Have you tried karagarga? :^)
The movie doesn’t even obey its internal logic. The museum’s snooty overboss, Elna, played by Swedish musician Marina Schiptjenko, is depicted in one scene as appalled by the “viral” video advertising for The Square exhibition; she’s worried about funding, among other things. In almost the very next scene she sits placidly and appreciatively while some of her benefactors are assaulted in the name of art.
The conceptual-fish-in-a-barrel potshots at contemporary art alternate with an ostensible critique of masculinity and privilege, building to a climax that endorses a compassion that’s mealy-mouthed and insufficient. For all the skill and polish on display, “The Square” is never anything beyond facile and pleased with itself.
It says something unsettling about the times that the Palme d’Or was awarded this year at Cannes to a work so flat-out reactionary.
>movies you cant even find online
not really people fault when they dont watch this shit
Hell Or High Water is amazing. You gotta like Western though, politics, social commentary & economics at the same time to appreciate it.
Movies tha feature Gadsen Flags are rarely bad.
Killing of a Sacred Deer was mediocre as fuck,you are definetly a brainlet
adam driver looks like that?
That's been on my to-watch list for a while now, but I can't find it anywhere yet. Though, I haven't checked this week.
WR was okay, but then it showed a flashback of what happened and that sort of took me out of it. It was obvious what happened before the flashback, but they had to have the flashback simply for the normies. Everything else was fairly good though.
>It says something unsettling about the times that the Palme d’Or was awarded this year at Cannes to a work so flat-out reactionary.
Conservatism is the new counterculture. Marxism films aren't in vogue anymore. Get over it.
I also don't have a kg account. I abandoned all my private tracker shit when what.cd went down in a fit of rage but as far as I remember it wasn't too hard to get into kg. Is it available there ?
Maybe I'll try and rewatch it at a later point in time.
You should definetely read more. Start with the greeks and finish the /lit/ top 100 charts for the last few years.
I'm saying this only because people that don't like that movie don't really read. This is not "I read therefore I'm superior" it's some advice. Imagine watching like 0 movies and starting with Primer or some shit.
But did you like Hell or High Water ?
I hope one day Sup Forums can get rid of wannabe pseudo intellects who fantasizes on capeshit bullshits of last jedi, batman, blade runner remakes and cant fuckin digest the actual good cinema
federico fellini gives a big fuck u to all plebs