that crap
i`ve seen tons of those guys battle with the same cognitive dissonance again and gain
"i dont think i could ever do it with dudes, the though is just gross, yet i want to feel dominated and submissive as a girl"
this is clearly some sort of mental damage being done before our very eyes its just that it takes its own time with different people
some people pull through yet some are susceptible to catching the gay
a lot of other factors contribute
mental state like being depressed etc, physical state - consuming xenoestrogen loaded products
etc.. etc..
thats just the tip of the iceberg but go on and continute denying this

>Strawmanning the entire argument

Has that strategy worked for you in the past?

There comes a point where if you're spending an hour and a half drawing a guy getting poz'd and a prolapsed anus in decorative frosting on a cake as a business owner you should have a right to refuse them service.

It's their shop so they should be allowed to deny whoever they want desu. Now if this happens for a stupid reason or fucks their business in the long run is another thing DESU.

The only difference is that we (U.S.) actually have access to information outside of our country.

Because it's true. Tell me right now why they keep finding leading anti-gay crusaders from the republican party naked in public bathrooms with other men.

I don't mean I'm nostalgic for it, hell I'm not even a native English speaker and gay has only ever meant homo in my language as far as I know. I just think it's a very nice word to describe happiness with and I miss that we no longer can use it for that purpose. Also sort of like how epic and awesome now just kinda means amazing and not enormous. Well epic still has some grandness still left in it.

Nobody refuses to bakes cakes to gay people. That's the whole point of discussion and the reason why "gays are discriminated against because they can't marry each other" is a flat out lie.
People may refuse, and they're right to do so, to bake cakes for gay "weddings".

Good example of a strawman user

>calls somebody a strawman
>Strawmans the whole debate about being or not being secretly gay as a homophobe on the basis of a single example
You're literally too retarded to argue with but please keep using buzzwords.

Lets assume these people really are being turned into bicurious men/trans women by extreme porn addiction and mental issues. That still doesn't make it a fucking choice. Does it?

And those people are not the average gay guy. They're a small enough population they barely even count as outliers.

not all people who hate gays are repressed faggots but all repressed faggots hate gays

>Homophobes are more likely to have gay thoughts than non-homophobes

That is the argument. That has always been the argument. If you did not know that was the argument, you're probably retarded or underraged. That's what every study on the topic has implied, it's what every article published on the idea states.

Now, your response implied that the argument was "All homophobes are secretly gay". If you honestly thought that was the argument your opponent was making, then I guess your'e right. You were strawmanning, you just misunderstood the argument and again, are probably either very unintelligent or a child. If you did actually know what the argument is, and you chose to deliberately misrepresent it, it is the definition of strawmanning.

So hopefully at the very least this encounter has taught you what the real argument is and always has been. Here is an article that spells it out and sites 4 studies which conclude similarly.

So go on and be more educated. Thank you for your time.

It's basic story progression for almost every piece of fetish fiction you can imagine.

"I don't like X."



Now that's nostalgic.

Not him but those studies are shit. The either don't get replicated or they use stuff like priming and IATs which are of less than stellar quality if we want to state it delicately.
Also, the argument only makes sense in homophilic countries.

As a bisexual man, I hate faggots. Disgusting freaks, all of them.

Just why can't they act like normal people?

Source of gif please

>Also, the argument only makes sense in homophilic countries.
But nobody has ever tried to make sweeping arguments about the nature of homophobia with these arguments. They're almost always only referring to modern western homophobes.

Thinking his opinion counts


>But nobody has ever tried to make sweeping arguments about the nature of homophobia
I've seen that type of argument be made several times, actually.

what if i just find gay people gross and think they should be ashamed of being disgusting faggots? why don't we get a straight pride parade? why don't people lobby for straight peoples disgusting fetishes to become legal? i'll tell you why, because gay people are being used as a weapon just like black people to crush the spirit of the common folk while making themselves look like the underdogs, when they are literally not discriminated against at all and haven't been for like 10-20 years.

Cry harder.

Then those people are idiots. They certainly don't represent the majority of the gay community or even the evil liberal left.