Theories on how this fucker going to get off of Skull Island to fight Godzilla in 2020?

Theories on how this fucker going to get off of Skull Island to fight Godzilla in 2020?

i dont care as long as he gets there and they fight

somalian pirates give him a lift


steal a boat

is this real

>look at me
>i am the chimp now

If they're going to size him up to actually be able to fight Godzilla effectively like they planned, there's no way he's getting on a boat and I don't see him swimming across the ocean to get to him. It's not like the studio is going to base the fight on Skull Island cause no one wants to see that


Simple. Ghidorah will capture him and set him against Godzilla. They will fight for some time before realizing Ghidorah is the real menace then team up to defeat Ghidorah.

i would pay millions to see him teleport behind godzilla

>Theories on how this fucker going to get off of Skull Island to fight Godzilla in 2020?


there's tunnels in the ground, it's explained in the movie

>Oogaa booga, nothin' personal kid

He's not, Godzilla's coming to Skull Island

isn't godzilla like 100 times his size?

The better question is how does he manage to live on an island that is so small compared to him? He can completely explore it in one day, and sitting down on those palm trees would be like chopsticks up the ass. No wonder he's pissed.

I want it to be like my Japanese animes

oh shit i forgot about that

jesus christ leg day fuck

Yes, it is a real 100ft ape

1) Island gigantism (it's a real thing)
2) It's a fantasy/sci-fi, shit doesn't make sense

This will probably be it. That will also explain where Ghidorah, Rodan, and Mothra were hiding.

Skull Island gets nuked in between movies and gives Kong atomic punches and multiplies his size by 100

Skull Island movie is set in the 70s, so they could explain it as him growing during 50 years.

My issue isn't how they make him grow, it's that he'll look fucking stupid, for some reason I have a harder time seeing a hairy mammal that big

Yeah, it's implied he's a kid or an adolescent in Skull Island, I guess it'll be explained by a growth spurt.

Really, it doesn't matter too much, the original Kong vs Godzilla didn't explain shit, he was just massive and didn't even live on skull island.

Will this comic finally be answered?

There's no way they can get him out of Skull Island so my guess is that the movie will take place in Skull Island with a more grown Kong fighting Godzilla but then teaming up to fight the bigger evil 3 headed dragon called Ghidorah because he's the official villain for the monsterverse

My theory is that at the end of Godzilla 2, Godzilla will eventually end up in Skull Island and the final shot will be the hand of Kong or something